Fe'ath and Red Jack Furry Muck 23 January 2000 ©2000 their players Fe'ath whispers, "Assume that you'd been that size from the beginning? (Since you didn't emote the change?)" to you. You whisper, "That's the idea(and I really have to set up a working look-notify, its getting weird not knowing when someones looking at me). Nope, I thought I subtly shrink, rather than announce it." to Fe'ath. Fe'ath looks down at the small pumataur from her perch on the edge of one of the couches. "What was that you were saying about lunch?" she enquires again, fixing him with an intense and unblinking stare. Red_Jack looks up at the owl, smiles, "Lunch, who said anything about lunch, heck, the thought of food never crossed my mind." Fe'ath looks slightly pensive, absent-mindedly moving her head from side to side as she gauges the distance to Red_Jack's position on the floor. "It didn't? The thought crossed my mind, certainly, when you were discussing food..." You purr, "Nope, why would I ever say anything about food, I mean nobody here'd be interested in me talking about food of course. ;)" Fe'ath hoots, "Or rather, places to dine at." You purr, "Of course, silly me, you like to know where you could grab a meal. Sorry, new here, couldn't tell you. ;)" Fe'ath hoots, "So, what happens to be your name, Pumataur?" she enquires, holding her head still now and leaning forward a little. "Let's not be strangers now."" You purr, "Uhhm, you can call me Red." Fe'ath carefully bobs her head, her focused gaze never varying from Red_Jack. "Well, pleased to meat you, Red," she hoots. "And yes, directions to where one could grab a meal would be good to have. Just point the way." You purr, "Umm, well, I really don't know any where, wish I could help you find a meal. ;)" Fe'ath looks faintly disappointed at Red_Jack's answer, and gives up on subterfuge for the time being, taking wing and just gliding towards Red_Jack in a slow downward glide. Red_Jack sees the owl headed his way, and backs away nervously, "Umm, really, couldn't help you, wish I could, really." Fe'ath ghosts down towards Red_Jack's position, levelling off in her flight and taking a lazy and unthreatening wingbeat, not making the slightest sound in doing so. Purposefully, she angles away from Red_Jack to approach in a more oblique and unthreatening manner Red_Jack looks around, "Hey where'd you go?" Fe'ath smiles softly to herself as somehow Red_Jack must have looked away and never saw her chance in course. At his words, she directs her flight towards abnd above him again, approaching more stealthily than the stealthiest of cats. Red_Jack looks at Carple, "Glad to see your back, your just in time for breakfast, and I don't seem to have other plans." Carple sniffles softly. " Not breakfast, mouse " Fe'ath lets out an ear-piercing shriek when she's within a couple of yards, causing him to look up in startled surprise. But by then it's far too late as she flares her wings up above her head, letting the forward momentum of her flight carry her forwrd as she drops like a stone, her talons spread wide to seize and grasp her hapelss victim. Fe'ath lands directly ontop of Red_Jack, snagging a set of talons around his back as she lands, pinning him to the ground. Red_Jack spins quickly at the loud shriek, but not quick enough to get away. As her claws grab him, he "Eeeeps!" and tries to wriggle free. Red_Jack looks at Elly, "I dunno, you think we have enough to make a mouse omelet for two?" Fe'ath peers down at Red_Jack pinned under her talons and his futile struggling. "Relax dear," she hoots. "And this won't hurt a bit." She reaches down with her beak to nubble the pumataur just behind his head, reminding him of how much larger than him that she is. Red_Jack struggles, "Hey, I didn't say anything about letting you have me for breakfast." Fe'ath hoots, "That's no reason *not* to have you for breakfast though dear - although for an owl, it would be supper, now." With these words, she moves her head slightly to grasp Red_Jack's head in her beak, her beak surpsingly larger than what initial appreances indicated. releasing hold of Red_Jacks body with her talons, she straghtens up, the pumataur dangling from her beak by his head in what seems like an uncredibly uncomfortable manner. Red_Jack eeps, flails his arms and legs, trying to get a purchase to pull himself free Fe'ath rubs her small tongue over Red_Jack's face while she holds him in his most precarious position, just acquiring a taste for one of her most unusual meals to date. Obviously satisfied, she lunges her head forward and down, to gather more of him into her beak, the pointed tip digging into his back and ensuring he cannot wriggle backwards. Red_Jack's head slips into her beak, and still he struggles to get away, you can here muffled sounds like pleading from him as he slips towards her throat Fe'ath straghtens up again, and then gives a rather distracted wave with a wing, absorbed as she is in eating her supper and completely oblivious to the fact that they left as suddenly as they arrived. Not wasting much further time with the lower torso and body of Red_Jack's dangling from her beak, she makes another quick lunge formward and downard with her head, having over hald of him held in her beak and at the back of her throat. Red_Jack suddenly feels himself thrust down her throat, surprised at how quickly the end is coming, looking at her stomach ahead of him. Horas looks at the big owl as she eats her meal and gives a very muffled squeek. He hops behind the big bean bag chair and hopes not to be noticed. Fe'ath pauses momentarily with half of Red_Jack's 'taurid body left to go, it dangling partway down her front still, and Red_Jack's upper body just beginning it's passage down her warm throat, she changes tactics to facilitate easier passage downwards. Keeping her head relativeley level, she then flicks her head backwards and opening her beak to allow Red_Jack to slip further down her gullet, snapping her beak shut again further along her body, leaving only the hindquarters, legs and tail in visible sight. Kiowa skitters over to Kalidah's beanbag chair and perches on it, watching... Horas waves from behind a beanbag chair. Red_Jack slides into her throat, his arms and forelegs pressed to his body, his head nearing her stomach, his long tail whipping around, slapping her Fe'ath feels her throat muscles grip around Red_Jack's upper body that enters her throat and begin tugging at him. With little left to go, it is just a small matter for her to repeat the earlier process of flicking her head back while releasing hold of Red_Jack with her beak and allowing the force of the movement coupled with the gravity drive him ever deeper into her throat. This she does, closing her beak again with just part of his hind legs and tail jutting out of her beak, seeming oblivious to the observation to which she's been given by other patrons of the club. Red_Jack tail and hind legs struggle weakly, as he slides further into her, dreading entering her stomach Fe'ath blinks owlishly at Kiowa, her current meal still in her throat, but almost all consumed. Her throat bulges slightly around the form of Red_Jack, but the feathers hide the fact well enough, as well as the true size of her beak. Never one to hang around when there's food in the offing, she just opens and closes her beak a few times, letting gravity and the pull of her neck muscles draw Red_Jack down into her stomach, the last 2 inches of furiously moving tail seeming to slide along the gap betwwen the two halves of her beak until it's hidden by her facial feathers that hide much of the rest of her beak. She opens and closes her beak one or two more times, her recent meal sliding down her thrat into her stomach, and just seems content to perch there for the amount of time it takes. Kiowa sees Fe'ath finishing her meal and begins looking for places to hide... Horas whispers, "Over here" to Kiowa. Fe'ath opens her beak and gives a yawn, stretching her wings as her meal settles down into her stomach. She blinks sleepily, ready to sleep her meal off. Red_Jack lands in her stomach, and curls up, waiting for the inevitable. Fe'ath gives a particularly noisesome belch, looking surprised by it. Athelind pokes Fe'ath's tummy and grins. "Nice work." Fe'ath giggles at the poke in the tummy, and then hoots, "Don't! Not right after I've eaten." Red_Jack squirms a bit from the poking Fe'ath shouldn't be tickled after lunch. Athelind gently strokes the round, feathered bulge. Athelind rumbles, "Better?" Fe'ath closes her eyes and gives a rather soft hoot of satisfaction Fe'ath rubs her beak against Athelind's paw. Fe'ath closes her eyes and fluffs up her feathers with a low hoot, enjoying the gentle tummyscritch and combined massage