Pedigree and Red Jack 27 March 2000 on Furry Muck ©2000 their players PEDIGREE Pedigree's smooth skin is free of imperfections, so pale that it gives the impression that she has never seen a moment of sunshine before. She wears heavy black mascara and eyeliner around her cloudy grey eyes, matching the glistening black lipstick on her full lips. Raven black hair has been braided into many small braids which fall to just below her shoulders. Standing at almost seven feet, her black feathery wings add to the somewhat imposing image even though she does not seem to be overly muscular. Her body would be better described as curvaceous, with long legs and wide hips. She is wearing chainmail that is made out of a dull black metal, though it seems more decorative than protective. A chainmail halter top fits snugly over her large, rounded breasts, It is open enough at the top to display a generous amount of cleavage, and the bottom swell of her breasts is also barely visible. A wide black metal armband is on her right bicep, inlaid with intricate silver runes. Down past her bared midriff is a short chainmail skirt which falls to her mid-thigh. It has been designed with slits at the sides, baring her long, shapely legs up to the hip. From a fine silver belt hangs a variety of handcuffs, shackles, and short lengths of chain. A delicate silver chain anklet is worn on her left ankle, her feet otherwise bare. Despite her walking around barefoot, her feet seem to remain completely clean. RED JACK At first glance, you see a puma morph, before you realize that you're actually looking at a 'taur. Yup, a pumataur, 5ft tall and 6ft long with 3ft of thick tail trailing behind him. A quick look shows him to be covered in reddish brown fur, till you take a closer look. White fur covers the underside of his jaw, while his ears, hands, paws, and the tip of his tail are covered in black fur. Then there's his hands... paws... each with four equal length fingers, opposable thumbs, and claws. Sticking out from his chest, you see two rings, made of 10 ga. niobium, blue in color, and an inch in diameter, with a small chain connecting them. On the chain, hangs a ring, silver, the crystal facets forming a rainbow, a symbol of his pride. Hanging between his legs, you see his sheath, the tip of his 10in taurhood peeking out. Pedigree looks Red_Jack over thoughtfully from where she is sitting on a couch, her legs stretched out along it. She raises a hand and motions him over, crooking one finger casually. Red_Jack pads over to Pedigree, hesitantly, curious as to why she's gesturing to him, stopping and sitting before her, lowering his head politely Pedigree points to the floor next to the couch. "Kneel," she says simply to Red_Jack, in a low voice. Red_Jack looks at her curiously, trying to figure out how a 'taur can kneel, but tries to find an approximation, something between lying down and sitting up Pedigree supposes it would be more of a sit with the paws tucked underneath... :) Pedigree turns towards Red_Jack, swinging her legs around to face him. She places a foot on his chest, running her toes along his chain. "This looks convenient...what is your name, mortal?" she asks him. Red_Jack smiles, and does so, folding his legs beneath himself, resting his lower body on the floor, curling his tail around himself, still looking down demurely Red_Jack blushes, looking up at her as she addresses him, "Red Jack, ma'am, though I answer to Red, Jack, RJ or anything else you would prefer." Quickly he returns to looking down, watching as she teases his chain. Traveler waves "Take care folkes. Play nice Pedigree *chuckle* Pedigree raises an eyebrow at Traveler. "I never play nice," she says. Pedigree toes the ring hanging from the chain. "I've not had a 'taur as of yet, this may prove interesting. I am Pedigree, though you may call me Mistress." Red_Jack looks up at her, "Yes Mistress." Pedigree smiles slightly, and stands in front of Red_Jack. Slipping her forefinger into the ring on his chain, she tugs on it once. "Come along, mortal," she says. Red_Jack winces slightly, more from surprise, "Yes Mistress." Pedigree tugs again on the ring, leading Red_Jack from the room. Pedigree leaves through the doors. Pedigree has left. Pedigree carries you along with her. Outside The Leash and Collar In a hidden corner of Jwazeiru stands the front door of the Leash and Collar. Easy to miss, it blends in with the residences of the furs of the city. Double doors of carved oak lead inside. The only marking on the outside of the building is a small brass plaque beside the doors. The elegant etching on the plaque reads, 'Welcome to the Leash and Collar. Adults Only.' Down the broad avenue to the west is the main square of the city. To the NorthEast you can see the Horse Tail Cult Temple. Obvious Exits: The Leash and Collar The Milk Club EroDance Willing Victims Guild Jwazeiru Temple of the Horse Tail Cult Pedigree pushes open the door and enters The Leash and Collar. Pedigree carries you along with her. Foyer(#149434RL) The foyer of the Leash and Collar is a quietly elegant hallway leading to the main room of the club. Gas lamps lining the walls every few meters throw flickering shadows on the rich oak panelling and carved ceiling supports. The carpet is thick and richly red. At the far end of the hall, a set of brass-handled doors lead into the Leash and Collar proper. Flanking the doors are two carved oaks signs which spell out the rules and policies of the establishment ('look rules' to study them in detail). Peeking inside past one of the heavy oaken doors, you see nobody inside. Obvious Exits: Out Lounge TLC Auction House Pedigree carries Red_Jack with her. Pedigree leaves for the lounge. Pedigree carries you along with her. The Leash and Collar: Main Lounge Dim lighting and cunning interior design helps keep the ambiance close and intimate in the large main room of the Leash and Collar. The walls are lined with oaken shelves, holding hundreds of 'books', interrupted only by carved fixtures holding subdued gaslights. The floor is carpeted, plush and richly crimson. To the right of the doors as one enters is a wooden staircase leading to the viewing galleries and exhibition room above. Most of the room is taken up by large oak tables, wooden chairs padded with black, leather clustering around each one. Several large pallets, sumptiously padded and raised inches from the ground, are available for larger furs. A massive fireplace on the far wall is faced by a number of reading chairs, each with it's own lamp. A small sign above the fireplace contains a list of the 'rules' of the establishment. A discrete sign reads "No Smoking". The entire effect is casually formal, but friendly. Servants circulate discretely, offering small snacks and drinks. A small brass plaque, carefully polished each day, is set by the door in an inconspicuous spot. Obvious Exits: Foyer Stairs Conversation Room Pedigree goes up the stairs Pedigree carries you along with her. Pedigree carries Red_Jack with her. Upstairs Landing - Leash and Collar The second floor landing opens out onto the balconied viewing gallery of The Leash and Collar. The oakpanelled hallway lit by flickering gaslights. The hallway is lined by a series of closed 'doors', each with a discreet placque bearing the name or function of the rooms. The rooms each lock for private use and may be viewed or screened off from the Viewing Gallery. Obvious Exits: Stairs Galleries Public Playroom Wet Room Card Game Room Pedigree leaves for the viewing gallery. Pedigree carries you along with her. Viewing Gallery - Leash and Collar(#118806RL) The viewing galleries overlook the main lounge of the Leash and Collar. Large comfortable chairs and loveseats rest on the plush red carpet. The lefthand wall is devoid of the customary panelling and gaslights. Instead, it is covered floor to ceiling with a window that looks into the six exhibition rooms. A cunning deception, the window appears to be mirrored and opaque to those on exhibition, preserving the anonymity of their watchers. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are viewable, but they are all empty. For instructions on viewing, look at the 'sign'. Obvious Exits: Out Pedigree carries Red_Jack with her. Pedigree has left. In Room 2, Pedigree steps in from the hallway. Pedigree carries you along with her. Room 2(#97342RCJ) Deep plush carpeting and subtle lighting create an atmosphere of intimacy, yet illuminating every corner of the Exhibition Room. The room is fully equipped and furnished, the walls holding a variety of bondage furniture such as horses, Katherine wheels, racks, pillories, X-crosses, and numerous rings. A careful observer can detect ceiling hooks with dangling chains as well, and a large, 'cabinet' stands sedately in one corner. In another corner stands a large, four-poster bed, rings lining the sides, head- and footboards, and the posts themselves. Tables are scattered here and there, adorned in black leather, a few of them holding stacks of towels and trays of favorite lubricants. The room seems large, as one long wall is bare of furniture and supports, appearing instead as one entire mirror, reflecting the room itself. The mirror between the Viewing Gallery is uncovered: YES (YES or NO to change) Obvious Exits: Out Pedigree carries Red_Jack with her. Pedigree covers the mirror, closing off the view from the Voyeur's Room. Pedigree locks the door with a soft click. Red_Jack watches her nervously Pedigree walks slowly over to some of the chains hanging from the hooks in the ceiling, looking up at the hooks as she tugs on them experimentally to test their strength. Red_Jack looks at the chains nervously, and begins backing away slowly Pedigree whispers, "What do you mean by drop off?" to you. Pedigree nods to herself, seeming satisfied. She turns towards you and says, "Come here, mortal..." Red_Jack looks at her nervously, keeping his distance, "Umm, why Mistress?" Pedigree frowns, and stalks over towards you. "Do not question," she says sharply, yanking on your chain hard. "Just obey!" She attempts to drag you over to the ceiling chains by the chain attached to you. Red_Jack yelps, and follows quickly, whimpering, worried that his chain might break, "Yes ma'am... I mean Mistress." Pedigree turns and backhands you across the face. "Don't call me ma'am," she says, hauling even harder on the chain, forcing you to pick up the pace. Red_Jack yelps, sobbing slightly, "Yes Mistress, I'm sorry Mistress" as he starts trotting to keep up with her Pedigree takes one of the ceiling chains and roughly grabs your wrist, shackling you to it. She hauls on the length of chain to force your arm straight up in the air over your head. Red_Jack tugs on the chain, and whimpers as he realizes he's quite firmly anchored, and reaches for the chain with his other hand Pedigree slaps your wrist away from your shackled hand, taking another one of the ceiling chains. She then grabs your other wrist, shackling you and forcing your arm above your head in a similar manner. Red_Jack whimpers, frightened by this, and tugs at the chains, vainly hoping to get free. Pedigree takes two chains and loops them under the 'shoulders' of your forepaws, locking the chains together. Red_Jack looks down and whimpers as you chain his forelegs together just under his lower shoulders. Pedigree repeats the procedure with your hindlegs, then loops another couple of chains around the midsection of your lower body. Red_Jack whines, kicking his hindlegs futily, struggling as he feels them chained. With a start, he realizes that you've also chained his midsection, and starts struggling, hopelessly trying to get away. Pedigree smirks at the struggling, and hauls on the chains attached to your rear legs, lifting your hindsection off the ground and tilting you forward, suspended by the chains and by your front legs. Red_Jack whimpers, his hindlegs kicking and struggling as they're lifted from the ground, and groaning as he feels his weight, all 250lbs on his forelegs Pedigree walks to the other chains, tightening them up to hold you in place, which also relieves a bit of the weight on your forelegs; the chains support some of your weight. Red_Jack smiles, glad to have some of the weight taken on his forelegs, even if its by having his forelegs tied, "Thank you ma'am." Too late realizing his mistake. Pedigree walks around behind you once again, and runs a finger along your shaft, chuckling softly. "My, you're a big one..." she says in a low voice. Pedigree frowns at the improper title, gripping your shaft and squeezing _hard_. Red_Jack blushes at your words, trying to watch you, jerking slightly at your touch, "Thank you mistress." Red_Jack yelps, his hindlegs kicking in the air, as he whimpers, "I'm sorry Mistress." Pedigree holds the squeeze for a couple of seconds, watching you squirm and kick. "You must learn the proper respect, mortal," she says, finally releasing you. She walks around front, and drags a table over in front of you. Sitting on the table, you find that the angle of the tilt would place you almost in her lap if she had moved the table closer. As it is, she is at a leg's distance, which she demonstrates by lifting her leg straight out and rubbing her foot along your cheek. Red_Jack whimpers, "I'm sorry," and watches you, rubbing his cheek against your foot, and twisting about, trying to nuzzle against it Pedigree smiles, rubbing her foot against your cheek a couple of times, then stroking her sole along the top of your muzzle, ruffling your headfur between your ears with her toes. Red_Jack purrs in pleasure, as he keeps trying to nuzzle against it, trying to lick it when it comes near his mouth. Pedigree slowly slides her foot down your muzzle, down over your nose, and presses it against your mouth gently. Red_Jack purrs, as he licks it, running his rough tongue around each toe, gently grooming them Pedigree smiles, leaning back on the table, propped up on her arms. She wiggles her toes as you lick them and says, "Mmm. Not show promise." Red_Jack continues licking, careful to lick all around each toe, carefully licking between them, while looking at her, a pleased look in his eyes as he hears her compliment. Pedigree raises her left foot, rubbing the side of your face with the sole of it as you continue to lap at her right foot. She spreads her wings behind her and cocks her head to one side as she watches you work, her braided hair hanging off to one side and swinging a bit from the motion of her head. Red_Jack smiles, playfully, as he stretches forward, sucking a toe into his mouth, licking and on it gently, then releases it, only to move to the next gently licking and sucking, purring happily as he works, looking quite pleased with himself Pedigree chuckles softly. "You seem to be enjoying this, mortal. That is good, I like it when my playthings have a talented mouth." She wiggles each toe inside your mouth, continuing to rub the side of your face with her left foot. Red_Jack purrrs, as he licks and sucks, smiling, and in doing so, accidently nips your toe Sarn pages, "oh.. what kind of scean pet? :) its ok." to you. Pedigree jerks her foot a little, pulling it away. "No teeth," she commands, slapping your face back and forth a couple of times with the soles of her feet. Red_Jack whimpers, and returns to sucking, mumbling an apology as he works harder to make up for it Pedigree points her right foot, and presses her toes to your mouth. She wiggles her toes and keeps pushing, forcing the end of her foot into your mouth. "Keep sucking, slave...and watch the teeth," she says. Red_Jack mumbles, as he takes your toes in his mouth, licking and sucking gently on each one, looking up at you, hoping for your approval as he grooms each one carefully, wrapping his rough tongue about each toe one at a time. Pedigree removes her right foot from your mouth, rubbing it along your cheek as she presents her left foot to you. She presses the arch of her foot to your lips. Sarn waves as he steps in. Sarn takes a seat... and does not disturb you two. Red_Jack nuzzles against it, before taking his tongue and licking at it, slowly tracing the curve with his rough tongue, gently stroking it, purring as he works Pedigree glances over at Sarn from where she sits on a table in front of the chained up Red_Jack, casually stroking her right foot along the 'taur's cheek and pressing her left foot to his lips. Sarn smiles.. nodding his approval of whats happening. Red_Jack licks gently at your foot, even as he tries to rub against your other foot, purring happily, looking up at you contentedly, almost forgetting the chains Pedigree's black lips part in a smile as she looks back to Red_Jack, arching her foot as the tip of her tongue shows between her teeth. Red_Jack lets his tongue trace the arch of her foot, exploring a bit past it, tracing along the edges before sweeping his tongue across it Pedigree flexes her wings, and says to Red in a low voice, "Let's put that tongue of yours to work elsewhere, shall we?" She raises a finger pointing stright to the ceiling, and grins at Red as her eyes go completely black, the pupils expanding toswallow up the whites of her eyes. She crooks her finger towards Red a couple of times, and the table slides along the floor towards him on its own. As she slides closer, her pale legs slide along the side of Red's head. At the end of the motion, Red's muzzle has been planted under her chain skirt, both legs wrapped over his shoulders. Red_Jack purrs muffledly, and nuzzles experimently, licking at what's been presented to him, hesitantly Pedigree's sex is dripping after the attention her feet have been given, and her scent is sweet but smelling faintly of smoke. She wraps her fingers in your headfur and presses your face into her more firmly. Red_Jack makes muffled whine, as he sweeps his tongue up one of your lips, and down the other, brushing your clit as he moves from one to the other, then reversing direction, up the second lip, across your clit, and down the other, gently Pedigree shudders, rubbing her lower legs along your back, her thighs rubbing along your cheeks in the process. "Mmm. This one has a talented tongue," she says in the direction of Sarn." Red_Jack purrs, as he makes a last pass, up on lip, across your clit, down the other, and back again, this time closing the circle, his tongue at the bottom of your slit, before lightly licking across it. Pedigree curls her toes, squeezing your head lightly between her thighs and gripping your head with both hands. Her wings are spread behind her, helping her to keep her balance. Red_Jack murrs, and licks across your slit, slipping a bit deeper into you, teasing your slit as he brushes across it, and across your clit Sarn smiles.. watching.. Pedigree releases your head and leans back, both hands flat on the table supporting her while her legs continue to rub up and down along your back. She tilts her head back, her braids hanging down to her shoulderblades behind her. She bites her lower lip, her white teeth contrasting against the black lipstick. Red_Jack purrs, as he digs his tongue in more, parting your lips as his tongue slides in, just parting your lips, as he licks up, pausing to lick and suck at your clit, before working his way down, and in this time Pedigree shudders again, a gasp escaping her lips. She slides all the way onto her back, settling her black wings beneath her. Her arms are stretched above her head, flat against the table, and she raises her hips off of the table a bit, using her legs for leverage on your shoulders and back. Red_Jack urps, as he finds his muzzled pressed tightly against your sex, nuzzling your clit with his nose, as he pushes his tongue into you, lapping up your sweet nectar, enjoying the odd faint smell of smoke, exploring your sex with his tongue Pedigree's fluids are flowing steadily, and she uses her leverage to start grinding herself into your face, reaching down to twine her fingers in your headfur again. She presses you into her even more with her hands, licking her lips. Red_Jack purrs gently, as he licks, digging his tongue in, licking along one side of your sex, as far as his tongue will reach, before licking at the other, then swishing his tongue about, slurp up your juices happily, as he rubs his nose against your clit Pedigree thrashes her head from side to side, her thighs clamping on the sides of your face like a vice as she starts to climax. She shrieks in ecstasy, her hands pulling your hair a bit painfully as she clenches her fists. Red_Jack yelps into your sex as he feels you pull at his fur, then returns to his work, rubbing your clit with his nose as he stretches his tongue, trying to reach deeper to get more of you delicious nectar Pedigree's shuddering eventually ends and she releases your head, a light sheen of sweat covering her body. She gazes up at you with lust still in her eyes. "Very nice, mortal. But I'm not done with you yet..." Red_Jack smiles, and purrrs happily, his muzzles glistening with your juices, looked pleased with himself. Pedigree's eyes become that eerie black colour again, and she makes a series of gestures with her hands. Every time she moves her hands, one of the chains jumps at her command. The chains around the shoulders of your forelegs tighten and hoist you in the air, level with how high your hindlegs were already lifted. The chains around your midsection tighten similarly, taking some of the weight. The ones around your wrists maintain the tension, keeping your arms held straight above your head. More chains snake down from the hooks on the ceiling, binding each of your ankles and pulling them out to the sides away from your body at 45 degree angles. Red_Jack whimpers nervously, as he finds himself suspended and stretched uncomfortably, squirming, fighting the chains, looking at you pleadingly Pedigree makes another motion with her hand, and lies back as the table she's on slides underneath you. The table stops moving after your cock has comfortably nestled up under her skirt, after having slid along one of her thighs. The tip of your cock is resting against her warm sex, still slick with her juices and your saliva. Red_Jack looks down, watching as you slide below him, feeling his cock brush along your thigh, jerking a bit at the touch, squirming needfully as he feels his tip press against your sex Pedigree wriggles downwards a bit, forcing just your large cocktip into her. Pedigree says, "Mmmm...taurcocks are so big..." Red_Jack squirms, shaking the chains, as he tries to push into your sex, panting with his need, struggling, wanting more of you Pedigree leaves just your tip inside of her, squeezing it a couple of times with her internal muscles. She scratches along the underside of your taurbody with her fingernails, hard enough to hurt but not enough to break the skin. "Would you like something, mortal?" she says sweetly, watching you flail about in the chains with a grin. Red_Jack whimpers, struggling, trying to push himself into you, shaking the chains, much as he can, "Yes, ma'am... Mistress, please, I need it." Pedigree wriggles her hips, teasing your cocktip. "You need it, do you?" she asks, continuing to scratch you up and down with her fingernails. "Well, luckily for do I." Her hands grasp the fur on your sides and push up toward her head, making you swing in the chains, your cock sliding all the way into her tight passage. Still slick from the earlier fun, her pussy clamps on you tightly, squeezing your entire taurcock a couple of times. She moans beneath you in pleasure. Sarn grins and licks his lips. Red_Jack groans as he feels himself slide in, panting as your pussy squeezes his taurhood tightly, as he's pulled in deep, purring as he feels himself fill you. Pedigree releases your fur, and you swing completely out of her. She grabs your fur and pushes again, slipping you back inside and into her to the hilt again. Red_Jack whines as he finds himself slipping out of you, moaning and panting as he slides back in again, finding himself fully sheathed by your pussy, squirming and struggling, wanting to take you harder Pedigree keeps up the maddeningly slow pace for a few thrusts, then starts thrusting you into her faster and faster. Each thrust is harder as she shoves you back into her then drags you back out to your cocktip, then shoves you back in again... Red_Jack groans, his hands clenching and uncleching, as he feels himself driven into you, only to be pulled out again, slowly at first, then quicker, harder, panting, his taurhood twitching as its stroked by your pussy, each stroke bringing him inexoriably closer to his climax Pedigree mms, and starts moaning each time she rams your cock into her, gasping for breath as she hauls you back out. She is slamming you into herself hard now; apparently she has more strength than her curvaceous figure would indicate. The fur she is gripping to push you in and out is pulling painfully, every now and then a small tuft being ripped out before she grabs somewhere else. Red_Jack wimpers, trying to look down at what you're doing to him as he feels his fur tugged at painfully, still purring and moaning in pleasure, as he feels your pussy tugging at his taurhood, squeezing it tight before releasing it as he's pulled out, feeling himself start to drip, as he nears his climax, squinting as he feels it, trying to hold back Pedigree groans loudly, continuing to swing you back and forth on the chains, humping her hips up to meet each one. With fairly impressive flexibility, she bends her legs upanhooks them just above your hindlegs, wrapping around your taurbody. Then she hugs your taurbody with her arms, slamming herself up and down on your cock, hanging from you by her arms and longer touching the table. Red_Jack groans as he feels your weight hanging from him, and struggles to meet your strokes, feeling a rumble deep with in him, as his load struggles to escape, panting, moaning, whining, as he struggles to hold back Pedigree feels your cock start to swell inside of her. She continues slamming into you two more times, then presses down onto you hards, wiggling her hips and gripping you tightly with her arms and legs. She opens her mouth, fangs forming where none were before. You feel two pinpricks on your underside as she sinks them into you, then a surge of pleasure and euphoria as she starts to suck. She climaxes instantly on inserting her fangs into you, and her inner muscles spasm around your cock. She continues to suck and wriggle her hips throughout the spasm, her wings fluttering irregularly below her. Red_Jack yips, as he feels something prick him, losing his concentration, and cumming, waves of pleasure flooding him as he orgasms, taken higher by something else, his taurhood twitching within you as he cums, panting and moaning, purring happily, feeling a bit odd. Pedigree moans happily as your taursperm drenches her passage, continuing to suck and wiggle a few seconds after both climaxes. She finally removes her fangs, licking the two small wounds, which seal over, instantly healing. She didn't drink enough to do harm, just maybe leave you pleasantly lightheaded for a little bit. She slowly drags herself off of your cock, mixed sperm and her fluids dripping onto the table and down her thighs. She drops her legs down, standing on the floor before letting go with her arms. "Mmm...I'll have to make use of you again, mortal. That was...impressive," she says, flicking the tip of your cock with a finger. Red_Jack smiles, purring, his taurhood jumping at your touch, "Thank you mistress, I would be pleased to serve you again." Pedigree's eyes become completely black once again. She motions, and the table is shoved against the wall. Then she does an intricate series of gestures, and all of the chains holding you aloft snap beneath you, dropping you to the floor. Red_Jack lands heavily and a bit startled on all fours, and smiles at you as he rubs his wrists, "Thank you Mistress, it was a pleasure to serve you." Pedigree licks a bit of your blood from the corner of her mouth, her eyes back to normal again. "You were...entertaining. Run along now, mortal," she says, walking out of the room. Red_Jack watches her leave, then slips away slowly for home.