Before We Were Furry Story and characters 1999 Joseph M Harrison Zack woke with a start, and looks around him. He remembers where he is, in another cell, in another territory. Rubbing his eyes, he sits up on the shelf they call a bed, and looks around his cell. He walks to the bars that make up one wall of the cell, and looks up and down the hallway. "I wonder how many other tellers are here, and what the other guests are here for. There are sure to be more tellers, seeing as how we scare everyone. We look at things differently, we ask questions others won't or shouldn't. We remember things the others tell us that never happened, we remember stories of a time before we were furry." He returns to his shelf, and looks about his cell. 3 walls, a floor, a ceiling, and a wall of bars. "Well, its better than places I've been in the past, a good place to think about how it all started. One simple question, how much trouble could the answer be? Why can't anybody remember past about 30 years ago? Oh they remember, but its not like the other things they remember after it. It lacks depth, feeling, almost as if it were told to them. And so many remember the same things. Its just to strange. That led to the next question, and the next. Traveling about the countryside, asking old men what they remember of their childhood. Yep, everybody will tell you we were always furry, but it doesn't fit, why are there still animals that can't walk and talk like us? Why do some things that 'we' created not make seem appropriate for the way we are? Like the prison, made of dens built of fabricated materials, that we can't remember building? Or how to build new ones? We're the only intelligent life on this planet, aren't we? Yes we are, but as to the rest, well, that's one long story. For that, we have to go back, to about 75 years ago, back to Dr. Thadeus, and his work for the military. Pretty straight forward stuff, Virtual Reality Battlefield Simulation Systems. You think you're flying a plane or piloting a tank, or even marching into battle, but you're actually safe in a bunker miles away. No more risk of soldiers being killed, no long term after effects. The perfect solution to the price of war, no more having to decide whether to risk ground troops, cheaper planes. Everything politicians love. Ah, but Dr. Thadeus didn't want to make war, he wanted to be rid of it altogether. As the military equipment got better, the old stuff got declassified, and made available to civilians for entertainment, for architects and other designers, I mean imagine building a building, or a car or anything else for that matter. No fuss, no expense, just instant product, ready to test. Then, Dr Thadeus showed us how to live in the buildings. Then, the good doctor convinced us that we could be a whole world, just they way we wanted it, no crime, no poverty, no environmental problems. Everything you could want. He even convinced the military that they'd be needed in there to keep the peace. Oh, the military wasn't convinced so easily, but Dr Thadeus' reputation convinced them to trust them, when he told them that they'd be needed to defend the brave new world that his technology would create, so even they laid down, and went virtual. But the good doctor hadn't told them that each mind creates its own world, but that was unimportant, once virtual, nobody realized that they were in a world of their own making, anybody they expected to find in their world was there, and just the way they expected them to be. Then, one day we all woke up, and we were furry. Oh, we all had memories of always being furry, but it was almost as if they were tales we had been told or read. Its been a long time, and a lot of travel. A lot of going where you're not supposed to. Talking to people, and still I have questions. I still wonder, did we really go furry, or are we still virtual? Was the old one real, or just another illusion? Why does everyone remember Dr. Thadeus as forty years old? A little vanity in the program, or was he something other than human? The answers I have, and the questions I ask are why me and other tellers constantly find ourselves in a cell somewhere. People are scared about what the truth might be. People tell us that answers to these questions would upset the balance they say. So we spend our days wandering the world, feared the world over, for what we know, or the trouble that follows us. Seeking answers for questions no one wants answered. The only fear I have, is that I might never answer all the questions.