Mental Doodles ©1999 Joseph M Harrison What are they? Simple, say they need drugs, to relax, to heal, to get them going, to be happy, to open their mind. But if one can bring themselves to open their mind with out drugs, drugs won't be needed for the others. Every now and then, I open mind, and let it go its own way, what to call these trips, maybe just explain it, or perhaps Brain Droppings, no, a doodle is more like it, a Mental Doodle. These thougts wander far, they wander wide, and if they sound like something that would intersest other furs, you'll find them here from nown on. Ideas, thoughts, dreams, if they are furry, I'll doodle them here for you. It'll be good, sometimes it helps to write them, or I'll be able to look back at my footprints as I find who I am.