A Coyote's Tale ©1999 and 2000 Joseph M Harrison So pups, you want the old 'yote to tell you a story, do ya? Well, I'll tell you how we got here. After nearly a year of planning, on 31 December 2000, midnight, the cusp of the new year, and a new millenium, they performed their sacrifice. On that day... What's a day Grampy? shouted one young 'roo A day huh? Well, that's the old Sapien measure for the time from one sunrise to the next. Now, where was I? Oh yes. On that night, about 2.9 billion Sapiens sacrificed themselves for the Earth Mother. They had seen the pain and the damage that their fellow Sapiens had inflicted on the Earth. On that night, they decided to help her, by thinning the herd as it were, which gave her a fighting chance, to heal the damage inflicted on her. At growing season, something special happened, some pups were born larger than normal, and although this wasn't noticed by the Sapiens, it was important, for the next generation was larger still, and the next after that, until one day, pups were born that could walk upright as the Sapiens did, and reason as they could. When the Sapiens saw this, they were scared. Some found reasons of faith to hate us, while others needed no reason at all. Still others saw us as dangerous predators, the only serious threat to "humanity" Earth Mother had created. But, a few wise ones realized what we were, the proof that Homo Sapiens had been relegated to the fate of the Neanderthal man. What ever the reason, they chose to attack us, and while some ran and hid, some tried to hold their ground, but there were so few of us, and so many of them. A few of us became travelers, searching for brothers and sisters who would help us in our fight, and in return we would help them in theirs. My travel would take me through the deserts, into swamps, and eventually to the frozen north. The frozen north, where the fight was a bit more bizarre. You see, in the temperate climates, the fight was over who's territory it was, but in the frozen north, the Sapiens fought to claim land they could not make use of, simply because it was 'theirs'. But they hadn't counted on our Ursine brothers, who were not only holding their own, but actually pushing the Sapiens back. Boy, you should have seen it, 9 feet of polar bursting from the snow, using weapons captured from the Sapiens against them. It was one of these fights that I stumbled upon, I suppose more to the point, I was curious as to what was happening, I'd never seen anything like this before. When I saw one of the Sapiens sneaking up on one of the bears, I attacked, I wasn't going to let one us be killed in such a manner. The Sapien must have heard me, as he spun pointed his weapon at me and fired, and with a sound like thunder, I felt something hit my ear. In pain I fell to the snow, looking up I saw the hunter reloading, so I launched myself at him, sinking my teeth into his throat, and ripping it out. It had been so long since I had had fresh meat, and Sapien tasted sooo good. Why don't we hunt Sapiens Great Father? Well, there aren't many of them, just a few in colonies scattered here and there, plus its not right, as I learned, it would have led us down the path we followed. Now, back to the story. With this act, I had made an important friend, in fact him and his brothers would travel with me, and we helped others fight the Sapiens. Eventually, what was ours, oh not the world, just the care of it. Earth Mother and all those on her are ours to protect. We take only grasses for those of us who eat no meat, and a few of the primitive animals for those that do, some branches and the like for our dens, but no more than what we need. Great Grandfather, do any of the fish talk like we do? Old Father, do we ever hunt each other? Yes, some of the fish do, at least a few dolphins I met, but they have no legs, so they can't join us here. No little one, we never hunt our brothers and sisters, its not our way, there are plenty of animals for us. Now pups, run along home, I've kept you out to late, your parents must be worried. He reaches down and scritches a young wolf by his side between his ears. Tomorrow's first day of harvest season, and I see some young predators here that are old enough to leave the fields, and learn their part in the harvest season. Grampy? Yes little one. What happened to the first Sapiens Which ones? The ones who sacrificed themselves. Ah them, well the Earth Mother rewarded them for their sacrifice. We became her protectors. As he said that, he ran his paw across the top of his head, almost as if running a hand through his hair. With a wry grin, he wondered to himself how many lives ago he started that habit. Now children, run along, there are plenty of stories for plenty of days.