Vik Thor and Red Jack Furry Muck 8 March 2000 ©2000 their players Red_Jack lands on the Cat'taur's shoulder, rubbing against his cheek as he purrs VikThor mrrs and tickles the teenytiny pumataur with whiskers. Red_Jack giggles, and continues rubbing and purring happily VikThor laughs and licks atta miniRed, dampening his fur. Red_Jack pauses to shake himself off, or at least try, then begins to knead the 'taur's shoulder, purring Red_Jack finishes needing the 'taur's shoulder, and curls up, contentedly purrring VikThor rattles tounge at the purring puma fluff on his shoulder, and tickles him again with whiskers... Red_Jack giggles, and flutters his wings as he looks at you playfully Red_Jack waves to Dumbar from the 'taur's shoulder VikThor tailwaves atta Dumbar, so he doesn't shake the pumafluff off his shoulder. Red_Jack waves to Tommy from his perch Tommy snugs vikthor and wavies up at red_jack.."how are you two?" he mrrrs flopping onto a couch.. Red_Jack squeaks, "Good thank you." VikThor rattles his tongue atta Tommy. "pretty good. VikThor licks at the puma fluff on his shoulder, cleaning him off, since he's really to small for skritching... Red_Jack purrrs, stretching a bit, as your tongue washes him clean VikThor licks atta the miniRed on his shoulder, getting him too heavy to fly off... Red_Jack tries to shake himself dry, as the cat'taur wets him down, trying to fly off, but finding that he's just a bit too wet and heavy for that VikThor catches Red_Jack as his flight heads toward a crashlanding. Holding him in palm of hand, and licks at his front... "Hmmm... a bit of an odd flavor... Must be the insectile wings... Red_Jack tries to get away the tongue, "Hey, I didn't need a bath, I washed myself earlier. How am I supposed to fly like this?" VikThor chuckles. "Well, my mother always told me to wash my food..." as he licks along the 'taur belly, tickling Red_Jack between his legs. Red_Jack purrs at the licking, his little shaft growing, as he looks at you defiantly, "I'm not food, I'm a pumataur, I'm a predator." as he tries to roar, a little squeaky noise coming from his throat VikThor purrs, "Neh, I don't think a little fluffball like you could be a predator... I don't think you'd make a decent mouthfull." as he continues licking Red_Jack, and tasting his arousal.." Red_Jack moans and purrs, despite himself and the predicament he's in, "Hey, pumas, special 'taurs, are predators, we're big and fierce." Growls at you, or at least tries. Errick chuckles a bit more. "He could hunt.. er.. ants, I suppose. Red_Jack sticks out his tongue at Errick VikThor grins, exposing teeth that are as long as your head, "Fierce, I will grant you, but BIG??" and extends tongue all the way under your 'taurness, and plays with your rearhole with his tounguering... Red_Jack squirms, purring at the sudden but pleasant teasing of his tailhole VikThor tastes and smells Red_Jack's arousal, as his toungering pops into the teenytaur's tailhole, making sure he doesn't take flight at the last minute... Red_Jack struggles, as he feels something slip into his tail hail, stretching it wide as he slides in, plugging him VikThor says slightly muffled, since his tongue is otherwise occupied, "Now, lets see how much of a mouthfull you are." as he pulls it back into his mouth, with the teenytaur attached firmly... Red_Jack grabs at one of the cat'taurs fingers, trying not to be pulled in by the ball plugging his tailhole VikThor lists his head while raising his hand at same time, so that gravity helps the teenytaur into his mouth... Red_Jack looks for something to grab, as he finds himself falling into the larger 'taurs mouth, whimpering softly VikThor prrs, and takes his hand away, leaving the soaked miniRed nowhere to go bout down into his mouth, which closes as he enters, making him curl up into a kittyball. Red_Jack moans as he sees the mouth closing around him, looking for something to grab, to keep from being swallowed VikThor tries to laugh atta Errick with a full mouth. The teenytaur is almost more than he can keep in mouth with it closes. He wiggles his toungue a bit, keeping Red_Jack aroused, even though his fear of being swallowed. Red_Jack purrs, and struggles a bit, hoping to escape VikThor keeps his head tilted back, and starts to relax his throat muscles, letting the trapped teenytaur begin his descent. Red_Jack grabs at the larger taurs tongue, whimpering as he finds himself sliding into its throat, scarcely making a bulge VikThor pops his tonguering loose from Red_Jack's tailhole, removing his last support to the outside, using the tip to hasten his slide down his throat. Red_Jack whines, as he falls, sliding effortlessly down the bigger 'taur's throat, even as he struggles not to VikThor purrs in contentment, and says to the morsel beginning it's descnet. "And it's a nice long slide too. all the way down into my 'taur portion... Red_Jack whines, as he faaaaaalllllllssssss down into the taur, sliding down to his stomach, feeling himself hit the ring of muscles at its top VikThor gulps a bit of air, to get the teenytaur past the last ring of mscle, and to give him something to breath as the stomach acids start to do their work, disolving the gossamer wings almost instantly... Red_Jack whimpers as his wings disappear, his a burning sensation in his fur