Reincarnation ©1999 Joseph M Harrison Long time ago, I heard about reincarnation it just clicked with me, and I've believed in it ever since Recently, a new thread was added, after I read an article about sexual identity People claim that they're a woman in a man's body(or vice versa) well of course, if you were reincarnated, your sex wouldn't necessarily remain the same What if the change was to teach you something? And with that, a new thread was born I arrived in Homestead, and added yet another Why would you always reincarnate as human? Of course the idea of coming back as an animal was something I'd heard of, but always applied as a punishment, as if it were necessarily bad form to return in I always assumed that the Church would never except the idea of reincarnation, I wonder if its true Does it have to contradict their beliefs? Why, born in sin, die in sin, suffer in purgatory for your sins, 'til you go to heaven(been a long time since I went to church, has my memory betrayed me?) Why Why couldn't you return, to learn, to grow, to better yourself? Why couldn't you return, just because you prefer being mortal? Sometimes, I wonder why I'm here sometimes I feel like I can't learn anymore, others I wonder why I would prefer being mortal, And sometimes, I just wonder