Red_Jack whimpers, looking at her, his lips twitching, but he mearly shakes his head Annabel nicks your flank with her knife creating a long shallow cut that bleads. Annabel and Red Jack 29 April 2000 on Furry Muck ©2000 their players ANNABEL You look down to Annabel's mouse like body. She is about 90mm (3.5 inches) tall and covered in a soft yellow fur. She is wearing a pretty little dress with patches. In the middle of the dress is a small opening leading to her pouch. Her little mousy tail pokes out from a hole in the back of her dress. She looks like the stereotypical cute little mousie. Its only when you make eye contact through her glasses that you realize that there is something wrong here, as you see the fire in those eyes your mind makes a flip. No longer are you looking at a cute little mouse but someone trying to look like a cute little mouse. Beneath the dress you see the bumps of concealed weapons, you see that there are mussels where a cute little mousey wouldn't need them, you see that her teeth are the needle sharp collection normally possessed by carnivores. RED JACK At first glance, you see a puma morph, before you realize that you're actually looking at a 'taur. Yup, a pumataur, 5ft tall and 6ft long with 3ft of thick tail trailing behind him. A quick look shows him to be covered in reddish brown fur, till you take a closer look. White fur covers the underside of his jaw, while his ears, hands, paws, and the tip of his tail are covered in black fur. Then there's his hands... paws... each with four equal length fingers, opposable thumbs, and claws. Sticking out from his chest, you see two rings, made of 10 ga. niobium, blue in color, and an inch in diameter, with a small chain connecting them. On the chain, hangs a ring, silver, the crystal facets forming a rainbow, a symbol of his pride. z At first glance, you see a puma morph, before you realize that you're actually looking at a 'taur. Yup, a pumataur, 5ft tall and 6ft long with 3ft of thick tail trailing behind him. A quick look shows him to be covered in reddish brown fur, till you take a closer look. White fur covers the underside of his jaw, while his ears, hands, paws, and the tip of his tail are covered in black fur. Then there's his hands... paws... each with four equal length fingers, opposable thumbs, and claws. Sticking out from his chest, you see two rings, made of 10 ga. niobium, blue in color, and an inch in diameter, with a small chain connecting them. On the chain, hangs a ring, silver, the crystal facets forming a rainbow, a symbol of his pride. Hanging between his legs, you see his sheath, the tip of his 10in taurhood peeking out. Red_Jack whimpers, his leg twitching, as tears form in his eyes Annabel repeats the proccess progressivly down your side so you soon have red stripes down the enture of your body. Red_Jack cries, "Please, stop it, I'll do anything you ask." Annabel walks over to her kitchentt "I have no need for anything you may do for me." she slices open a few lemons. Red_Jack whimpers, and watches her, nervous, wondering what she has in mind, hoping its not what he thinks Annabel collects up the lemon peaces and sitting besides you slowly starts to squeese them so the acidic juice drips down along the wound. Red_Jack heeeeeps, drawing in his breath suddenly, tears forming in his eyes, as he shudders in pain Annabel squeeks, "Can you feel that, the acid burning in your wound, it hurts doesn't it. *squeese* Good very good." Red_Jack cries, "Please, stop, please, I didn't do anything." Annabel takes her knife again "I don't care if you did or didn't do anything. I only care about my pay and for that I must hurt you, alot. But please continue with your beging it amuses me." Red_Jack bites his lip, giving you a dirty look, trying to ignore the pain rather than give you the pleasure of hearing him beg Annabel turns to cutting your sheath, and nicking your balls "Bite your lips as much as you can. But you will be howling with pain. Lots of it." Red_Jack jumps, and shrieks, "Not that, please, you couldn't." Annabel starts to squeese her lemon over it letting a single drop of juice fall on it. Red_Jack cries, shaking in pain, sobbing, begging, struggling with his bonds in the vain hope of escape Annabel squeeses tight so that lots of juice runs down along the cuts in your senertive sheath and balls "I thourt you where going to be a brave puma and not cry out for my enjoyment." she teases crulely. Red_Jack whimpers, blusing, and tries to bite his lip, not wanting to give in, his hands clenching, tears running from his eyes as he tries to stop begging, desperately hoping to change your mind Annabel seeming getting bord of your penus strats to cut off long strips of duct tape after she cuts them she sticks the end of them to the head board just infrount of your face. Red_Jack sighs in relief, then mews nervously as he watches you Annabel after she has cut her tape starts placeing it on your body in long strips so it holds down onto your fur "You look releaved Puma." she says as she places the last strip. Red_Jack looks at you nervously, trying to look at the tape and then back at you, hoping you've changed your mind Annabel takes the first stip she attached to you and slowly starts to pull it off streaching painfully pulling your fur out as she does so. You purr, "Aaaaaah, please, stop, please, don't, it hurts, please..." Annabel smiles and moves to the second one "I'm not going to stop I'll keep torting you untill you die or I get board." Red_Jack groans, wondering what it would take to bore her and whether he could survive it, crying softly as she uses the tape to pull out his fur Annabel slowly pulls anouther strip off you "Look your naked skin is going all goose bumpy." as anouterther chunk of hair is ripped slowly from your body. Red_Jack whimpers, having his fur removed is painful, enough to draw tears, but a relief after the last thing, hoping that she'll get bored soon Annabel removes the last one, your now has long naked strikes and red strips where she has cut. She moves back to her end of her bed and fishes around for something. Red_Jack twists around, looking at the mess his fur is, clumps missing, and blood matting it in other places. As he listens to you search, and he shivers in dread Annabel removes something from behind you. She shows you the device "Its an expandable dildo. You see I just squeese on this bit here and it gets bigger. Guess what fun we are going to have with this little toy." Red_Jack shakes his head, "You can't do that, please, I'm a man, I don't do that kinda thing." Annabel pulls your tail up "Well you do know, who knows you might find that you like it." she starts to slide it into you unlubricated. Red_Jack howls, clenching his ass, desperately trying to stop the penetration, "Please, stop, it hurts" groaning as its forced into him Annabel pushes hader feeling it streach against your tight asshole. She smiles evilly "Good it's supposed to hurt." Red_Jack groans, "Oh god, please, stop it, its not right, it doesn't belong there." Annabel squeeks, "It's a pitty I couldn't find any of my freands, There is this gye who would apsolutly love to rape your tight little asshole" Red_Jack shakes, thrashing about as he thinks of it, and what you're doing to him Annabel inserting it almost fully inside you starts to squeese on the base of the artifical cock. You can feel the massive thing start to expand inside you. Red_Jack groans, gasping as he feels it swelling, stretching him painfully, wondering how big it gets, not sure he wants to know actually Annabel watches as it expands inside you streaching you out as it gets bigger and bigger inside your tight asshole "I'm not quite sure guess what fun we can have together." Annabel squeeks, "finding out." Red_Jack shudders, feeling himself stretched painfully, wondering if it'll get big enough to tear someting, already feeling like he needs to relieve himself, groaning softly as his guts are stretched by it Annabel watches it get bigger and bigger watching the pain on your face while it expands she reaches over behind herself and removes a peasce of fine sand paper. Red_Jack cries, feeling himself bloating, painfully inflating, begging for it to stop, knowing it'll tear something if it gets much bigger, bearly noticing what else you're doing Annabel runs the sand paper slowly down along your belly, you feel it alternate over the soft fur and the ruff skin. She slowws down the expantion of the dildo, but still allowing it to gradualy grow bigger. Red_Jack hhhnhhh's, sucking a breath in, and shivering as you run the paper over him, groaning softly as he realises he's still being stretched, tugging on his bonds, still trying to free himself Annabel's hands close around your cock as she slowly starts to mastibate you with her sand paper. Red_Jack eeeeks, trying to ignore you, he can't stop his normal reaction, even with how much it hurts, and begins to hump, tears forming as the sand papers tears at his sensitive taurhood Annabel tightens her grip around you wanking you faster and faster. Red_Jack moans, whimpers and cries, his eyes closed in pain and pleasure, his ass clenching at the slowly expanding shaft filling it, his whole body twitching as he nears release Annabel watches as the puma pumps against the paper, the sand cutting millions of cuts into your senertive cock as she watches you come neer to comming." Red_Jack groans, trying to stop himself, trying to control himself, and failing as he pumps into the sand paper, shuddering as he releases, the pain/pleasure taking him over the edge, his whole body clenching then going limp as he cums Annabel watches as you come she brings her hand up and then lets it drop down towards the back of your neck striking it in the classic rabbit killer blow. Red_Jack feels your hand hit him, just as he cums, not fully understanding as he hears a loud cracking noise from his neck, surprised when he can't seem to raise his head again after his orgasm Annabel looks down on your parrilized body she smiles and bends down. You feel her teeth tighten around your neck cutting into your body as she squeeses the life out of you. Red_Jack whimpers, softly, tears from his darting eyes, his last movements, as his eyes still then darken, as he shudders, and falls still