A note to the reader: The characters and events of these stories are almost pure fiction. Any resemblance’s to real life people, or events are completely coincidental. The only resemblance to real life people, or events would be of the author’s own personal feelings, expressions, occurrences, emotions or actions. If you have any questions, or criticisms, or requests, or comments please feel free to email me. But be warned that if I get spam or flamer mail You will end up on my block list and be ignored by me forever. I will not tolerate that kind of crap! If you take offence to anything I have here, don’t read it! And don’t complain to me about it! Some of my work may be offensive to you, but I don’t really like hearing people tell me I’m a bad person when the person who tells me that is, in fact, sinful in their own ways! Enjoy :) ~Jules