Storm’s EyeLegacy


Purple moon


Miraculously, I managed to sneak out to the garage. I didn’t know how anyone would respond to my wish of returning to SG-territory, but I guess it would have been opposed.

I learnt from the Insta-School how to fully operate the X0-skeleton. I pulled the suit’s mask over my head, then got into the skeleton.

I was on my way.

The moon shined stronger than any streetlight, pale and blue.

The weather was turning slowly to winter, and the trees were shedding their leaves. The plentiful colors raining down with the wind.

The run was long and lonely, and I wasn’t even halfway when I came to that conclusion.

It gave me time to think though… Reflect upon my past…

The days of happiness, the months of torment and fear, the years of having a crush and not having the guts to do anything about it.

Raging flames drove my body, chilling sorrow moved my spirit.

I was furious and sad. Red and blue. Purple.

My eyes were running a bit, my legs more so. I didn’t know whose address I was running to. I didn’t know if it was Foxxy, Trax, Loke, Liz, Bog, or Red who had put their address on the letter. It mattered little to me.

My feet kicked harder and faster, my heart did accordingly. The moon seemed to look accusingly at me. But I knew in my heart that I didn’t kill those people… They killed me, then got cremated along with me…

It’s all seeing eye saw straight through me, I wanted to end it all then and there, as I’ve wanted so many other times.

The trees were employed by the moon to see to my execution. They were flesh-tearing beasts, waiting for an opportunity to lash at me…

I was scared…

I had been running for hours and finally started to see signs of civilization.

Then certain landmarks revealed my position.

Rasha’s Park was one of them. I found my way to Zil’s house.

Seemed like I had stayed faithful to my promise, as it was written outside on the pavement.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t dare to disturb the house, as I probably had a bounty on my head. I burnt a little heart into the pavement… Just to show her that my aim is true.


Half an hour later I was outside the house the address pointed to. It looked pretty much average. It was four in the morning, and the moon was still out.

I got out of the skeleton and gave it a “follow” command.

I knew it was late/early, but I rang the doorbell. I pulled back the mask.

The door eventually went up. It was obviously Foxxy’s house. Her long, wavy, blond hair was not to mistake.

“What do you want?” She said, tired and grumpy.

“Uhm… Well…” I had no former experience talking to sex-symbols “I’m here because of the letter…”

Foxxy stretches a bit, revealing her underwear beneath the black silk robe.

“What letter?”

I dug the letter out of the suit and gave it to her. She skimmed through and suddenly woke up. “Come in, before anyone sees you…” She suddenly said.


“Where should I leave the machine?” I asked her. She looks behind me and trips, shocked by the sight of the X0-skeleton. Her badly tied robe flew open. I helped her up and said “I control it, so don’t be scared…”

“Please, just… just leave it in the hall…” She says a bit shook up, tying her robe. I compact the skeleton neatly into a corner and follow closely the sexy tail, sticking out of the split on the bottom of the robe. “There’s a bounty on you, you know…” She said. “Ten million crowns, just as much as we rake in after a few concerts…”

She lead me into her kitchen. “Looks like I’m starting early today…”

She put on a pot of coffee. Foxxy’s kitchen was pretty much what one would expect it to be… Nothing really fancy…

“I really hope you have something to defend yourself with…” Foxxy bends over to get some stuff out of her fridge. “The cops have been crazy ever since you killed that gladiator…”

“I have these…” I said and extracted the SMGs, then put them back.

“Aren’t you a bit young for those?”

I just shrugged my shoulders…

“Coffee?” She asked as she stretched for some mugs. “Sure…”

There is a first for everything. Coffee tasted crap, but somehow it was good.

Foxxy was really nice to me… Served me a nice breakfast.

“What the hell drove you to come back here?” She asked with a roll in her hand. I looked down at my hands. “Love… I guess…”

“I’m sorry, but I’m a bit old for you…” She started laughing, so did I. “But seriously… What’s her name?” “Zil Lyren,”

“Lyren… Lyren… Where have I heard that before…” She thought aloud “Oh, silly me… Kyle Lyren, the carpenter. Is that her dad?” “I think so…”

We ate silently for a minute. “Zaz Storm is your uncle, right?”

I nodded, as my mouth was full. “Maybe he hasn’t told you this, but he made The Red League what it is. Though we used to be a few more…”

Why did this not surprise me? That uncle had a finger in the game, I mean.

“Rob and Bot of Klockwork Foxx used to be members of The League, and they’re still trying to convince Trax to join them… What do you think of that?” “Why did they go their own way in the first place?”

“They wanted to focus their energy on pure techno and such, they thought we didn’t do enough of it,”

Rob and Bot. The techno-twins, as they also were called. Musical geniuses that are able to mix simple beats and sounds into hits. I don’t see why they need Trax, as he does just the same thing as them, only single-handed.

The last sip of coffee was the most bitter, the roll with cheese doused the taste.

Foxxy looked up at the wall behind me. “Five… And you woke me at four or so…” “I’m terribly so…” I tried to apologize. “Nononono… I’m quite honored to house a wanted criminal,” She smiled like only she can.

The wanted-thing worried me a bit… I would hate to jeopardize her safety on account of me. As uncle Zaz had told me sometimes for some time ago; “Always be prepared for the worst. Reasons; A) Nothing does happen and the skies seem so much bluer and grass greener afterwards. And B) SHOULD something happen, well, then you’re prepared!”

I loved those little sayings he popped into my head…

“You know what?” Foxxy looked up from her plate “I want to see to that you get to see that Zil-girl again… What do you say?”

I barely got time to open my mouth, when she already had an answer. “Great… I’ll pull a few threads and you’ll see her within the hour. Guaranteed,”

Is it me, or does my life more or less revolve around Zil? Or relationships with girls at all?

The worst thing that could happen to me is probably that Zil turns out to be in love with someone else, and her kissing me was just for good luck…

Foxxy got on the phone, talked to Loke. My phone started beeping, strangely enough. “Yeah…?” I answered the little thing. “Aren’t we brave?” It was dad… I was probably going get a verbal lashing.

“You could’ve at least told me if you had an urge to go there…” He said quite understanding. “Sorry… I had some… “business” to attend to…”

Dad started laughing on the other end. “You’re mom’s right you know… That you’ve turned quite the likeness of me,”

I guess I underestimated my father…

“Just try not to die or anything, cause if you do it’ll kill both me and mom. And I’m pretty sure the girls will miss you too, but who cares…? Just be careful, alright?” “I will take that in consideration…” “Good enough… See ya,” He hung up. Foxxy was still talking to Loke. “Just say she’s won “a day with The League” or some shit like that… NO, we haven’t had one of those! You’re all looks and no brains, aren’t you? Yeah I know it’s early… Look, just do it, alright! Fine!”

She hangs up the phone. “And who said blond girls are stupid?”

Foxxy didn’t exactly like Loke, after what I could tell at least.

“Look, Joon, I need to get my morning shower and stuff. Feel free to check out the house… Oh, and there’s porn on channel 23…”

My view on her changed a bit.

“What? I’m able to be lonely some nights too…” Her defensive reflexes kicked in. She walked out of the room. “Feel free to empty the fridge as well,”


So there I was, more or less alone in a celebrity’s home…

Isn’t this the point of the movie where the psychotic killer comes in and kills the sexy babe? And then the guy downstairs has a fight with the killer and chases him off…

Yeah, right…

So I took the tour, and I wasn’t too impressed. Her taste in décor was nice and all that, but she had nothing REALLY fancy… Foxxy like me was only human… Whatever council in this world should seriously create a new word… As if we’re human… Hah!

Alright, I was wrong. She had one REALLY fancy thing. Her TV was big. I mean really big. As in wall to wall… And the sound-system… You didn’t just watch the show, you became one with the show.

Channel 23 was the only channel with good shows… It takes a pretty sick person to watch some of the stuff they did…

I guess I’m not as healthy as I first thought…


The sun was coming up way off in the horizon, giving the eastern sky a golden glow. The morning mist was slowly building up, just like the cheerful chirping of birds…

And there I was; Inside, watching pornographic programs on the projector of divine light.

I’ll get plenty of chances to enjoy nature’s miracles when I grow feeble and old. Until then, I’ll embrace technology and the safety of an indoors environment. And for what purpose should I go out?

I’ve got a bounty on me, anyway…