Storm’s Eye




Falcon feels his prayers are useless. Snowen has only one plan. Star's absence was badly timed. Fuchsann feels as if she'll burst any minute now.

“Approximately 5 minutes left, Fuchsann...” Snowen sighs. Falcon can't bare to look at Fuchsann, fearing he'll lose her while gazing into her heavenly blue eyes, while feeling her soft black hands, while looking at her...

Fuchsann pries his eyes to meet her. It is clear that she wishes for him to witness her last moments of life. She takes a few steps away from the boys, then she starts spitting up blood.

Snowen doesn't hesitate, and starts pulling a huge contraption out of the space-compressor. He straps the item onto himself, then grabs the handles of 2 giant extremities from his back. The 20-13 covers his hands and fuses with the metal. A low humming penetrates the silence, followed by clicking from millions of tiny hatches flipping open. A shoulder-2-hand dual concussion cannon\xD4.

Falcon prepares himself for the worst.

Fuchsann falls face down, and as she hits the ground, she sort of explodes.

Blood and fur splatters the ground, and in the middle of it all a small shadow lies. Snowen's cannon starts humming louder and with a higher pitch.

The little shadow stands up and looks about. Snowen gives it a bit of thought, and decides to take a shot. The cannon flares up, and seconds later a big chunk of land vanishes in a blue explosion. “Shit!” The little demon offspring is frightened and scurries off at an amazing speed. Falcon just kind of stands there. Quite baffled by what has just happened... He lost her... to death.

Snowen is really disappointed by his little gun. And he too misses a certain someone. The both of them wish for the dead to come back to life, but doesn't really express their feelings. “I could really go for a drink now...” Snowen says with a heavy heart. Falcon doesn't really listen to what Snowen says, but; “Yeah... Me too...” Surprisingly enough, they see a glowing sign a bit in the distance, reading “Bub's Pub”. The duo sets forth to quench their thirst, maybe even forget a thing or two...