Scorpion and Red Jack 28 March 2000 on Furry Muck ©2000 their players RED JACK You see a female cabbit before you, looking much like an orange tinted rabbit, she's half tiger and half rabbit, cuddly with teeth. 6 ft. tall and usually lean and muscular, but not now. Her curves seem just that little bit softer, and her breasts seem a bit smaller, and as you look closer, you see why, two small breast budding from her chest, just below her first set. Between her legs, you can see her fur glistening wetly, her tail darting back and forth, attracting your eyes to her tight rump. Scorpion smiles as he purrrs, his eyes glowing as he looks at you Red_Jack blushes as she looks back at you, "You are going to take responsibility for the kits, aren't you?" Scorpion's power slips into your mind, as he renforces his Master status...... as in why would you DARE to ask such a question to your Lord and Master? Red_Jack looks at you nervously, apologeticly, "I'm sorry sir, I don't know what came over me. Would you be so kind as to help me look over the kits when the time comes?" Scorpion says, "come here" Red_Jack looks at your nervously, then meekly complies, sashaying slowly over to you Scorpion says, "i might slave. " as he cups your breasts as he rubs the nipples" Red_Jack blushes, purring slightly at your touch, and looks at you, debating wether to beg you to care for the kits when the time comes, or try to save her pride Scorpion says, "suck me slave." Red_Jack looks at you, and licks her lips, but makes no move to comply Scorpion says, "if you do not obey like a slave should then you'll upset me and i'll make sure to sell off the kits as they are born." Red_Jack whimpers at the thought, then kneels before you, taking your member in her hand, and guiding it to her mouth Scorpion swells quickly as he purrrs deeply Red_Jack looks nervously at the size of it, as she sucks the tip into her mouth, tickling it with her tongue as she works more of it into her Scorpion shudderes as eh swells to a full 10 inches as hee purrrs softly Red_Jack purrs gently, as she slowly swallows your length, her tongue teasing and stroking ahead of her mouth as she slowly sucks you into it Scorpion smiles as hios tail teases your slit as he purrrs softly Red_Jack purrs softly, gurgling slightly as she tilts her head back, and allows your member to slip into her throat Scorpion smiles as he purrs, his shaft sliding deeply as he watches you obey.. "your kits are notghing special, do you know this slave? Red_Jack looks at you pleadingly, as if to say, 'They are mine, that makes them special' as she continues her work, hoping to make you happy Scorpion says, "your kits are just one set of many..." Red_Jack continues swallow, till her nose presses against you, a faint whimpering coming from her, her eyes telling you that her first litter is special to her, they are part of her Scorpion pulls his cock free as he purrrs, 'turn over slave, ass up." Red_Jack whimpers as she feel your cock pulled from her mouth, then turns around, getting down on all fours, her tail towards you Scorpion smiles as he rubs his cock agenst your ass and slit as he purrrrrs Red_Jack whimpers, trying to push back on your cock when it brushes her sex Scorpion smiles as he impails your sex hard!! Red_Jack yelps, at first trying to escape as her sex is roughly penetrated, then purrrring as her pleasure grows, and pushes back, wanting... needing it in her Scorpion smiles as he starts to fuck you slowly, slipping easily through your sex Red_Jack whimpers, and purrs, and thrusts back on your member, moaning with pleasure as it fills her sex, greedily trying to suck more of it into her Scorpion chuckles as he purrrs, "yes slave?" Red_Jack whimpers, and pushes back, trying to impale herself on it Scorpion smiles as he starts to bear down, drilling your sex hard, really fucking you hard Red_Jack groans, filling you tearing into her sex, moaning with pleasure as she thrusts back on you, her sex dripping already, her claws digging into the sand, her tail lashing about, as you take her Scorpion says, "what was that about kits slave? if i pierce your womb it's over." Red_Jack eyes go wide as she hears your words, and whimpers, trying to hold back, to keep you from going to deep, "Please, don't do that." Scorpion grabs your hips as he thrusts harder, his balls slapping agenst your clit as he purrrrs Red_Jack moans, balancing on her knees, as her hands play with her breasts, moaning as you drill into her, matching your strokes, panting as she takes you, dripping as she nears her first orgasm Scorpion smiles as he purrrs, letting you drive him deeper and deeper, where it feels soo much better and better Red_Jack moans as she strokes her breasts, feeling her tight sex stretch to take you, panting as you fill her, crying out and going rigid as her first orgasm crashes over her, her juices flowing freely as you fill her completely, pratcically touching her cervix Scorpion smiles as he purrrs, driving deeper with each hard thrust into your depths Red_Jack moans, thrusting back, purrrring happily as you fill her, her sex clenching and squeezing your cock as it fills her Scorpion smiels as his tip strokes your cervix as he fuxks you, all it would take is one good hard thrust and your have all of your master deeply inside your wet tightness Red_Jack whimpers as you fill her, your tip brushing her cervix, her sex grips your cock, even as she tries to stop you from pushing into it, looking over her shoulder at you, and pleading with her eyes Scorpion smiles as he lets your body decide what it wants Red_Jack grinds against you, taking you deep, allowing your tip to brush her cervix, withouth actually penetrating it, her sex gently squeezing your cock as she moans, panting as you fill her Scorpion smiles as he groans as he starts to fuck you harder, faster, his cock throbbing deeply inside Red_Jack thrusts back on you harder, crying out as your tip bangs against her cervix, battering in, but not quite forcing in, as her sex massages your cock, trying to draw out your seed, as she whines, her next orgasm fast approaching as you take her Scorpion cums hard as he shudderes hard Red_Jack cries out, as her second orgasm hits her as you fill her with your seed, her sex clamping tight on your member, milking it, trying to hold every drop of your seed within her Scorpion smiles as he fills you, "i'll think about it slave, dismissed Scorpion says, "dismissed slave" Red_Jack crawls forward, your cock sliding from her sex with a wet pop, some of your come dripping from her sex, as she looks at you, whimpering, wanting to stay with you Scorpion says, "begone" Red_Jack whimpers, looking at you pleadingly, before shuffling off, some of your cum still dripping from her well stretched pussy