When the Long Night Has No End Story and characters 1999 Joseph M Harrison Zack's eyes wandered around the yard, as the preacher continued his sermon. As he looked about, his eyes lingered on things. Like the electric fence. Making the yard about the width of a football field in both directions. The fence he could probably clear if he had to. The gate, locked behind the preacher and his acolytes, after they entered the yard. The eleven others with him. Most were prisoners, but their were some old men in the group, one with his chin up, watching and listening to the preacher, with pride in his eyes. Zack's head swung about as he heard the preacher finish with Praise Aslan. Come cubs, let us prey. Quickly, the preacher tore off his robe, as did the others with him, and threw himself at a prisoner who wasnt paying attention. You could here the crunch of bones breaking, as the full weight of the preacher came to on him, and Zack watched as the preacher ripped out the prisoners throat. Just in time, he turned, and saw an acolyte, some manner of big cat bearing down on him, and he threw himself on his tail and brought both feet against its chest. He heard bone cracking as he sent the cat sprawling onto its back, and he turned and ran for it, looking for a way to get over the fence. Seeing someone bent over his prey near the fence, Zack rushed him, hoping to jump on his back, and from there, over the fence. Alas, the wolf heard him, and sidestepped out of the way, letting Zack's momentum carry him into the fence. As the electricity coursed through his body, Zack thought 'huh, smells like fried chicken.' As he fell from the fence, the blackness took him, but not before he saw the cat bearing down on him. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Zack leaped from his shelf, his head hitting the ceiling. As he rubbed his head, he could here the noise from the other prisoners he'd disturbed. Running his paw through the fur on the top of his head, he thought about the dream. Things hadnt really worked out that bad last time, and this time wouldnt be so bad, even if he never got out of here. He lay down, hoping to fall asleep again, all the while watching the shadows, and half expecting them to move.