Marian 1 Marian peered out the kitchen window, at the steadily growing cloud of dust that was making its way up the long drive to the house. There was a car approaching, and she knew, without being able to make out anything of the vehicle, who was in it. Only one person would be in such a rush to get to the small house on the hill. It was well out of town, and even further from the city, secluded on a hill with a mile of land in any direction. The house was small but cozy and comfortable, a living room, kitchen and dining room on the bottom floor, with a single bedroom and a fairly large and luxurious bathroom up top. A full basement underneath held the washer and dryer, and a few other things. She hurried about the dinner she was preparing, simple but hardy fare. Some thick stew, and made from scratch cornbread, mostly. With the stew steaming merrily and the cornbread in the oven, she hurried upstairs to get herself ready. The long T-shirt and apron she had been wearing would never pass inspection. Upstairs, she made a quick attempt at washing up, and got the cornmeal out of the fur on her paws, the flour and cornstarch off her face fur, and stripped down to a pair of sky blue panties. She had to take a slow breath to quell a surge of anxiety as she looked in the full-length mirror, and considered her options for outfits. A 5’ 7” tabby cat looked back at her from the inside of the mirror, figure a bit plump, but then, he liked her that way. She had wide hips, and slightly narrower shoulders, and was physically in good, solid shape. She’d always been a stocky girl, and playing soccer, maintaining a small ranch, and other things had conspired to emphasize big bones with a dense body. She had what some would call a ‘full’ figure, her hips rounded and buttocks nice and firm, but still soft. She had a bit of a stomach, but it didn’t show too much, and didn’t interfere with the generally curvy nature of her feline body. The curves of her hips had a match in healthy C-cup breasts, which at the moment were capped by half-perked pink nipples. She dressed quickly, in knee-length denim skirt and a sleeveless white blouse, pinned the shoulder length fall of dirty brown hair back behind her ears, and slipped her feet into a pair of heels. She didn’t like the way they felt, and how she had to walk differently, but he said they made her legs look endless. She took another glance in the mirror, and was mostly satisfied. Just in time, too, as she heard the truck pull up outside, idle for a moment, then die. She hurried downstairs to set the table while he knocked the mud off his boots, and hung up his coat. She had just set the small pot of stew on the table when he came into the dining room, and leaned against the wall. He looked like he always had, a six-foot tall husky with broad shoulders and an athlete’s build. A tendency to be accident-prone had left him with a number of minor scars, and his muzzle was a little crooked from one fight or another. He had a smile that always dropped her guard, and his gray-blue eyes always seemed to sparkle. He worked an office job in the city, and thus was dressed in white shirt and a dark blue tie, with khaki slacks held in place by a brown leather belt. But regardless of pleas from his office to wear shoes of some variety, he always wore a pair of battered but well- polished boots, so worn they bent like broken in sneakers. He was just standing there, leaning against the doorway with his coat slung over one shoulder, watching her with that disarming smile well in place. After a moment, he nodded, took a deep breath, and let it out, then walked fully into the kitchen and dropped his coat over one of the chairs. He grabbed the feline up in his arms and gave her a tight hug, his chin resting between her ears. It was the same every evening, but always sincere. He was glad to be home. “Shall we eat, Ken?” the tabby asked, nodding toward the steaming stew and fresh-baked cornbread. “Let’s. I’m famished. And by the way… tomorrow’s been declared holiday at the office. They’re fumigating my wing of the building. So I’m going to be wanting some dessert.” “Of course. Eat up, silly. Your dessert is always ready, and you know it.” They ate the meal in relative silence, though on several occasions they would lock eyes and grin for no real reason, just being happy together. After they had both had their fill, and the dishes had been cleared, Marian came back to the table, where Kenneth had pushed his chair out and was leaning back a little. In a moment, she was in his lap, sideways, paws resting lightly on his shoulders. She didn’t speak at first, and neither did he. They just touched noses together and locked eyes. Finally, she giggled. “Are you ready for your dessert, my love?” she asked, then kissed him on the lips to muffle any reply. It was just a light kiss, little else than lips involved, but they drew it out for a good long time, until finally she had to break it to breath. “I wonder if my dessert is ready for me, though…” he mused, and stood abruptly, picking her up in one motion, then carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. “I think my dessert needs to be properly prepared. It’s not safe otherwise.” That sent a shiver down her spine to the hollow of her gut. He laid her out on the bed, then straddled her hips, keeping her down on the soft mattress. Patient paws undid her blouse, and took it off, then paused to gently caress the sides of her breasts. He cupped over them, thumbs rubbing in lightly, and chuckled. “My lovely kitten. We’re back to the game again, I think. You remember the rules?” “I do, Master.” She smiled, as saying that sent another shiver down her spine. It was a game they played often, Master and slave. It had a dangerous thrill to it, a sense of surrender that she had long since gotten over being afraid of. Besides, if there were ever trouble, she had her safe word, ‘chocolate’. And he never tried to push her past any limits. They had explored, over the past several years, most of the limits she had, and found what she liked and disliked, what made her moan and what made her squeal. And Ken loved to hear her squeal. He nodded, and grinned wider, hands sliding off her breasts to her stomach, scratching softly through the downy fur. The sensation brought a dreamy purr from his pet, and she barely noticed when one hand disengaged to undo the buttons on the side of her skirt, then peeled it away. A few moments later, he stood up at the end of the bed, and left her laying there, in nothing but sky-blue panties. “Mm… dessert looks delicious, as usual. But it needs a little… garnish. Stand up at the end of the bed and close your eyes, sweety.” She did as he asked, because that was one of the rules, to obey. After a breath or two, he asked her to raise one leg, then the other, and she felt something sliding up along her legs. It had to be tugged over her hips before it settled in place on her midriff. Had to be her corset, an affair of pink-dyed leather that had been adjusted over time to fit her body perfectly. “I think we’ll lace it up to the third marks, tonight. Not too tight, but enough to take your breath away. Oh, and one more thing…” She giggled as silk settled over her eyes, the blindfold snugged down firmly, but not too tight. “Now lean on the bed, and brace yourself.” She let out a breath as he started to tug the laces tight, from the bottom up. The bottom edge was at the top of her hips, so it didn’t come together much, but as he progressed up her back, she could feel the leather compressing her middle, giving it an hourglass curve, though nothing extreme. Just a bit of an arc, enough that, if she could see herself in the mirror, there would be nothing she could be displeased with. He finished, and tied the laces with a doubled knot. Kenneth, for his part, just paused to admire his view. With the corset accentuating her already desirable figure, he had a wonderful sight of her, leaned over the bed, her rounded hips and rumpcheeks presented to him. It was a tempting sight, and to keep her guessing, he took the time to remove his shirt and tie and set them aside. Then he stepped back beside her, and left one paw on her rump, squeezing and kneading slowly. She let out a soft sigh, took a breath as deep as the corset would allow, and shivered. One of the things their exploration had found was that her well-padded rump was fairy tough, if sensitive, and could take a fairly rough spanking. But both of them had found that milder things brought out the most wonderful need in her. Even though blinded, she could nearly see him planning the evening that would culminate with him taking the dessert promised. The idle paw on her rump took hold of the waist of her panties and tugged it up, slowly but surely tugging the thin cotton into sensitive places. She felt the cloth bunching and sliding into the cleft of her rump, leaving both cheeks bare. She felt herself tensing already, because even if it did bring lovely pleasure, the spanking was still painful to a degree. But he didn’t immediately lay into her, instead leaving her leaning there on the end of the bed while he fetched something. All of a sudden, she felt a buzz touch the front of her panties, a small bullet vibrator rubbing up and down her covered but not hidden slit. He rubbed it up and down slowly, then slid it into the underwear, settling it lengthwise along her slit, and giving another tug on the back of her panties, to keep everything in place. “Hmm… not going to stay like this… here, this ought to help.” She could feel him tying a loop around the panties, between both of the leg holes, tightening it down, and passed the free end through a loop in the ceiling, and started to slowly pull. She lifted up on her toes, but he kept pulling, until she was barely holding her own weight on her feet. A lot of it was on her pussy, keeping the bullet-vibe pressed tightly between the lips. “Now, I think, you’re ready.” She was starting to moan, the little toy causing a damp spot to slowly appear and spread on the panties. She felt his hands again, squeezing and kneading her butt, and knew it was time. The first slap came, on the side of her right cheek, just a light one for now. A second matching one on the left followed, then two more higher up, before he shifted to her left side, and started using his right paw to leave stronger stings across both cheeks. After a dozen, the canine paused, and watched the sinuous tail twitching and waving as his girl shuddered and made sounds midway between a moan and a whimper. She was in no real pain, but just enough sensation to be off balance. And, he confirmed with a deep breath, quite aroused. He settled in again, and laid another dozen strokes on her rump, scattering them around to ensure that her rump was warmed all over. A third dozen, mostly concentrated at the base of her rump, and angled upward, focused that heat just back from the damp patch on her panties. She was squirming a lot now, and he knew that this was driving her crazy. “Good… good, sweet sexy kitten. Now I’m coming to kneel on the bed in front of you, and you know what you’re to do. No hands, just your mouth.” He moved in front of her, and settled down on his knees, then lifted his hips so the slacks bumped her nose. She moved quickly, then, and used a nimble tongue and teeth to undo his pants. Loose, they slid down his thighs, and she made short work of his boxers with precise bites to the waistband. They fell, as well. Marian moaned as she leaned forward, putting even more stress on her crotch as the motion tugged her secured panties. She got a heady nose full of canine musk, and homed in on it, tongue probing forward, and finding him already fully hard. Not surprising, really. She took the tip into her muzzle, kissed it, and started to suck softly. She wouldn’t be able to drive him to orgasm without pressure on the slowly growing knot, but she could give him pleasure for a while, and make him long for a climax almost as much as she was longing now. She worked her lips slowly up and down, eyes shut, and read his reaction through the short, subdued thrusting of his hips, and listened to the whimpers that died in his throat. She wriggled a little, and made whimpers of her own, trying to keep her mind off of the sensation of the little vibe that just wasn’t enough. The contest of wills went on, back and forth, for a while, until the canine finally gave in, and yanked his shaft loose, one paw squeezing his knot a little. In a second, he was behind Marian, and had yanked the rope loose, and shoved her panties down to her knees. She let out a moan as the vibrator dropped away, but that sound of desire was quickly replaced with a squeal of delight as her lover shoved himself home, wasting no time before his knot was grinding at her entrance. Panting heavily, the little feline pushed her hips back as he pushed forward, both of them delighting in the sensation of being on the edge of climax. There were a few more tense moments while they worked to stretch her for the knot, then finally, with another squeal, it slipped inside. Another few moments were spent in furious, near feral grinding, before she reached her climax. The clenching spasms of an orgasming feline were certainly enough to push her Master over the edge as well, and they both fell onto the bed, cuddling and grinding in bliss. They stayed like that, the canine still inside her, his kitten wrapped in his arms, for a while, waiting for his knot to shrink and soften. In the meantime, Ken groped her breasts, massaging them softly, and once in a while pinched a nipple. The pinches brought soft groans and whimpers, and renewed arousal. He also didn’t seem to be softening, so they tried a few experimental thrusts, and found that he was ready for another go. Slowly, carefully, she turned around, until he was on his back, and she was straddling him, still impaled on his knot. She started rocking her hips slow and steady, her paws on his chest for balance. They kept at it, slow rocking, making short thrusts until they both collapsed again, spent and in a haze of ecstasy. That’s about how they woke the next morning, still tangled together and in a position that prompted exploration, until sometime later that afternoon. By that night, they were both exhausted again, but it was well worth it. Well worth it indeed. End