Fe'ath and Red Jack Furry Muck 10 March 2000 ©2000 their players Willing Victims Guild To match the sinister socializing, the lounge of the Willing Victims Guild is only dimly lit. Narrow cones of light accentuate carved and turned features of dark wood-panelling, and well-shrouded floor lamps by spacious constellations of comfortable couches spill light onto the thick carpet, but only softened reflections escape to illuminate the guild members. In the periphery, pockets of shadows linger, made visible by discreet reading lamps near solitary recliners. By the exit to the south stands a public bulletin board; pinned to its top left corner is an introduction to the guild. Red_Jack waves as he flies in, and perchs on Phaeton shoulder, purring and rubbing Red_Jack waves, from his perch on Phaeton's shoulder Phaeton rumbles... "so how'd you end up tiny, red?" Red_Jack smiles, "Oh, I just wind up like this sometimes, when I'm feeling small, or don't know what I want." Red_Jack kneads Phaeton's shoulder, and curls up, purring Red_Jack waves to Squal, "Quit poking little ole me." Phaeton nods to the tiny puma-taur Red_Jack looks up at Phaeton from his shoulder, and purrrrrs. Red_Jack waves to F'rret from his perch on Phaeton's shoulder Red_Jack looks at her, "I dunno, mornings always seem slow around here." Phaeton lifts f'rret up into his lap, and scritches her.. F'rret wheeeees! as she leans into the scrichings. Red_Jack looks down at F'rret jealously F'rret settles into Phaeton's lap... Fe'ath has teleported in. Fe'ath has arrived. Red_Jack waves to Fe'ath from Phaeton's shoulder Phaeton waves to the new arrivals, and settles red in f'rret's lap.. scritching both Fe'ath waves a wing in greeting to all. "Good mornng" Phaeton grins a bit, looking from red to Fe'... "you know you'd look almost like a mouse to her, red" Red_Jack smiles at him, "I suppose, but she's a nice owl, she wouldn't do that... plus you'd protect me, wouldn't you?" Phaeton grins a bit.. Fe'ath giggles a bit and fluffs herself up, adopting a cute owlet pose. She gives a soft cheep, and looks up hopefully at Phaeton. Sarn enters through the doors. Sarn has arrived. Sarn waves. Red_Jack waves to Sarn from Phaeton's shoulder Fe'ath waves a wing in greeting to Sarn Red_Jack looks nervously at the owl, then back to Phaeton, "You wouldn't let her hurt me, would you?" Phaeton hmmmms, as he takes out a mouse, slightly larger than red.. Red_Jack gulps as he realises just how similar his size is. Sarn looks up at the little puma. Thinking some ones is about to get in trouble.. Fe'ath waddles over to Phaeton's feet, all fluffed up, looking almost like a ball of feathers with a gaping beeak. She looks all miserable and hungry as she gives another soft cheep. Phaeton dangles the mouse by it's tail for Fe' Fe'ath cheeps happily at Phaeton's feet, and opens her beak to let the horse drop that mouse in. Phaeton drops the mouse Red_Jack looks down at the owl, gulping nervously, as he stares at her open beak Fe'ath gulps down the mouse, which vanishes quite rapily, and then gazes back up at Phaeton again. "Cheep?" she asks querelously, still looking hunry. She shifts her gaze a little, looking in Red_Jack's direction. Red_Jack stands, stretching, "I think something just came up, in fact I'm sure something did, I'll just be going now." Phaeton grins, and holds red by the tail Sarn grins .. sitting back and watching. Red_Jack starts to lift off, and is surprised when he can't seem to go anywhere. Looking down, he eeeps as he sees the horse holding his tail, "Umm, could you let go of that, I need to be going." Fe'ath watches Red_Jack with a fixed gaze, saying nothing for now but studying him intently. Waiting for him to just move away from the large horse. Although looking quite pleased when the horse takes hold of Red_Jack. She almost hops and undoes her 'cute hungry little chick' pose, but remembers in time and still looks as sweet and adorable as she goes "Cheep!" again. Phaeton smiles, and dangles red lower by his tail.. "so you want me to let you go, hmm??" Fe'ath gives a nodnod from below Red_Jack ... She'll catch him. Red_Jack beats his wings furiously, trying to get away from the owl, "Umm, well.. you know, I might just have the time to spend with you, what can I do for you, hmmm?" Phaeton grins.. "but I think Fe' wants your company ;)" Fe'ath gives another nodnods of her head, still gazing up hopefully. Phaeton lowers red closer to Fe' Red_Jack looks at him playfully, "Yes, well, umm, well, I'm a man's man if you know what I mean." Red_Jack looks at the owl, his eyes wide with fright, "You couldn't be hungry after that mouse, nope, no way you could be hungry, right?" Phaeton drops red, as he goes to snug timmer... Red_Jack beats his wings furiously, trying to pull away from the owl Fe'ath only pauses a moment before she answers with a "Yes?", and takes a leap towards Red_Jack before the pumataur can escape, snagging him by the tail with her beak and holding him tight as she lands back on the floor. All hints of the previously cute 'owlet' are now gone - with her feathers slicked back down she looks like her usual sleek owlish self. Fe'ath hoots, "Not so fast dear" Red_Jack takes flight, his little dragon fly wings beating as hard as they can to get him away from the hungry owl Fe'ath just keeps hold of Red_Jack's tail and lets him flap away as much as he wants. She doubts he's got the strength in those wings to lift her as well as his own weight, and even if so he'd quickly tire. But she's not going to let go. Red_Jack pants, already tired from trying to get out of Phaeton's grip, panting as he tries to pull away from her. Fe'ath still keeps hold and chuckles a little at the pumataurs vain efforts to escape from her. She waits patiently until he acquiesces. Red_Jack's wings seem to slow a bit, obviously tired, panting and struggling with the effort to escape, he whimpers knowin the inevitable is coming. Fe'ath tires a little herself, although more with growing tired of waiting for the pumataur to tire out. It seems he's still got a bit of fight left in him. She jerks her head back a little, still holding his tail in her beak, and gives him a yank backwards, quickly reaffirming a grip furter up his tail, reeling him in. Red_Jack whimpers as he's quickly snapped back toward the owl, he wings barely beating, as he limply falls toward her, whimpering as he sees his fate Fe'ath lets Red_Jack dangle a little from her beak, before ducking her head down and raising a taloned foot to grip him about his body in a quite firm manner, taking care to pin his wings against his sides. Red_Jack whimpers, squirming trying to free himself from the owls grip, looking at her pleadingly, "Please, I'm really not much of a meal, really." Fe'ath eyes the pinned Red_Jack under her talons andchuckles softly at him. "See? All that useless energy wasted," she informs him as she ducks her head down to grip him by his head, closing her beak around it. "And I *am* hungry," she adds. "Andd you're quite a nice snack-size." Red_Jack pants, whining as he see beak close on his head, struggling tiredly to escape, knowing there's little hope of that Fe'ath releases her grip around Red_Jack's body and straightens up suddenly, pulling him upwards in a fast motion. As she straightens up, she loosens her grip on the little pumataur's head and reverses her direction, letting his continued upward momentum coupled with her downward thrust again ensure he slips right to the back of her beak and part-way down her throat before she grips him tightly with her beak again, halfway along his lower body, feeling self-conscious of being here, but, the pumataur being recalcitrant about coming to lunch. Red_Jack struggles, weakly, kicking at her beak with his legs, hoping to force her beak open so he can get away, not having planned on being a meal. Fe'ath doesn't take too much more time in taking a few more quick snaps of her beak in repetition of her previous motion, and gulping down the rest of her unwilling lunch, letting him slide down inside her beak and down her throat still wriggling a little, although in futility. Red_Jack slides down her throat, a squirming lump that you see slide into her belly, one you could swear you heard whimpering as it falls in.