Storm’s Eye: Legacy


Six feet under


I could feel my phone vibrating, so I made a stop about halfway. When I was about to stick my hand into my pocket, the 20-13 pushed out the phone for me to grab. Couldn’t remember that I took it with me, but at least it doesn’t interfere with anything. Star was calling me… “Yeah?” “Have you seen the bounty for you?!” “Thinking of turning me in, huh?” I said jokingly. “How the hell can you joke about stuff like that?! I’m at school and have been asked like fifty times where you’re at!”

I was one of the hottest things on the market. Price was set, description given, the treasure-hunt had already begun.

“If anyone sees you you’re toast! Where are you?” “Taking Zil to the burial,” “What?!” “Yeah, yeah… I know it’s risky, but I’m in disguise. And maybe I could bust that Kimeera out,” “You mean Kitty’s sister? Crap… I got class… Whatever you do, be careful! I just got you, and I don’t wanna lose my brother!” “Love you too, sis,”

Zil was looking quite nervous. I put the phone in my pocket and asked her: “What’s wrong?” “I’m so scared… Mom and dad are dead, and… and you… you…” I gave her a shoulder to cry on. I knew what she was getting at. Her parents had their graves dug, their gravestones etched and laid in caskets. The SG-council had dug a hole for me, and were ready and waiting with the chisel and the casket. I was scared too… “What if you get caught?” “Don’t think like that… Of course I won’t get caught,” Zil lifts her head and looks me straight in the eyes. “But WHAT IF?!” Her lips were shaking. Her eyes were running. “I guess I’ll just have to figure things out from there…” I had no answers, no master-plan. Only a wish… I’ve experienced earlier that wishes aren’t always sufficient…

I relieved myself before we got back on the bike. Zil had her arms tighter around me than she had earlier.


We made two more stops on our way to the burial grounds. First at my former home. The place was a wreck. The door was kicked in and every nook and cranny was torn up and ransacked. I found a pile of drawings that I had done. Happy drawings… Me, mom, Zaz, Eve… and one of my dad and Star. I can remember I had a dream the night before I drew that. In my room I found my old desk intact, full of old notebooks and homework assignments. The memories, the memories… On the bottom of the pile I found my ring. I hadn’t really missed it. It looked too small for me, but when I put it on it expanded so it fitted perfectly. We left the place shortly after.

Next up was Zil’s house, nicely wrapped in yellow tape. Her door was also kicked in and the interior was full of bullet holes. The chalk outlines showed where the struggle ended, if there ever was a struggle. The smell of death was still present, but Zil kept a brave face. She picked up a broken frame, opened it up and put the photography in the pocket of her jacket. Thinking back to the photos Zaz had, I knew what was in that picture…

Zil sighed as we left the house.


The clock on my phone showed that the time was 15:39 when we stopped outside the stone fence. I checked that I had my SMG. “Am I still red?” “I’m getting second thoughts about this…” Zil said, looking sick. “Am I still red?” I persisted. “Yes…” “Then we should just pray that it stays that way… Come on,” Zil took my hand and we stepped onto the consecrated soil. I felt a bit guilty for bringing a weapon… We soon enough saw an assembly of people, and Zil drew recognition upon some of them. Those in the crowd were shocked to see me bringing Zil. She barged through the assembly and went up front, while I stayed in the back. A guy with glasses turns to me. “Where did you get Zil from? I thought she was kidnapped or something by an MD…” “I happen to be a close friend of Joon… and he asked me to take her,” He gasped and lead me a few paces away from the rest. “Tell me truthfully,” He whispers. “Are you Joon?” I look around, then nod. “Your markings around your eye…” He says and points at it. “You’ve been all over the news, my friend,” “Friend? Do I even know you?” He stretches out his hand. “Aran Lyren, Zil’s cousin from up north,” I shake his hand. “Joon Fredrik Storm, her boyfriend,” “Do you know how Foxxy’s doing? Haven’t heard from her since she asked if it was cool to make an album about you…” “You’re with the Red League?” “Yeah, I’m the guy behind the flashy mask,” He smiles and straightens his glasses. “Trax?!” He just winks at me. “I just wish there could’ve been some way of uniting the reds and the grays… but for now I’ll do anything to help you,” He pats my shoulder and returns to the crowd. It was hard to see what was going on up front, but I could make out that Zil was there, watching as her parents were lowered six feet under. The elder chanted his ritual words, asked for the spirits to take these souls to a better place, and bless the child they left behind. The ceremony ended after a while, but Zil insisted on staying a bit longer. We were the only ones who hadn’t left.

She was sniffling and had her hands folded. I was there, looking at her and the fresh graves. The grounds had an aura that radiated sadness and silence. It was eerie, but I was not about to complain. Zil suddenly turns to me. “Let’s go, I’ve had enough…”

We walked down the paths and could see my bike in the distance. An old man with a hat and cane was walking slowly into the grounds. At arms’ length he looks up at me, and notices my eye. “ I knew it!” He said and knocks me out with his cane. I could hear him giving some radio-messages and that Zil was pissed. Everything else was a blur and turned black as he gave me another whack.

That’s when I came to thinking. That was no old man… It was Loke!

Who was deeper in it? Zil’s parents or me?