Gryph Raptor and Red Jack Furry Muck 5 Jan 2000 ©2000 their players GryphRaptor slowly moves behind the sleeping Red and grins, winking at DMDarkwolf as slowly shi opens hir beak wide, carefully gripping Red's lower body DMDarkwolf grins as he watches Gryph prepare to feed on the sleeping Red, keeping quiet so as not to rouse him. GryphRaptor mmms and pulls Red backwards, taking his rump slowly into hir mouth, hir tounge lightly exploring between his hindlegs, feeling his sheath as shi reaches forward, again gripping him carefully Red_Jack shifts a little bit in his sleep ( Looks like hunter has become the hunted once again. ) GryphRaptor purrs softly as shi begins to swallow, hir beak and throat begining to stretch around the puma chakat, mmming as shi tastes him, continuign to softly stroke his sheath as he slips slowly deeper into hir throat Red_Jack feeling a warm wetness, Red wakes up and looks between his legs, realizing that Gryph has alread taken his hindquarters into hir beak, pinning his hind legs to his body "Yeep! Wait a minute there." ( No one ever yiffs their meals anymore.. ) GryphRaptor chuckles around Red and suckles on him, pulling more of his hindquarters into hir mouth and throat, hir tounge coiling around his sheath, squeezing it softly as soon his hindlegs are fully inside hir mouth and throat, his tail wriggling within hir throat as shi pauses for a moment Red_Jack Purrs, his cock peeking out from his sheath, thanks to hir attentions "Mmm, this feels good.", he says forgetting for a moment what's happening to him. GrWyphRaptor grins and swallows, pulling more of Red's lower body into hi rmouth and throat, drawing his shaft from within his sheath, hir tounge caressing its length as he swells within hir, hir beak slowly slipping upwards to envelope about half his lower belly, as shi reaches forward and softly caresses him Red_Jack purrs, enjoying the new sensation of his shaft pressing against the top of hir beak, then he remembers what's happening to him. "Can we talk about this?" Red's hand paws push against the floor, trying to pull his lower belly out of hir beak. GryphRaptor chuckles and shakes hir head slightly, gripping Red once more as shi slowly sits up, letting gravity assist him deeper into hir throat, hir beak begining to slide upwards as shi rotates him within hir throat, so his shaft's laying against hir tounge Red_Jack purrs uncontrollably as he feels his shaft press against her tongue, desperately pushing against her beak with his front paws as he looks desperately for something to grab with his hand paws. look gryphraptor Shimmering scales and feathers, cover this hermaphroditic hybrid gryphon/raptor. Where most gryphons are feline, shi is more reptilian, though there is a feline build to hir body. Shi is a graceful blend of avian, feline and reptilian features. A single, large talon, lies on the inner toe of hir powerful hind legs. Strong forearms end in extremely dextrous, hand-like claws. A wiry neck curves upwards from hir muscular shoulders. Hir head is that of a bird of prey, mixed with feline influences. Eartufts swivel to catch the sounds of what goes on around hir, and shi has eyes that are the deepest blue. A large beak lies perched on hir face, hiding an extremely flexible, and long forked tongue within. Hir feathers and scales are a very deep black in color, tinged with a golden sheen. GrypehRaptor is approximately 10 feet tall to the shoulders, and about 12 feet long from the base of hir neck to the base of hir feathery tail. Hir wingspan lies close to 35 feet from wingtip to wingtip. A 12 foot long, feathery tail gracefully extends behind hir. If you look, you can see a large sheath tucked up between hir legs and just behind that, lies hir foreslit. You're welcome to examine hir closer. ;) GryphRaptor gently tucks Red's forepaws into hir beak, closing it around his lower body, his foreshoulders stretching hir beak as hir throat ripples around his body, hir tounge teasing around his cocktip as his motions cause him to thrust against the softness of hir throat and tounge Red_Jack his lower body thrusts against the softness of her throat and tongue, no longer caring about its fate, while his upper body continues to struggle to free himself. GryphRaptor smiles around Red, suckling eagerly on him as he continues to slowly sink downwards, hir throat bulging, showing his squirming outline as hir throat muscles deeply caress him, working him deeper and deeper towards the waiting embrace of hir belly Red_Jack feeling hir work hir way up past his waist, he continues to struggle, desperately trying to deny his fate. GryphRaptor gulps slowly, waiting to feel Red climax within hir throat as shi continues to work him deeper, hir claws stroking his outline, especially the thick outline of his shaft Red_Jack his arms go limp, as he climaxes withing hir, losing his concentration, and slipping further into her. GryphRaptor mmms as shi feels Red's climax, his thick seed spurting within hir throat as shi continues to swallow, hir beak slipping upwards around his upper body, his arms gently being tucked away within hir throat as soon hir mouth is up around his chest Red_Jack his continued struggling only causes him to climaxV again and again, causing him to go limp, his resistance melting away. GryphRaptor gulps a few more times untill only Red's head is visible within hir mouth, and mmming softly slowly closes hir beak, enveloping him completely within hirself as he becomes a very large bulge inside hir, sliding slowly into hir waiting belly Red_Jack feels himself slipping into hir belly, he makes one last desperate, insignificant attemp to struggle. GryphRaptor slowly swallows you down, hir warm flesh rippling all around you as you descend into hir waiting belly!^ Warm flesh surrounds you on all sides as you lay curled up within GryphRaptor's belly. Hir stomach gently rippling around you, caressing you during your stay within hir body. The muffled sounds of the outside world only partially penetrate into here. Suprisingly you can breath very easily inside hir stomach, and it's only slightly damp, no acids to worry about. Lightly shi rubs the form of your body within hir, purring softly in pleasure. |Through the muffling walls|GryphRaptor mmmms and rubs hir belly as Red slips fully into its embrace, "mmmmm..... |As you relax within the warm embrace of hir belly.| |Through the muffling walls|GryphRaptor grins and slowly gets up, stretching a bit, hir belly showing Red's outline slightly as shi shifts about, finding a comfy spot for hirself|As you relax within the warm embrace of hir belly.