*Copyright notice*

following is a work of fiction. References to any other individuals, entities or situations real or fictional are unintentional. No deliberate infringement of any copyright is intended or wanted. Story and characters are (C) 2000 Jordan (no redistribution without permission)

The Price of Failure

Chapter 3

[The Safehouse, Tabor]

Jordan had barely stepped through the door, bringing Kate, four people he had never met, and what was left of Gill, when the phone rang.

"No one alive knows this number but us." Jordan whispered to Kate. She nodded in agreement. He let it ring a couple of times before picking up. "Who is this?"

"Your employer, who else?"

"How did you get this number? How do you know where I am? WHY DID YOU SET ME UP?!?" It was extremely uncharacteristic for Jordan to lose his temper, especially in the face of his employer. The wolf, on the other hand, did not seem to be so excited.

"Well, well, so many questions. I guess that is to be expected. As for your first two questions, of course I should know this number and address. It wouldn't do for me to put forth so much money in something and not follow up on my investment. As for your third, that is a tricky question. I didn't set you up. Why would I give you so much money just to watch you die? And, as I obviously know where you are, why are we talking on the phone right now, instead of you looking more like your mouse friend? Now listen to me. This is very important. You need to get back to Capital City as soon as possible. I swear that you won't be harmed, and that I can protect you, as long as you do exactly what I say. Bring Kate and the prisoners with you, or the deal is off. Be here within 48 hours, or the deal is off. Do not try to contact anyone besides myself, or the deal is off. Once we're face to face, I'll try to explain everything, but I can't do it over the phone. You know where to meet me. If it takes you longer than two days, I guarantee they'll start going after you, and you'll never see me again."

"Why should I trust you?!?"

"Because right now, I'm the only one you can trust. This isn't your fault, Jordan. But if you don't act now, it will be. I'll see you within two days. <click>"

Jordan slammed the phone back down and looked up to find a rather large lion standing in front of him.

"Listen, I know this is the probably the last thing you want to be hearing right now, but thanks for bustin' us out. No one lasts more than a couple years in those deathcamps they call prisons, 'cept maybe that Jet cat you were after. Everybody knew he was snitchin' to the Republic. We've been talkin' on the way over here, and if you need a hand catchin' him - well, we're game."

"That's really nice and everything, but honestly, I don't even know who you guys are. You just happened to be in the same van as someone I was supposed to have killed. If you want to do me a favor, I don't know why, but I'm supposed to bring you all into Capital City to talk to my employer."

"What!" Kate shouted, "We'll all get killed if we go back to Capital City! Are you nuts?"

"Actually, he said that he would protect us from whoever set us up, and that he could explain a few things. I don't know why but somehow... I believe him. He knew about you, Kate. And he knew about this place and what happened today. And we're still alive. But if any of you don't want to go, I might as well stay here. He said it was a package deal."

The Lion smiled. "We all owe you one. We would have been dead if it wasn't for you, regardless of what you think. We'll go."

Kate sighed. "As stupid as this sounds, I've followed you this far, haven't I? I go where you go..."

"By the way, I'm Hugo." The lion grinned, baring sharp teeth.

"Jordan. Nice to meet you. You've probably figured out that's Kate." The horse gave a nod to his blood covered friend.

"I'm sure it's alot nicer for us than it is for you. I'm grateful, but you can call me Cass." A female cheetah walked up to Jordan and vigorously shook his hand.

"Yeah, you have no idea what goes on in those prisons... You're a real lifesaver. I'm Collin." A short and emaciated looking husky gave a light bow and wagged his tail enthusiastically. "Oh, and that donkey on my left is Remi. He don't talk much..."

***work in progress***