Storm’s Eye: Legacy




The earlier years of my life are a thing of the past. Nothing special really happened before I, Joon Fredrik Storm, and my twin sister, Star, turned 14.

Well… Some situations before that time did become quite memorable to me. I know little of the things that happened before the age of 4-5, but after that certain episodes permanently scars my mind. My father, Joon “0.03/Jade Falcon Storm”, told me that he and my mother, Xeni “0.01/Fuchsann” Storm, “made” me and Star when they still were on a planet called Tellus. Star and I were born in the Moon-Dreamers territory. Sadly, due to certain laws, mother , uncle Zaz “0.02/Snowen”, and I were forced to move to the Star-Gazer’s as soon as Star and I were off the breast milk. Lucky for mom we wanted lot’s of it… Zaz forced the SG-council to let him get certain “privileges”, he had them in an iron grip with his anti-/terrorist knowledge, and a weapon or two, or 200.

He managed to get my father’s clone, Eve, to come with him into SG-territory. Then he got a nice house for us. He works as a mercenary/law-enforcer, though he enforces his own laws mostly.

Mother ensured the right of my survival, thank god, so I could live to experience and tell a few tales. Mom’s “rituals of bloodright” is by far the most memorable, I didn’t see what happened to her the first time, but to me it was mysterious and confusing at that age. It’s the earliest memory I have I guess…