Sandra and Red Jack 1 April 2000 on Furry Muck ©2000 their players SANDRA Sandra is a five foot four red fox morph. Hir curvy figure and busty chest are the fist things most notice. Shi has a rich red coat with a stripe of white running hir tummy to throat to chin. Atop hir head are a pair of foxy ears with black tips, tufts of white fur stick up inside them. Hir snout has a white band right before the black nose which is bracketed by hir whiskers. Hir arms look both strong and are tipped by delicate fingers. Hir feet come down in black paws. A long bushy red tail flows down from just above hir behind, tipped in white fur. Pink nipples peek out of the white fur of hir breasts. Dangling from between hir thighs is a fairly large sheath and ball- sack, almost obscuring hir very feminine sex. Sandra is a six foot eight at the head red fox'taur. Hir curvy figure and busty chest are the fist things most notice. Shi has a rich red coat with a stripe of white running hir under belly to throat to chin. Atop hir head are a pair of foxy ears with black tips, tufts of white fur stick up inside them. Hir snout has a white band right before the black nose which is bracketed by hir whiskers. Hir arms look both strong and are tipped by delicate fingers. Four strong legs with paws stretch down from hir body, hir horizontal half as long as shi is tall. A long bushy red tail flows down from just above hir back end, tipped in white fur. Pink nipples peek out of the white fur of hir large breasts. Hir large sex is visible when shi swishes hir tail, occasionally lifting it enough to show hir puckered ass. From between hir hindlegs a pair of large balls dangle behind a very large sheath. Sandra is a six foot eight at the head red fox'taur. Hir curvy figure and busty chest are the fist things most notice. Shi has a rich red coat with a stripe of white running hir under belly to throat to chin. Atop hir head are a pair of foxy ears with black tips, tufts of white fur stick up inside them. Hir snout has a white band right before the black nose which is bracketed by hir whiskers. Hir arms look both strong and are tipped by delicate fingers. Four strong legs with paws stretch down from hir body, hir horizontal half as long as shi is tall. A long bushy red tail flows down from just above hir back end, tipped in white fur. Pink nipples peek out of the white fur of hir large breasts. Hir large sex is visible when shi swishes hir tail, occasionally lifting it enough to show hir puckered ass. From between hir hindlegs a pair of large balls hang full behind an extremely large erect cock that's almost as long as hir lower body. RED JACK At first glance, you see a puma morph, before you realize that you're actually looking at a 'taur. Yup, a pumataur, 5ft tall and 6ft long with 3ft of thick tail trailing behind him. A quick look shows him to be covered in reddish brown fur, till you take a closer look. White fur covers the underside of his jaw, while his ears, hands, paws, and the tip of his tail are covered in black fur. Then there's his hands... paws... each with four equal length fingers, opposable thumbs, and claws. Sticking out from his chest, you see two rings, made of 10 ga. niobium, blue in color, and an inch in diameter, with a small chain connecting them. On the chain, hangs a ring, silver, the crystal facets forming a rainbow, a symbol of his pride. At first glance, you see a puma morph, before you realize that you're actually looking at a 'taur. Yup, a pumataur, 5ft tall and 6ft long with 3ft of thick tail trailing behind him. A quick look shows him to be covered in reddish brown fur, till you take a closer look. White fur covers the underside of his jaw, while his ears, hands, paws, and the tip of his tail are covered in black fur. Then there's his hands... paws... each with four equal length fingers, opposable thumbs, and claws. Sticking out from his chest, you see two rings, made of 10 ga. niobium, blue in color, and an inch in diameter, with a small chain connecting them. On the chain, hangs a ring, silver, the crystal facets forming a rainbow, a symbol of his pride. Hanging between his legs, you see his sheath, the tip of his 10in taurhood peeking out. Sandra walk over and scratches Red_Jack's chin. Red_Jack looks curiously at Sandra Sandra grins and clamps a leash on Red_Jack's collar, "cmere you little morsel ..." Red_Jack eeeps, startled, and tries to pull away from her Sandra smiles and sinches in tight, being dragged by the bigger fur for the moment. Red_Jack shakes himself, trying to get loose, reaching for the leash with his hands Sandra growls and says, "cmere ..." suddenly growing much larger, dropping another pair of feet on the floor. Red_Jack eeeks, and whimpers nervously, "Yes ma'am." Sandra grins and tugs, "no more trouble." shi moves to haul him off somewhere. Red_Jack whimpers, as he weakly follows her Sandra's Den This is a large, single roomed, fox den. Along one wall there is a well padded sleeping mat clad in cotton sheets. Many big fluffy pillows are scattered about. There is a low table at the other end of the room that looks very heavy duty and has strong iron rings at each corner. [ Obvious exits: Out ] Sandra carries Red_Jack with Sandra. Sandra hauls you into hir rather simple den ... you might notice that shi's developing quite an erection. Red_Jack looks around nervously, especially when he sees the table, then looks back at her, his eyes growing larger as he watches her erection growing, nervously licking his lips Sandra smiles and walks you over the table, so you're straddling it, forcing your stance wide. You might notice that it's bolted to the floor. Red_Jack struggles, uncomfortable like this, and tries to get off the table, or push it away, a bit surprised to find that its bolted firmly in place. Sandra grins and growls, "stay put." shi straps each of your legs to the rings in the table. Shi at least slips a few pillows where you are straining against the boards. Red_Jack whimpers, struggling to free himself, breathing a sigh of relief as he feels the pillows added, hoping you don't notice it. "Let me go, this isn't right." Sandra giggles softly, "Oh ... I'll let you go ... later ... after I've had my fun." Shi grins and ducks outside, pulling a big suitcase out of some bushes before coming back with it, setting it down next to you. "Or should I just leave you here and go visit my sisters for a week, hmmm?" Red_Jack whimpers, "Please don't... please, let me go." Sandra grins, "no. And the more you ask me to the longer I'll leave you tied up there." Shi kneels down beside you, reaching beneath you to rub your sheath, "I can be nice too ..." Red_Jack moans, as he feels your touch, "Mmm, please, I'm uncomfortable like this." He bucks slightly as you rub him Sandra smiles, "oh that's allright, hir hand touches your sheah and is covered with some sort of warm lube. Shi strokes your sheath, trying to coax it out to fully hot and hard. Red_Jack moans, squirming at your touch, feeling himself expanding, struggling, embarassed by his reactions Sandra murrs softly, "see ... you like nice ..." shi pumps hir hand over your growing shaft, coating it with the slippery goo. Red_Jack whimpers, blushing, struggling as he feels his taurhood grow, trying to squirm away from your touch Sandra smiles, "there we go." shi pulls a tube out of the suitcase the side falling open to show more tubes, some hoses, and some sort of gadget. You can feel the tube slide snugly over your shaft, almost all the way to the base. Shi attaches a hose to the end of the tube and the other end to the gadget. Shi grins, "this should be fun" Shi pads around behind you and starts kneading your rump. Red_Jack eeeps, as watches you, and struggles as he feels his taurhood slipped into the tube. Purrring slightly, he unconciously tries to press back against your hand Sandra growls, "mmm ... you like this hmmm ... more lube is slopped all over your ass and shi even slips hir whole hand inside your behind. You can see now, it's precum pouring like a faucet from hir extremely hard cock. Shi flips a switch on the gadget and the tube starts to rythmicly suck on your cock. Causing it to swell a little ane preventing it from going soft until it is removed. Red_Jack mrrrs, and yelps as he feels your hand forced into him, whimpering and moaning in pleasure. Looking at your cock, he swallows nervously, as he feels the pump start working on his cock Sandra grins, "do you want me to put my cock inside here?" shi slips hir hand inside your rump to the wrist. "to fill you up, hmmm?" you can hear precum from hir cock splashing on the floor. Red_Jack moans, sweat breaking out on his brow as you stretch him, as he says no, while his head nods yes Sandra grins, "okay ..." you feel a footpaw on your rump, and one on the table by a hindleg. Hir thick cockhead nears your behind, precum very rapidly drenching your entire ass to your heels. The thick head presses against your pucker, hard enough that the precum starts to gush inside you, shi presses forward and murmurs, "oh ... I should say, I get lots bigger when I get more excited..." shi pushes forward stretching your ass wide, and rapidly filling your bowels with precum. Red_Jack whimpers, leaning forward, trying much as he can to get away, as he feels your pre pouring down, then into him, as you force your way in. Moaning, he squirms and stuggles as your shaft pokes into him, spraying his insides with your pre Sandra growls and gives a bit of a lurch forward as shi wraps hir arms around your torso, dropping hir forelegs on either side of you. Hir thick cock plows into you, stretching your insides and nearly pushing against your foreward hips. Shi moans in pleasure. Red_Jack yelps, and whinnies, almost like a horse, as you fill him painfully, impossibly, pre spraying deep into him, pushing back againsh you Sandra grins and starts to buck hir hips, thrusting hir big length inside you. The impossible amount of precum cannot back out past hir cock and starts welling up inside your stomachs. The pump on your cock dutifly does it's job, sucking away with a rythmic beat. What's more hir cock starts swelling inside you, growing thicker and longer, you can feel rippls of gushing pre between your forelegs with hir every thrust. Red_Jack moans, filling with your pre, your cock forcing it into his upper stomach, swelling, stretching him further as it explores deeper his chest before his forelegs rippling with each gush of pre going into him. He struggles as his cock is sucked, gently, isesntly by the machine attached to it. Sandra groans and thrusts rythmicly inside you, hir cock still growing thicker and even longer inside you, your rear hips begin to distend from the immense girth and a bulge starts pumping forward from between your forelegs as shi grows larger and larger. Rather suddenly the garden hose of precum inside you becomes a firehose of cum as shi growls in pleasure squeezing your back tight to hir breasts. Red_Jack yelps, looking in surprise at your cockhead swelling his belly, moaning as he feels himself stretched about your cock as it sprays it seed into him, filling him Sandra keeps pumping and thrusting, hir cock gets longer and longer, then shi leans back and pushes your upper body forward, hir cockhead slips up into your upper torso, your belly upper and lower start to swell quite a bit as shi clutches your sides, ludicrusly huge amounts of cum rushing into you. Red_Jack groans, feeling you fill him, deeper and deeper, pressing into him, through his lower stomach into his upper stomach, both filling with your cum, bloating, until he looks as if he's pregnant, forced to lean forward by your ever growing shaft Sandra bucks away, hir tongue lolling as shi gasps in pleasure. Hir balls are resting on the floor behind hir they are so big. All the cum inside you, you can feel it welling in your chest and loins. A large pair of very female breasts swell out of your chest, you feel the unfamiliar presence of a cunny mashed beneath your overstretched behind, and the tube very briefly feels incredibly tight before it snaps wide open, your cock rocketing forward between your forelegs. You feel cum blasting into your upper belly swelling it big, so much that is starts to rush up your throat. Red_Jack eyes bug out, as he feels himself change, his body bulging and swelling with your cum, even as he feels it change, his cock expanding madly, stretching, the tip resting near his forlegs, something odd and tingly between his balls and his ass. Growining, he feels you grow bigger in him, filling him with cum, coughing as it bubbles up into his throat, even as he bloats out impossibly more, looking more than pregnant, looking like a water balloon. Sandra giggles as shi has climax after climax, cum gushing straight up your throat now, the restraints on your legs snap as hir cock presses several feet out between your new breasts, gushing cum madly. Red_Jack yelps, your shaft pushing further, a furrow showing its path, leading between his new breasts, thick ropes of your cum spraying into him, filling him, cum dribbling from his lips, he gurgles, as he tries to say somthing Sandra lets out one long gasp, and the cumming stops. After a minute hir cock starts to shrink away, after five minutes it slurps out of you. Cum gushing out everywhere. You can feel it infuse into your body, your balls feel incredibly full, your new cunny wet and dripping. Your cock throbbing, the foot thick shaft poking just between your forelegs. Red_Jack groans, wobbling as he fills himself emptied, moaning, tryiig not to think of his own additiond. Moaning, he tries to stand, trying to figure out how to walk with something like that on him Sandra wobbles a little bit, "oooo ... you're different now ..." still dazed from such a long cum. Red_Jack moans, as look down, unable to see much, aside from his.. hir newly formed breasts sprouting forth from her chest Sandra smiles and pads over behind you, "ooo .. look here." shi lowers hir head and starts lapping sloppily at your clitoris and cunny. Red_Jack eeeks, startled, then purrs, as an unfamiliar, but oh so pleasant feeling washes over hir, causing her to moan, and drip Sandra grins and slurps messily, slipping a hand inside you, slowly followed by most of hir arm. Red_Jack groans, and presses back as shi feels your hand push into hir sex, pulling your arm in easily, hir cunt dribbling, as she moans in pleasure at your licking Sandra murrs softly and pulls away, licking hir hand. "mmm, tasty." Red_Jack whimpers, as shi feels her cunny emptied, looking back at you, licking hir lips and smiling