G'razel and Red Jack Furry Muck 12 March 2000 ©2000 their players look g'razel You see a 6' tall Nathkah (cougarmorph). His eyes are a violet color and glow with dark radiance. There is a pair of shadowy black wings on his back, usually folded down. He is covered in a soft charcoal grey fur except for his muzzle, ears, and tailtip which are black. His groin has velvety black fur over his sheath but his sac is bare. In his smooth sac is a silver hoop. Your gaze also notices another silver hoop in his right nipple. He turns about a bit and you can see his firm ass. +++++ Red_Jack just looked at you! At first glance, you see a rabbit, albeit an orange tinted one. 6ft tall, his fur is a uniform lite orange, as if somebody added just enough orange juice to a glass of cream to turn it orange. Even though he is 1/2 tiger and 1/2 rabbit, its clear that the rabbit in him is definitely dominant. He looks mostly like a rabbit morph, with the most incredibly long ears. Swept back from his head, they reach his mid-back, tied like a pony tail at his neck, a plastic tag quite visibly attached to his left ear, near the base. Beginning at his lapine feet, he looks quite as you'd expect, 'til you reach his tail. Rather than a little powder-puff bunny tail, he has a tigers tail, although its white stripes show the dominance of the bunny in him. As you continue to look at him, you see that he's not soft and fuzzy like a bunny, but rather lithe and muscular, like the tiger. His paws are more those of a tiger, padded on the underside and equipped with claws on his opposable thumbs, and equal length digits. His face reveals the last visible differences, grey eyes, amusement dancing in them, tempered by the predator in him, a fleck of green and a fleck of brown in each, his smile revealing a mouth full of tiger teeth except for his front teeth, which are those of a bunny. Ayup, not a cute little bun bun, but rather a carnivorous orange rabbit wearing nothing but a pair of painters pants and a pair of nipple rings, simple niobium rings, blue in color, 10 ga., and an inch in diameter, with faceted hematite beads on them. FURRY DREAMS - SACRED GLADE As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting you see a large clearing within lush jungle foliage. The ground is covered with short grass that is so dense its like walking on a shag carpet. The sky isn't visible as the leaves and branches from the odd looking trees around the edge of the clearing weave together over the clearing in a dense canopy. In the center of the clearing is a large fountain. In the center of the fountain stands a centaur made of . The centaur is obviously male and the water for the fountain flows from the tip of his erect phallus. Scattered about the glade you see a few statues. There is a lion caught in the act of masturbating, an panther stretching with a large erection, and a cougar bending over to pick something up while his tail arches over his back. All the statues are amazingly detailed and life-like. At the fountain there is a small . Please note that anything in <> in the descriptions of objects here is something you can LOOK at. You purr, "Interesting, where are we?" G'razel smiles "my home, a place deep within the dreamscape of furries You purr, "Neat place, I'm impressed." G'razel blushes "thanks" and he rubs your face Red_Jack purrs G'razel smiles and rubs along your ears, smiling and admiring you "so you like to serve others pleasures?" Red_Jack's eyes nearly cross, as a moan mixes with his purr, as you rub his ears, "Ooooh, yes, I do so like making others happy." G'razel nods and smiles "then kneel before me now, and clean my sheath" Red_Jack purrs, and smiles, and wordlessly drops to his knees, licking his lips as he eyes your sheath, before leaning forward to touch it with his tongue G'razel continues to rub your ears and smiles softly, his sheath twitching slightly as your tongue touches it, purring Red_Jack moans, enjoying your touch, as he starts licking, down one side slowly, then back up the other, pausing at the top to dip his tongue in, before moving down the top G'razel purrs and spreads his legs, his sheath swelling "thats it, now my balls, suck on them" Red_Jack grins, as he licks his way down to your balls, starting by simply licking on your sack, pausing to nibble on the ring in it G'razel moans softly and his black cocktip pokes out, stroking along your ears and smiles "very nice boy" Red_Jack purrs, as he continues his licking, soon coating your sack, and deciding on a new technique, sucking on of your balls into his mouth, sucking on it while rolling it around in his mouth G'razel purrs and moans, his cock sliding further into view, arching his back, his fingers moving roughly over your ears Red_Jack whimpers a touch at the roughing of his ears, but continues, letting the first ball escape him, as he takes the other in his mouth, rolling it around in there, as he sucks and blows on it G'razel purrs and grows fully erect as he handles your ears still "thats it boy, now my cock, worship it" Red_Jack mrrrs, licking up from your sack, along your sheath, 'til he reaches your cock, gently licking along the underside up to the tip, pausing to swirl his tongue around it, before licking down its side. G'razel purrs softly, watching you work, his cock throbbing and warm against your tongue, musky and almost shiny, the whole shaft ebon black (new desc) look g'razel You see a 6' tall Nathkah (cougarmoprh) before you. His eyes are violet in color and glow with dark desire. His face is charcoal grey except for his nose and ears which are midnight black. His body is slender like a runners and also covered in charcoal grey fur. Along the base of his neck is a black scar. His nipples are black nubs and erect, with a silver hoop in the right one. His legs are slender and digitigrade and between them hangs his manhood. His sac is smooth black skin and pierced with a silver hoop and above it his grey furred sheath is pulled back to expose his hard cock. It is 10" long and black, shaped much like a humans but with a hint of fleshy bumps just below the head. He turns around and you can see his firm ass and a pair of ghostly black wings folded on his back. He bends forward and his long tail flicks to the side revealing his tight black pucker. Red_Jack smiles as he licks down to the base of that ebony shaft, licking around it to the other side, and then slowly licks his way up it. G'razel moans softly, he releases your ears to make motions wiht his arms that you can't quite figure out, his cokc throbbing and a bead of precum forming at his slit as you near it Red_Jack licks up to the tip, pausing to swirl his tongue about it, digging into the tip for more of your tasty pre, then licking back down the top of it, all the while trying to figure out what your doing up there G'razel moans softly, he rocks his hips "suck it boy, and don't try to watch me" as he moves his arms more, your fur lifts some as you feel energy buiding Red_Jack mrrrrs curiously at the static like condition of his fur, as he licks down your shaft, around the base, and up the bottom 'til he reaches the tip, pausing to look at it, begore sucking the head into his mouth. G'razel moans as he pushes his hips forward, shoving his cock in your mouth, spurting precum on your tongue, teh energy keeps building then suddenly stops Red_Jack gulps at your cock as you shove it into his mouth, licking at it as he greedily swallows your pre, purring softly, not paying much attention to the change in his fur, no more static fur. G'razel reaches down and girps the base of your ears, pulling your face to his crotch, his cock pushing into your throat "come on deepthroat me boy" Red_Jack whimpers at the tugging on his ears, but obediently swallows, not wanting it forced down his throat, purring as he watches your shaft dissapear into him. G'razel groans and pushes the full 10" cock into your mouth and down your throat, purring as it throbs and pulses in your mouth "yeah warm it and get it wet, I got a surprise for you" Red_Jack gags a little as you force your cock into his throat too quickly, but purrs softly, his tongue teasing the base of it, as his throat clenches it, gently massaging it G'razel just holds his cock there, purring, seems he's seeing how long you can hold your breath Red_Jack purrs, vibrating your cock gently, as he sucks on that shaft, his throat clenching and unclenching, massaging it, as he blinks, trying to clear his head, trying to breathe around your cock. G'razel pants and moans, his cock throbs and spurts precum down your throat, watching you until he sees your eyes unfocus, pulling out to let you breath just before you pass out Red_Jack wobbles a bit, gasping as you pull out of his mouth, panting, but still purring, licking his lips as he looks a bit crosseyed at your cock G'razel guides you up by his grip on your ears, turning you around and you see a strange metalic X-rack in the glade now where none was before Red_Jack whimpers, easily led by his ears, he looks where you're directing, nervously eyeing the new addition to the glade, sure he would've noticed it had it been there before G'razel smiles and pushes you towards it "lay on it, on your back, spread eagle, arms and legs along the bars" Red_Jack whimpers nervously, eyeing you, deciding that defying you wouldn't be a good idea, and climbs on to it, laying on his back spreading his arms and legs as directed, shaking a bit as he does G'razel smiles and nods, once your in place clamps close over your wrists and ankles and another grips your tail, hodling it down against hte center post of the rack, your body fully horizontal, and he walks around you, looking you over and smiling "good, nw ot get you hard" and he reaches out and rubs your sheath Red_Jack watches as the clamps close on his wrists, ankles and tail, and whimpers, as he tests them, seeing that they're as solid as they look. Feeling your hand on his sheath, he purrs, the head of his cock already peeking out from the fun he was having before. G'razel smiles and bends down, licking the exposed cock as he strokes you, working you to full hardness as his other hand runs over your legs then up to your ass, a finger teasing your pucker Red_Jack moans at the licking, coming to attention quickly at your gentle touch, squirming when he feels a finger at his anus, wiggling his ass to you much as he can wanting more than a tease G'razel smiles and shoves a finger roughly into your ass, he pulls from your cock and grabs something from under the table, clamping a metal ring around your balls, pulling them out from your body, then another ring that attaches to the first that goes around your sheath, pulling it back off your cock fully and holding it there Red_Jack whimpers as his ass is penetrated by your dry finger, then squirming as he feels something clamp around his balls, which are stretched painfully, drawing a moan of pleasure, then one of pain, as another one pulls his sheath down uncomfortably. G'razel fishes under the table again then pulls up a tube like a metal test tube which he slides over your cock and its a snug fit, giving enouhg room inside for you to swell in size some or liquid to fill it, it clamps down on the ring around your sheath, beingheld there as he pumps the finger and smiles, licking your stretched sac Red_Jack moans, watching nervously as you slide an odd item over his cock, clamping it in place, and moans louder as you lick his stretched sack, and drive your finger into his ass, which clenches at it, as he tries to squirm in his bonds G'razel pushes in a second finger as he keeps licking at your sac, you feel a faint electric currentl flow through the tube, enough to stimulate but not hurt Red_Jack's ass clenches around your fingers, pleasantly stretched by them, trying to pull them in deeper, as his cock grows harder, from the tingling that's running through it, causing him to squirm, just a bit, stretching his balls slightly more, as you lick at them gently G'razel smiles and laps at hten then pulls back, flicking them with his finger as hte tube stimulates your cock, he grinds his fingers then pulls them out as he stands up between your spread legs Red_Jack moans, his tongue lolling from his mouth, his shaft jerking slightly of its own accord, as his ass clenches and unclenches as you pull your fingers from it, still teasing his stretched balls with your other hand. G'razel smiles cruely as he lines his cock up and rams the 10" ebony shaft deep into your ass, his groin pushing hard against your balls Red_Jack screams, as he feels your shaft drive deep into him, dry and sudden, filling and stretching him brutally G'razel sinks in fully then pulls out fully, driving back in, grinning down at you, watching you, his groin mashing your balls again Red_Jack whines, the dry shaft tearing into him, as you drive in, pounding into his balls, squashing them painfully, he clamps his mouth shut, trying not to cry out. G'razel starts a hard fast fucking, his cock spurting precum occaisonally, allowing some lube, grinning down at you "you enjoy this don't you boy? you love being a cockslut" Red_Jack chews on his lip, refusing to give you the satisfaction of an answer as you rape his ass, but the purrr escaping him tells the story well enough. G'razel jabs his cock roughly into your ass, his groin keeps slamming into your balls as his hands reach down and twist your nipples "come on boy, beg for what you want" Red_Jack's mouth opens slightly, as you twist his nipples, he whimpers, looking up at you defiantly, refusing to say it, though you hear him mumbling something to you, as if he's trying not to let you know what he wants G'razel tugs hard on your nipples then releases them, reaching under you to get something, his cock pounding into your ass "come on boy, I couldn't hear taht, speak up" as the current around your cock starts to pulse slowly, stimulating you further Red_Jack whines, his as clenching your cock, as he opens his mouth, saying it softly at first, then giving in and shouting, "Pl.. please... please fill my ass, I want you to take my ass, and fill it with your seed, please, sir." G'razel smiles and he pounds into your ass faster, he stands up some and you see he has needles in his hands that he rubs over your nipples then pierces them through your nipples Red_Jack pants, moaning, begging softly for you to use his ass, not noticing the needles until he feels the first push through his nipple, screaming as he feels in go through, quickly followed by the other G'razel smirks as he pounds into your ass, drawing two more needles out and tracing them down your body slowly "you want it don't you boy, tell me what you want again" Red_Jack looks at the needles nervously, whimpering, scared to ask for them, scared of you not using them on him, moaning as you plunder his ass G'razel smiles and hmmms, his cock slowing down to an agonizing pace, the needles tracing over your balls "well boy?" as he grins at you Red_Jack whimpers, and softly mumbles, "Please, I need those in me, please use them on me, please." G'razel smiles and nods, he drives them down through your stretched balls, all the way through them and out the other side, speeding up his pace again "do you want more boy?" Red_Jack cries out, his cock jerking as you drive the needles through his sack, the pain running through him, mixing with your quick thrusts in his ass, a confused mixture of pain and pleasure, causing him to moan, and beg, "Please, put more in, please sir, I need them." G'razel nods and draws out more, bigger and thicker now, these he rubs up your face then runs them through your ears near the base, twice, fully through your ears Red_Jack screams, not expecting you to pierce his ears, wimpering at how much it hurts his sensitive ears, but his squirming and moaning, make it clear that it quickly turns to pleasure G'razel pulls out two more needles, then runs them through your navel, pulling the flesh up some to do so, his cock pounding your ass very roughly, making the needles in your balls shift "you like that boy? you gonna cum for me boy?" Red_Jack cries out, tears staining his face, as his balls tighten, his load wanting to escape, so close... G'razel grips two hooks on thin chains from under the table by your waist, hooking them to your rings and they tug at the rings, pulling them downwards as he takes another two needls and pushes them through your groin just on either side of your cock Red_Jack screams, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, as his hips jerk, his cock spraying it seed, his balls dancing as much as they can, as he comes, the stretchign of his nipples, and the last piercing taking him over the edge, his ass clamping down on your thrusting cock G'razel grunts and keeps fucking, grinning at you, you feel your cock start to heat as the cum oozes around it inside the tube, making a tight seal and the current seems to amplify in the fluid, coursing through your cock Red_Jack cock spurts into the tube, swelling as the current grows stronger, drawing more of his cum, which draws more of the current, causing him to shudder, his ass spasming around your cock as the current runs through him G'razel smiels and moans, fucking harder, getting closer to the edge as your cock fills teh tube fully, teh heating increasing and you think you smell burnt flesh as your cock cooks isnide the tube, marinated in your own cum Red_Jack sniffs, tilting his head up to look at the tube, suddenly realizing how warm his cock feels, still cumming, but hotter than just the cum would make it, his ass still spasming around your cock, trying to pull it deeper, as you thrust into him violently G'razel grunts and tenses as he starts to cum, smelling your cock now, grinning and licking his lips, you feel teh pain throb from your cock and then it starts to fade as the nerves cook as well, the heat surpisingly doesn't go down past your sheath Red_Jack moans, still spraying, less though, dying off, he lays back, still nervous about the smell, but not worried as it doesn't hurt, so nothing can be wrong with his cock G'razel grunts and keeps doing short jabs as his cum shoots into your hot ass, waiting for his climax to end, knowing he's got a tasty meal just about ready as your cock cooks slwoly, the slow flowing cum absorbed into the flesh, adding extra flavor Red_Jack moans, as he feels your seed filling him, deep in his bowels, his ass clenching at your shaft, milking it, his own load subsiding G'razel stops fucking you as his climax ends, resting for a minute as he looks you over, the current and heat fading some at your groin, he moves his hands to the tube and grins, hesitating Red_Jack moans, his ass still spasming around your cock, as he lifts his head to watch you. G'razel pulls his cock out slowly before he lifts the tube, when he does it reveals your cock, swollen and shaped more like the tube then your cock now, its surface slightly shiny but very black and wrinkled slightly like an overcooked hotdog almost, and the smell of burnt flesh gets real strong Red_Jack watches you lift the tube off his cock, and his eyes bug out, as he sees what's become of his cock, wimpering at the sight G'razel grins and smiles "I see my supper is ready" and he crouches down licking at your balls then over your cock and you realize you can't feel his tongue, he coverz the squashed tip of your cock with his mouth Red_Jack moans as your tongue slides across his balls, his head falling back until her realizes that he's not feeling it anymore, and he looks up, just in time to see the tip of his meat slipping into your mouth. G'razel closes his jaws with a snap, pulling his head back and the top couple inches of your cock is gone, and he starts to chew then swallow, grinning at you, you realize you didn't feel a thing Red_Jack watches you, seeing his cock shortened, watching you chew, whimpering, not from pain, as he feels nothing, but rather from anticipating what's going to happen G'razel goes down on your cock and bites off a couple more inches, grinning at you as he chews "very tasty meat you got there boy" Red_Jack half smiles at the compliment, then whimpers, tears, rolling down his face, as he helplessly watches you make a meal of his cock G'razel smiles as he takes another bite, chewing slowly as he grins, taking out another needle and poking what's left of your cock, teasing you about not being able to feel it Red_Jack watches you bite off another piece, not much left at this point, and watches you poking him with a needle, whimpering from the anticipated pain, the pain he can't feel from it anymore G'razel grins and pokes the neeld through your sac between your balls then takes the last o fyour cock into his mouth and bites it off, but he doesn't chew, instead he moves around the rack and bends over as if to kiss you Red_Jack whines as the needle passes through his sack, and watches you bite off the last piece of his cock, watching nervously as you approach him, noticing that you didn't chew it G'razel bends down and presses his lips to yours, and opens them, you feel the cooked meat press at your lips and he reaches for a needle, placing it over your juglar as an implied threat since he can't speak Red_Jack whimpers, and opens his mouth, taking the meat in his mouth, crying softly as he does G'razel pushes it fully into your mouth then breaks the kiss "eat it, or die" as he prickes your neck with the needle to empahasize Red_Jack chews the meat as little as possible, before gulping forcing himself to swallow it, grimacing in disgust as he does G'razel grins and removes the needle and smiles "so boy are you happy now, you got what you wanted, and a snack on top of that" Red_Jack looks down at himself, at what's missing, and simply whimpers, "Why? All I wanted was to yiff a bit, maybe be punished, not mutilated." Red_Jack looks down at himself, at what's missing, and simply whispers "Why, All I wanted was to play a bit, not be mutilated." G'razel grins "oh really now, but you seemed to be enjoying it throghouly" and he moves down and rubs over your empty sheath, grinning "but if your gonna whine" and he jabs the needled down into your sheath and you feel a jolt of pain Red_Jack howls, panting as you drive a needle into his sheath, moaning, a purr escaping him G'razel pulls the needle out and you feel a burning feeling in your groin, and i tthrobs, and your sheath fills slowly, blakc flesh pushing up out of it Red_Jack watches in amazement, feeling a tingling, as something expands from his empty sheath, much to his surprise G'razel watches you and smirks, the flehs growing out and forming into your hard cock finally, the tingling spreading "there you have it back boy, I'm in a good mood just because it tasted so good the first time" Red_Jack blinks in surprise, and smiles, "Thank you sir. I would have missed it terribly." G'razel nod snad smiles, he runs the needle up along the side of your shaft, then teases your slit with it, then he drives it in one side of your cock just below the head and it comes out the other side "I think I'll leave you like this tonight, let you suffer while I sleep" Red_Jack cries out, a mixture of pain and pleasure as the needle passes through his cock. As he hears you, he struggles weakly, as if he thinks he'll escape. G'razel grins and pushes a buttplug into yoru ass, and you feel it seep a thick liquid that flows into you "there that will help fill you up, enjoy your night" G'razel whispers, "maybe, well take care, you'll awake to find the clamps gone, your bowels full of the liquid, and all the needles still in place" to you. G'razel lays down next to the rack and drifts off to sleep listening to you struggle