As the dark soldiers approach the female cat furre stands tall with her Katana unsheathed.

A breeze picks up with the scent of the impending battle, her dark Medium length hair waves in the wind and she glares at the oncoming soldiers.

The dark sky looms over head and begins to rain as a bolt of lightning lances down from the sky.

she takes a stance and holds her Katana in front of her. Her facial features are grim yet seductive. Her eyes have a golden tinge to them.

 She is wearing Black light Armor and she has solid black fur with a white patch on her chest.

 the soldiers rush upon her and she blocks most attacks, she takes a hit on the leg and she falls down.

She painfully climbs to her feet as blood oozes from her leg.

She grimaces and swipes at the furre that sliced her leg, his head falls off and rolls to the ground.

She takes note of the rest of the warrior furres, which she counts 12 of them all after her.

This is impossible, I like it. She thinks.

She smiles as two warriors attack at once, she blocks a swipe to the head and side steps the other warriors attack.

She finishes both of them of with a fatal stab to the chest and a cut to the head.