Furs are better? ©1999 Joseph M Harrison I'm not here to convince you that we should overthrow the world, I'm not here to flame, I spent the time I was gone thinking, and as I looked at myself, I realized that what made me who I am, was my aloneness. I look at the world, with the same ruler I measure myself by, and the world seems so small, Am I that good, is the world that bad, maybe its just an old ruler, It doesn't say "popular wisdom"(what an oxymoron) on it, Perhaps I need a new one, I've been around enough times, so why a ruler so old, Maybe, just maybe, its simply the right one, the one the world has yet to remember, in a drawer somewhere. Then I look around Homestead, and I see so many who measure so well by it. Then I think, perhaps, maybe, we've seen what the world has lost, So many of us, with no peers, no goups that we fit in, growing up with few or no friends, We stand here more open minded then those we wanted for friends, perhaps not being in a group, not carrying the preconceived notions that come with it, being able to see the forrest for the trees. Perhaps we've learned to see others views, as well as our own, we've learned to value what he have, rather than lust after what we don't. Perhaps, everone else could.