Vik Thor and Red Jack Furry Muck 4 March 2000 ©2000 their players THE PLAYERS: RED JACK At first glance, you see a rabbit, albeit an orange tinted one. 6ft tall, his fur is a uniform lite orange, as if somebody added just enough orange juice to a glass of cream to turn it orange. Even though he is 1/2 tiger and 1/2 rabbit, its clear that the rabbit in him is definitely dominant. He looks mostly like a rabbit morph, with the most incredibly long ears. Swept back from his head, they reach his mid-back, tied like a pony tail at his neck, a plastic tag quite visibly attached to his left ear, near the base. Beginning at his lapine feet, he looks quite as you'd expect, 'til you reach his tail. Rather than a little powder-puff bunny tail, he has a tigers tail, although its white stripes show the dominance of the bunny in him. As you continue to look at him, you see that he's not soft and fuzzy like a bunny, but rather lithe and muscular, like the tiger. His paws are more those of a tiger, padded on the underside and equipped with claws on his opposable thumbs, and equal length digits. His face reveals the last visible differences, grey eyes, amusement dancing in them, tempered by the predator in him, a fleck of green and a fleck of brown in each, his smile revealing a mouth full of tiger teeth except for his front teeth, which are those of a bunny. Ayup, not a cute little bun bun, but rather a carnivorous orange rabbit wearing nothing but a pair of painters pants. VIK THOR VikThor catches your glance as you look at him. His eyes are a bright electric blue, with the customary slit pupils. His ears are disproportionatly large and very expressive. His left ear is pierced twice, with a blue niobium hoop the same shade as his eyes, and a square spiral about 1.5" /side. In his right ear is an opal set in gold. He is 6' tall, and his 'taur part is 5' long, with a 5' prehensile tail. His fur is black with blue highlights in bright light, and scattered around seemingly randomly are white hairs. On his chest below his collarbones is a pink triangle, about the size of his thumbs and forefingers. His only items of clothing are a collar and vest, which when he moves, allows glimpses of his pierced nipples. He is fairly quiet, but from his demeanour, you pick up that it's through shyness. When he does speak, you will sometimes catch a glimpse of his pierced tongue, which he will often rattle against his teeth to express pleasure or happiness. VikThor's Den A nice little room, sunny during the day, usually lit by candles at night. Along one of the walls is a brick and board bookcase, filled to overflowing with books and stuff. Under one of the windows is an altar, with a thread of pine incense smoke rising from it. There is a large bed against another wall, govered with quilts and pillows. In the corner is a pile of unpacked moving boxes. Red_Jack waves "Hows you?" VikThor scritches you! You scritch VikThor! VikThor purrs, "Pretty good. Tried summon.... didn't know it was msummon." +++++ VikThor just looked at you! VikThor purrs, "Did you decide on a color for your ring? " You purr, "Hmm, hows blue sound? I have a preference for it." VikThor chuckles. "Me too. VikThor purrs, "you wanna go for the piercing now?" You purr, "Sure." VikThor purrs, "Logging on for Sir Sarn?" You purr, "But of course, if I remember to, I always log." VikThor purrs, "ahhh. I never do, so far. Anyway." VikThor spreads and intricately designed handsewn quilt out on the floor, and adds a pillow for your head. You purr, "Well, before I had a client that offered it, I missed a couple scene's that I would have liked to have, so I try to always do it now, if I run low on space, I just clear a few out that aren't good." Red_Jack smiles as he watches, "Making it a pleasantly memorable night, hmm, as opposed to straight domination, cool." VikThor purrs, "Go ahead and lay down, get comfortable." VikThor grins. "But of course. One, I'm not much of a dominant. Two, this will be something you will hopefully have for awhile. Red_Jack smiles, as he kneels down, then rolls onto his back, his head on the pillow through the whole role, "Don't mind if I do." You purr, "Well, I think Sarn will intend for it to be permanant." VikThor sighs. "Good, I did remember his name correctly! VikThor purrs, "Now just breathe deep and relax." VikThor lites a stick of lavendar incense. Red_Jack smiles, "Easy, with you here." Red_Jack shifts a little, getting comfortable lying there on his back. VikThor gathers the supplies needed, without searching this time. 10g sterile needle, still in packaging. Hemastat, bowl, alcohol, betadine. Red_Jack watches you gathering the supplies together, looking a little apprehensive when he sees the needle. VikThor and last, but not least, a blue niobium captive bead ring, with a faceted hematite bead. Red_Jack looks at the ring and bead with a slight smile. VikThor kneels before his altar for a minute, muttering something you can't quite make out. You see him touch the images of Shiva, Pan and Kernunous. Red_Jack watches the ritual curiously, wondering what its about. VikThor gets up, and goes to the sink, washing his hands thouroughly, paying special attention to his claws. VikThor catches your curiousity. "Mostly just a bit of a confidence boost for me. I tend to get a bit nervous at first. Red_Jack shifts slightly, slightly nervous, as he watches you get ready. Red_Jack smiles, "Not just you." VikThor comes over, and kneels over your legs. His weight is on his elbows, so there's no weight on you. His forepaws are at about your lower ribs, giving him space to bend down, close to your chest. Red_Jack looks up at you, smiling, nervously squirming slightly below you. VikThor tweaks your right nipple lightly, getting it erect. "Now, to prepare the nipple. We don't want it to deep, but not to shallow either. Red_Jack purrs, enjoying your touch, "Mmm, definately not to shallow, I don't know what Sarn has in mind for them." VikThor rolls it between thumb and forefinger, then takes a Qtip, and squirts Betadine on it, rubbing it over the nipple. "Don't worry. The stain will wash out of your fur. In a day or two. Red_Jack purrs, louder, "No problem." VikThor repeats the nipple erection and cleansing process on your other nipple, then stares intently at the nipple ring and bead, which suddenly duplicates. Red_Jack blinks as he sees you duplicate the ring, "How'd you do that?" VikThor purrs, "Oh, just a small duplication spell I picked up somewhere. Can't do it on anything much bigger than that, but it can be useful. Esp. when I forget to check earlier how many your wanting done.." Red_Jack smiles, "OK, I haven't played with magic to much yet, except for transformation magic." VikThor purrs, "Now, normally now, I'd use a marker to get the needle areas even. But, why use a marker, when one has claws?" Red_Jack looks a bit nervous after hearing that VikThor extends his claws, and leans down close to right nipple. Pinches it lightly between thumb-claw and fore-claw, causing to enlarge again. Red_Jack moans slightly at your touch VikThor mutters a bit, and the pinching seems to rotate around slightly... " not quite... there!" and you feel a slight prick on each side, a bit like a mosquito had bitten on both sides... "There. Nice and symmetrical. Red_Jack tries to squirm as he feels a pinch on his nipple VikThor pulls the hemostat out of the alchohol bath, and opens the needle packaging. "Now, don't squirm around to much... or you'll get me thinking of something else, alltogether! Red_Jack looks at you playfully, and smiles nervously as you pull out the needle. VikThor leans over again, and clamps the hollow end of the hemostat on your nipple, aligning it with the small marks he made. VikThor purrs, "Now breath deep, and exhale a couple times. This will sting just a little bit more." Red_Jack takes a deep breath, holding it for a second, then releasing, pausing for a second, before taking another. Red_Jack looks at the hemostat on his nipple, enjoying the feeling of it clamping down on his nipple. VikThor says "Now" on your second exhalation, and pushes the needle through the triangle on the hemostate, and coincidently, through your nipple, which happens to be there. You feel the sting of the needle, and a little pain, but nothing severe. VikThor purrs, "that's another reason for the hemostat, I think. Having it on deadens the nerves, just a bit." Red_Jack grits his teeth as he feels the needle press into his nipple, moaning slightly, but the front of his pants tell you that he's enjoying it. VikThor unhools the hemostat teeth, sliding first one side off the needle, then the other. Looking down, you see the needle sticking through the base of your nipple. There's no blood. He flicks the shapr end of the needle lightly with his claw, and you feel it vibrate within your skin. Red_Jack grits his teeth a bit, and moans as you make the needle vibrate slightly, causing a weirdly painful and pleasurable feeling VikThor puts the hemostat back in the alchohol, and leans over to mark your left nipple, rubbing it between his fingers to make it stand up. VikThor find the perfect placement, and again you feel the mosquito sting of his claws, marking the placement. Red_Jack moans, squirming a bit under your touch. VikThor takes the hemostat out of alchohol, dries it off, and opens the second needle. VikThor leans over, and places the clamp on your nipple, then takes it off. Red_Jack watches the needle, still a bit nervous, but with more obvious interest time. VikThor purrs, "Whoops. Didn't get it placed quite right." Red_Jack watches you clamp his nipple, then looks curiously as you remove it. VikThor puts it on again, "There. Now breathe deep a couple of times. Red_Jack purrs slightly, enjoying the pressure on his nipple, taking a deep breath, holding it a bit, before releasing, only to quickly take another. VikThor sys "Now." on your second exhalation, and quickly pushes the needle through your second nipple, and removes the clamp. Red_Jack whimpers slightly, then purrs, enjoying the feeling, a sort of pleasure/pain combo, the two intertwined with one another. VikThor flicks the sharp end of the needle, vibrating it within your flesh. VikThor looking down, you now see two needles sticking through tour flesh, one through each nipple, mirroing each other perfectly. Red_Jack moans, looks up at you, panting slightly, not saying anything, obviously intent on what he's feeling. VikThor puts the rings in the alchohol, and swishes them around a bit, then pulls the first one out and dries it off. Red_Jack watches what you are doing, a slight smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes VikThor purrs, "You're doing fine! Just be here, now, and let what you're feeling stay within you forever. At this point, your nipps are at their most sensitive." VikThor places the open end ofthe first ring on the base of the needle in your left nipple, nd pauses to synchronize himself with your panting. Red_Jack purrs, looking like he's floating a bit, smiling slightly, the pain/pleasure spreading from his nipples, "Mmm, definately" VikThor waits a sec, then on an exhale, pushesthe needle all the way through with the ring, which slides through after it. He slides it through and alignes it, so that there is an equal amount on both sides of the nipple. VikThor purrs, "You're doing wonderfully! " Red_Jack holds his breath, moaning slightly as the passes through his nipple, followed by the ring. VikThor removes the second ring from the alchohol, and places the needle in it. when the ring is dry, places it on the base of the needle in your right nipple. Again pausing to synchronize himself with your breathing. Red_Jack nervously tries to slow his breathing for you. VikThor purrs, "Just breathe normally now..." Red_Jack tries, but finds it difficult, still a bit nervous, and awash with pleasure/pain VikThor watis for a second, and on an exhale, slides the last one through quickly, aligning this one also, so even amounts are on both sides. Red_Jack moans, as the needle and ring pass through his nipple, looking down to peer at the pair, smiling at the sight. VikThor purrs, "There! You are now the proud ownder of a pair of pierced nipples!" Red_Jack lays his head back, purring softly VikThor attaches the hematite beads to first your left and then your right nipple rings. VikThor gets up off your legs. "Just go ahead and stay laying down for a bit. I'll just put this stuff in the sink real quick, and be right back. Red_Jack purrs contentedly, as he watches you move off. VikThor comes back, and lies down on his side beside you. Chest against your side, 'taur portion curled up below your feet. Red_Jack nuzzles against you, purring VikThor purrs, "They're deep enough, that Sir Sarn should be able to put larger rings in when he wants, after they're healed." You page, "Well, my new master here, may very well become my master in RL. We'll meet at AnthroCon, and see how things work out, if its well, he may claim me there, and if I haven't done it by then, its entirely possible that he may choose to have it done." to Eitan. Red_Jack purrs, happily, "And how long will that be?" VikThor purrs, "Hmmm... Blue niobium rings, about 1" in diameter. The ring itself is a 10 gauge ring, which is about the thickness of the part of a ballpoint pen that hold the ink." VikThor purrs, "Hold on a sec... I think I might be able to find a pic online..." VikThor purrs, " is the site I was looking for, but it seems to be down right now..." You purr, "Hmm, what would be a good search term, maybe I can find a piccy somewhere else." VikThor purrs, "Piercing, obviously. Gauntlet. Modern Primitive." You purr, "Captive bead ring, right?" VikThor purrs, "Body Modification may also be a good one. Yeah. The bead is seperate from the ring itself." You purr, "I think I have something, how about" You purr, "Rainbow is a neat color, didn't know that was available." VikThor purrs, "Yep, that's the type exactly. I didn't know either..." VikThor purrs, "I thought they could just do it in soldi colours. The black beads look like they are hematite." You purr, "The cats eye ring is kinda neat sounding, but not impressive to look at in the picture." You purr, "It is, you have to read closely under the chart." You purr, "Well, when I'm a little less tired, I'll build my desc. from that." VikThor purrs, "Yah, see that now. The beads I've always liked are faceted, rather than just plain round balls..." VikThor chuckles. "Yah. And you got the approx sizes I gave you, right? You purr, "I don't think I've seen ones with faceted beads before. And yup, 10ga. and 1in diameter, a bit larger than what they offer." VikThor hugs, kisses and skritches you. "I've got to crash... You purr, "No prob, I'll simply repay you another nite, thanks. I think I'll pop by the Food Chain and see if anythings happeing, otherwise, I'll prolly call it a nite." VikThor purrs, " Oh, and RL would be about 1-2 weeks, before could do serious play with it. Through the magic of VR Sarn can do whatever he wants. :)" VikThor purrs, "Maybe I'll suggest a padlock through one of them to him. " You purr, "OK, I'll keep that in mind, thanks." You purr, "Heh, I'm almost afraid to see what he thinks of on his own." VikThor purrs, "And I get off @5:30 monday, so I'll get on ASAP after that..." You purr, "What timezone is that?" VikThor purrs, "sweet dreams when you get there! " VikThor purrs, "CST" Red_Jack huggs, "Good nite to you." VikThor has disconnected. You purr, "Hmm, well we're talking 2 or so EST"