Scorpion and Red Jack Furry Muck 31 January 2000 ©2000 their players Scorpion has teleported in. Scorpion has arrived. Red_Jack smiles, and waves playfully to Scorpion, "How are you today?" Scorpion whispers, "hello there." to you. You whisper, "Fast arrival, now I wonder what brought you here, hmmm?" to Scorpion. Scorpion whispers, "Scorpion waggles his eyebrows." to you. You whisper, "And who do you think you are, Groucho Marx... say the secret word, and win the prize. ;)" to Scorpion. Scorpion whispers, "forceshifting ;+}=" to you. Scorpion looks around and desided he does'nt like the way Red_jack's been standing there and pounces him! Red_Jack sees the panther heade for him, and sadly enough, he freezes You whisper, "that's a good word(s)" to Scorpion. Scorpion collides with red and vanishes with him. Scorpion wants to leash you. ('hopon Scorpion' to accept) hopon scorpion Scorpion attaches the leash to you. Scorpion teleports away. Scorpion has left. Scorpion drags you along by the leash. Scorpions place You see all around you a large room. It is covered on all sides be Portals and gates for this is the crossroads to Scorpions world. Carved in many lang. and all types of places labled in the stone. Scorpion drags Red_Jack in with a leash. Scorpion has left. Scorpion drags you along by the leash. Alternate Room You see a large room, full of furs and pillows lying around. The walls are adorned with metal rings, placed at regular intervals and the walls are cold stone. The temperature of the room is pleasantly warm, either from the firepit in the corner, or from some unknown source. This is the personal quarters of Scorpion, the rare furs and coverings strewn about the room tell the tale of her place in this society. Scorpion drags Red_Jack in with a leash. Scorpion has left. Scorpion drags you along by the leash. Beach you see before you a wonderous sight, miles and miles of pure white sand. This is Scorpions vary own beach as you see the waterfalls and the cliffs in the distance. The sand is warm in the sun as the waves and the soft roar of the waterfalls and waves sing in the tropical sun. Here you can find many things like warm sun and clear blue water. As you walk you notice that there is no driftwood or even any kind of debrie at all. The sand is clear and white as the snow as you come apon a nice little fire and some blankets. Here is where Scorpion has it set up for the evenings, you can sing,dance, or just be alone with your thought, or you can Even share the night with that special someone.......just a thought. Scorpion drags Red_Jack in with a leash. Scorpion releases you from the leash. Scorpion smiles as you reapper here Red_Jack blinks, looking around, "How'd you do that?" Scorpion says, "magic." Scorpion waves his paw and surrounds you in a cocoon of shimmering power. Red_Jack looks curiosly at him, "Magic, that stuff doesn't really exist." "Eeeek!! What're you doing? You purr, "Eeeek!! What're you doing?" Scorpion says, "then why can't you move?" Red_Jack looks at himself curiously, suprised to see that he's right, "Ummm, you wouldn't hurt little old me, now would you?" Scorpion chuckles as he weaves his hand a little as you feel strange, almost soft and pliable... ;+}= Red_Jack slurrs, "Whoa, what are you doing to me, I feel strange." Scorpion chuckles as he starts to reshape you, like an artist with soft clay.... Red_Jack wants to squirm, not sure he likes feeling himself being reshaped, but he can't quite say the words to stop you. You silently change from an fur to a furs. Scorpion purrrs as he uses his magic to remake you as a nice femme... (any preferance as to species?) You whisper, "Nope, this is all new to me" to Scorpion. Scorpion smiles as he decides to make this fun and reshapes you into a femme pantheress. You whisper, "give me a few more details" to Scorpion. Red_Jack looks at his new shape, wobbling a bit now that he's no longer a 'taur Scorpion chuckles, "shapeing you into a night black cat, with an athletic form with a med to large bust, he makes sure that all the porpotions re right Scorpion whispers, "about 5'8" to you. You whisper, "what do you think for short notice?" to Scorpion. Scorpion whispers, "looks good. ;+}=" to you. Red_Jack looks startled at his new form, enjoying the view of his... her breasts, wanting to feel them and the new curves of his body to see if they are real. You whisper, "Thanks for telling me that you looked, I forgot to set a notifier." to Scorpion. Scorpion chuckles as the restraints fade away, allowing you to move Red_Jack wobbles as he tries to walk, not sure how to walk on just two feet, 'specially with the weight on his chest, "Hey, what'd you do to me? Put me back the way I was." You whisper, "did you only look, or did you do a ws?" to Scorpion. Scorpion smiles as he starts to release his powerfull panther scent, alerting your body at an instintive level this is a vary domanent male.... Scorpion smiles, "no." as he notes your body's quick adjusting to the new form Red_Jack smells something, he doesn't know what it is, but her body does, quickly responding to it, having never felt this before, she practically throws herself at you, unable to control herself. Scorpion smiles as he holds you close and purrrs Red_Jack rubs herself against him, purring uncontrollably, her new form bringing with it a host of new sensations, she hugs you, enjoying your warmth and purring Scorpion smiles as he nibbles your neck softly as his hand cups your bottom firmly, he chuckles as he knows what sensations train a body best Red_Jack smiles, enjoying your hands on her bottom, a sensation not unlike before the transformation, over her purr, you can hear a faint moan of desire. Scorpion smiles as he reaches up and cups your breast, fondeling the sensative orb as he nips lightly on your neck Red_Jack moans, shocked at how sensitive her breasts are, licking the top of your head, growling softly Scorpion smiles as eh licks your nipples, nibbeling on the nips as his hand cups your sex as he purrrs, humming your nipple as he holds it between his sharp teeth Red_Jack places her hands on your head, gripping it tightly, panting slightly, arching her back towards you whisper scorpion = Am I milky? Red_Jack pets your head, while holding you to her Scorpion chuckles as he teases your nipply as his finger finds and rubs your clitty. Red_Jack sucks in a breath, her hands gripping your head tightly, in shock from your touch, panting, already getting wet, over stimulated from all the new sensations that grip her Scorpion pulls his head up as he purrrs softly... "how do you feel...." You purr, "God, words can't describe it, I've never felt so gooood." Red_Jack purrrrrs Scorpion says, "kneel down." Red_Jack smiles at him, "Yes sir. Please touch me again like that, please." Red_Jack kneels before him, an expectant look on her face Scorpion's tail slips up and strokes your thights teasingly as he says, "suck my cock. Red_Jack looks longly at your tail, enjoying its touch, "Yes sir." She leans forward, her tongue licking your sack and sheath, teasingly, trying to draw your cock from your sheath. Scorpion's cock swells slowly, it's tightness growing as the cock swells, his tail teasing your thighs as he purrrs Red_Jack purrs, and continues licing your sack and sheath, but now continuing up your swelling cock, and back down, slowly, digging her tongue into your sheath, teasing your remaining length out of it Scorpion smiles as his hardens, the cock slipping out, a massave shaft of flesh as he purrrrs softly Red_Jack blinks startled by your size, but she smiles, and switches her attention to your shaft, drawing her tongue along it length, from bottom to top, stop, swirl her tongue around the tip before slipping it into her mouth, slowly swallowing your shaft look scorpion Scorpion stands there, his form that of a great panther morph. He is cloaked in fur so black that it seems to eat the light around him. His build is athletic and powerfull, as he moves his muscles ripple under the fur, powerfull and ready to respond to his slightest command. All around him there is a sence of control and power, like one that is used to getting things done and is used to haveing his orders and such followed. At this time he is nude, clad only in his fur as this is all he needs. Scorpion chuckles as he smiles, purring as he leaks potent precum, his tail swishing over your cunny as he purrrrs. Somewhere on the muck, Aticston has disconnected. Red_Jack jumps slightly, the feeling of your tail on her cunny startling her, her teeth nicking your shaft, as she works its length into her mouth, a task more difficult than it used to be, enjoying the delicious taste of your precum Scorpion smacks your nose lightly, "no teeth on there. Scorpion's cock throbs softly as he starts to hump your mouth softly, his tail taeseingly light on your cunnylips Red_Jack tries to speak around your cock, it sounds as if she's saying sorry. Red_Jack sticks her tongue out, and plays it around your thrusting cock, trying to rub her cunny against your tail Scorpion smiles as his tail stays as far away as it always has, just teasing as he groans softly loosing anouther spirt of hot precum Red_Jack sucks greedily on your cock, quickly drinking up your precum, her cunny pushing back at your tail, begging it for more Scorpion smiles as he pulls his cock away from you as his tail retreats as well Somewhere on the muck, Aticston has disconnected. Red_Jack whimpers, sticking her tongue out, trying to lick the tip of your cock. Scorpion says, "you have to tell me what you want.. ;+}=" You purr, "Please, sir, please put your cock in me sir, I need it, please." Scorpion smiles as he chuckles, "and where do you want it slave? Red_Jack her tongue hangs out of her mouth, as she pants, "My, fill my cunny, sir, I need to feel your cock in me." Scorpion says, "into position then to be fucked" Red_Jack remaining on her knees, she places her paws on the ground, and raises her rump into the air, her tail swishing back and forth, almost begging you to fill her with your beautiful cock. Scorpion walks around you, as he lines up with your virgin unt Red_Jack starts pushing her rump in your direction, panting, "Please, fill me, I need you in me." Scorpion smiles as he thrusts, sheathing his 10 inch monster into your sex, splitting you open and spreading you wide around his thick shaft of panther meat Red_Jack eyes practically pop out of her head, as she feels your huge shaft driven into her unceremoniously, howling with lust, "Ohhhhh god, thank you." She pratically has her first orgasm just from having you drive into her, the new feeling driving her wild, as she thrusts back at you. Scorpion smiles as he starts to fuck you slowly, taking his time to claim your virgin cunt Red_Jack thrusts back, trying to urge more speed from you, "Pleeeeese, fuuucck meeee haaarder." A faint purr can be heard over her panting. Scorpion chuckles as he takes his time, slowly speeding up, showing you who's in control. Red_Jack panting begs you, "Please, I need more, please, stop teasing me," as she thrusts back, her tail in a frenzy, showing her pent-up desire. Scorpion smiles as he speeds up, fucking you hard now, taking you for a hard panther cockride Red_Jack thrusts back, incessantly, waves of unfamiliar pleasure ripping through her body, she tries to drive you on harder and faster Scorpion smiles evily as his cockbarbs spread out, scratching your tender inner muscles as he takes you hard and fast Red_Jack's head snaps up, the scratching of your cockbarbs bringing on new waves of pleasure and pain, a keening wail building in her throat Scorpion builds quickly as he shudderes, grabbing your tits as he squeeses them. Red_Jack leans back against you, bring her hands to yours, helping you to squeeze and massage her breasts, as she thrusts back on your cock, panting, purring, growling Scorpion shudderes as he cums hard, filling you with seed Red_Jack brings a hand to rub her belly, as she feels you coat her insides with your seed, howwling "Ohhhh, yeeeesss," as she comes, her head drooping to her chest, as her orgasim drains her. Scorpion chucklesa s he pulls his cock free of your sex and purrrs, resting Red_Jack pushes back, clenching her pussy around your cock, trying to stop you from pulling it out, purring and pressing back against you. Scorpion smiles as he pulls out and relexes, as his cock deflaits Red_Jack smiles, leaning back against you, one hand snaking up to stroke your cheek, while she purrrrs gently, and contentedly, "Thank you, that was wonderful." Scorpion smiles, "your welcom.... ;+}= Red_Jack leans contendly against you, one low, amazing long purrrr, coming from her, "You do a nice disappearing act, what do you do for an encore?" Scorpion smiles, "mares and stallions ;+}= Red_Jack blinks in suprise as he finds himself restored to normal(abnormal?), "Mmm, that was definately an experience, definately not a dream, not that intense." Scorpion smiles, "are you sure?" as his eyes shimmer softlyeasing the suggestion into your mind Red_Jack looks at him, a touch confused, almost as if he's forgotten something, or mixed it up, or something, "Uhhh, yeah, ummm, I think." Scorpion smiles as he chuckles, "it was a vivid dream right? You purr, "Ummm, yeah, I guess, yeah, just a dream, but a really good dream." Scorpion smiles, "yea, what was it about? Red_Jack blushes(as if he could), "Umm, I dreamed you turned me into a pantheress, and took me, using me, bringing me to new heights of pleasure. God, it was so gooood." Red_Jack looks at him, "So what am, was, I doing here?" Scorpion chuckles, "i did, now how did i do that/ Scorpion says, "you came here to chat and dozed off." Red_Jack looks at him, "You gesture at me, and I couldn't move, and somehow, the next thing I knew, I was a beautiful pantheress." You purr, "I did, I'm sorry, I'm real embarrased about that." Scorpion smiles, "well with a dream like that, i would'nt be ;+}= You purr, "Well, if it was just a dream, then I feel bad that you were left out." Scorpion smiles as he relexes, "it's ok, i have my own ways of playing.. ;+}= Red_Jack looks playfully at him, "And what would those be?" Scorpion smiles, "trade secrets ;+}= "Hmmm, trade secrets, hmmm, classified, if I told you, I'd have to kill you type things? You purr, "Hmmm, trade secrets, hmmm, classified, if I told you, I'd have to kill you type things?" Scorpion smiles, "nope, just mind fuck you intill you did'nt know who you were or what you thought you knew ;+}= You purr, "That sounds kinky." Scorpion smiles as his eyes shimmer and he gives you an erection Red_Jack eeeeps, and looks down at himself, "Ohh god, that feels wonderful." Scorpion chuckles as he builds your tention intill your cock explodes into a hot, mind numbing orgasem Red_Jack pants, his cock feeling like its going to explode, until it does, an orgasm beyond his imagination washing over him, leaving him unable to even gasp out his pleasure Scorpion chuckles as he never touched you eather Red_Jack gasping, "'d you do that?" his breath coming out in short pants Scorpion says, "i just mindfucked you." Red_Jack panting "I'm almost afraid to ask what you're physically capable of." Scorpion smiles, "Trade secret ;+}= You purr, "And this one I'm afraid to ask about." Scorpion chuckles as his cock swells intill it's the size and shape of a baseball bat ;+}= Red_Jack blinks, astounded by the shear size, licking his lips, obviously curious as to wether he could handle that. Scorpion smiles as he chuckles, the cock splitting into 2 cocks of the same size Red_Jack looks at them, wondering what he would do with the second Scorpion smiles as the 2 cocks fform a 3rd and then braid themselves into one... Red_Jack blinks at the 3 cocks, then his jaw drops as he sees the size of the single cock they form, "No way I could handle that like this, hmm maybe if changed to rubber..." Scorpion chuckles as they reform into the 1 cock baseball bat You purr, "You are an amazing furson, quite amazing." Red_Jack starts looking closely at your cock, licking his lips, "yup, amazing." Scorpion chuckles as he nods, weaving a spell, making you a fame of the same type you are Red_Jack blinks as he looks at himself, quite pleased with what he sees, "Mmmm, just what I'm looking for in a femme, to bad she's me." Scorpion chuckles as he walks up behind you and rubs your cunny Red_Jack leans into your rubbing, purring loudly, a smile tracing her lips Scorpion changes into a Male centaur. Red_Jack looks curiously at him, wondering just what the bigger 'taur has in mind. look scorpion Scorpion is a young stallion. He stands right around six feet in height. He is a lightly colored stallion. His short well kept fur is a light tan in color. His muzzle is kind of squarish but very regal looking like all arabian's. His shoulders are widely set and muscled. His arms lightly bulge with the strong muscles that lie underneath his fur. His barrel chest is very well defined easily seen shifting underneath his short fur. His muscled chest leads down to his rippled stomach. His stomach looks rock hard and is clearly defines underneath his fur. His back is also highly muscled and seen rippling when he moves. As he wears no clothes you can easily see his muscled body. His muscled back leads down to his firm, rock hard rear. Nicely rounded and it flexes as he moves. Below his rippled abdomen hangs his leathery black sheath. Good sized for a stallion his size it hangs thick and heavy. He seems unashamed by his nakedness. His large ballsac dangles below his large sheath. His legs are powerfull and Scorpion smiles as he rears up and mounts you! Red_Jack blinks, feeling his large shaft driven deep into him without any foreplay, moistening quickly though, "Unnngh, god that's good." Scorpion chuckles as he thrusts intill he's all the way inside you, sheathing all 3 feet of his cock inside you Red_Jack groans, feeling her insides stretched around your massive member, something that would have been easier on her down her throat. She pushes back though, urging you on, her desire overwhelming her discomfort Scorpion smiles as he takes you harder, his cock throbbing as it slams into your again and again like a stallion rutting a mare Red_Jack thrusts back at you, giving up any pretense of loving, simply rutting, as your shaft slams deep into her time and again, she growls loudly, not holding back her pleasure at being taken, swiftly, simply, with no pretenses. Scorpion shudderes as he swells harder, his cock taking your depths, useing you like a simple fucking mare.... Red_Jack would neigh for you if she could, but satisfies herself with growling in pleasure, your cock banging into her sensitive parts, growing to big for her to comfortably take, but still she thrusts back, rutting, surrendering to the animal in her Scorpion cums hard as his player realizes how late it is. Red_Jack feels herself being filled, by what must be gallons, from the feel of it, panting, growling, purring, mewing with her own orgasim. Scorpion nuzzles and returns you to normal. Scorpion ripples as his body returns to his prefered state. Red_Jack blinks and pats himself, "I kinda like being a femme 'taur