Marian 2 As the sun crawled lower in the western sky, Kenneth maneuvered his way out of the city and onto the eastbound highway. Traffic thinned as most of the commuters took off-ramps leading into one suburb or another, but the lanky huskymorph kept driving, further out into the country, toward the mountains. About forty miles outside the city, he took an access turnoff, and floored the gas on his truck. A plume of dust rose behind him as he headed north, away from the highway, and into the hills. He wore a charcoal suit, fairly normal office attire, with a crimson tie. His jacket was on the seat beside him, and the back of his hand brushed it as he shifted into a higher gear. The truck had been with him a long time, like the boots he always wore, and he knew what it could handle. Like the dip in the road that flew below him without so much as a rumble, or the landing following a breath of air time as he crossed over a set of disused rail tracks. Again he turned off onto an unmarked drive, that led up to a two-story house on a hill. Home, and better, his wife, Marian. The two had been married for seven happy years. Genetic differences kept the pair from having children, but they were happy with each other. Maybe in the next few years they would adopt a child to raise, but it was a subject that rarely came up. They were both still young, and enjoying life together. He turned into the dirt drive, and parked in front of the house, letting the truck idle for bit before killing the motor. He left his boots on the enclosed front step, and walked in, expecting his usual greeting of a hug and a sniff of dinner almost ready. Instead he was greeted by a noted absence of his wife and lover. He hung his coat on the back of one of the kitchen chairs, and looked around. Dinner was not on the stove, and it didn’t look to have been interrupted. It didn’t look to have been started, actually. Everything was in place, as it should be, for his tabby kitten kept a neat kitchen. So, nothing really out of place, here. He checked the living room and garage before he headed upstairs. Still no sign of his girl in the bedroom, and he started to get worried. He looked in, to see if she had fallen asleep in a hot bath, but the bathroom was as clean and orderly as the kitchen. That left the basement. As he opened the door that concealed the stairs downward, he was greeted with just the hint of a scent, but he couldn’t place it. Still, it was more sign of life than before. He started down the stairs, but stopped two steps in, as a card bumped into his nose, dangling from the ceiling. He frowned, took hold of it, and read it. Dear Kenneth, I’m downstairs. Forgive me for not having dinner ready when you came home, but I couldn’t wait. I’m downstairs. Come and get me! -Marian He chuckled softly. “Sweet kitten. You are such a tease.” He went back upstairs, and dropped his slacks, shirt and tie as well, on the kitchen chair, before returning to the steps. Down in the basement was where the pair commonly enjoyed rougher pleasures. The bedroom was used for playful, tender things, but the basement was a good bit more… hardcore, he supposed. They never sought to hurt each other, but each knew what sorts of pain accentuated the pleasure. At the bottom of the stairs, he turned, and leaned back, taking in the sight before him. A brow rose in quiet amusement at the scene laid out for him. Marian was laid out on the thin mattress they kept down here, blindfolded, gagged and collared. She was kneeling, with cuffs on her ankles secured together, and secured to the wide, ringed belt she wore. Obviously not going anywhere. And she had used the padlocks to which only he had the key. Another strong symbol of her trust for him. One paw was secured to the back of the belt as well, but the other was busy, two fingers pumping in and out of her cunny. From the damp state of her thighs and the darker area on the mattress, she had been at it for a good while. He moved quickly, and secured her free hand to the belt, making her truly helpless. “Now, kitten… you know very well that you’re supposed to have dinner ready when I get home. That’s one punishment. Second, you’re not supposed to use these locks without notifying me. Another punishment. You’re getting a third punishment for making me worry when I came home.” She listened, then nodded, hips squirming softly. “For your first punishment, you are not to come again until I give you permission. If you disobey, you’ll get another punishment, understand?” She nodded again, and he could see some of the tension in her actually drain out as he took control. “Your second punishment… hmm… Do you remember that lathe project I showed you?” He could tell from the way she struggled that she did, and that she had finally figured out its use. It was a piece of oak that had been carved down into a rough spiral, then smoothed out, looking like nothing so much as the head of a screw. When he had sat in the living room with a piece of fine grit sandpaper and the project, she had sat at his feet, and watched, asking him what it was for. He never answered, just smiled at her. Several coats of glossy resin had made it as smooth as glass, but it was still very hard. And she had finally figured out its use. He picked up the screw. The tip was thin, only an inch wide, and it slowly widened over a six inch length to be three inches at the base. A thin coat of water based lube was rubbed in over along the full length, and he put some more on two fingers and started to rub it into her tailhole. He could hear the squeal die behind the gag, and see her squirm and shiver. When she felt the smooth, fairly warm wood pressing in, she wriggled, but relaxed, accepting the toy. Once the first threads made it in, Ken started to turn, slowly, until it was about four inches in, at the two-inch wide spot. He stopped there, and just looked at her, helpless, breathing hard and writhing her hips, her tail thrashing wildly. Even with the gag in place, he could hear her moaning. He reached behind her head, and undid the buckles, then pulled the ball from her muzzle and the blindfold from her eyes. Immediately a plaintive mewl came out, mixed with another heavy moan. “Ahhh… it seems someone is having a lot of trouble. How are you holding up, sweet kitten?” “Kennnn!” she whined, panting heavily. “F-feel so full… P-please make love to me?” He chuckled and shook his head. “Not quite yet, kitten, but soon. I promise you, soon. But first the third punishment. I think… Yes, a good spanking should do.” He carefully picked her up, and set her on her knees, then leaned her forward, so her breasts and knees were the only things touching the thin mattress. In that position, Ken started to slowly screw the toy into her again, until it was fully inside her, with just the base sticking out. Marian groaned deeply, and with a chuckle, the husky knelt down behind her, and started to lap at her soaked cunt. The attention immediately brought a deep, throbbing purr from her, as she forgot all about her discomfort and helplessness, and focused on the pleasure of a broad, strong tongue pressing into her tunnel. He slowed his tongue’s motions, then stopped them again, and listened to her whimper and mewl. “Shush, Marian dear. Almost. I think fifteen strokes will do you just fine. To warm you up, that is.” She nodded, and bit her lower lip, looking back at him, her cheek pressed into the ground. He settled in beside her, and looked her in the eyes, slowly raising his hand. He brought it down, and smiled as she didn’t flinch or cry out. The stroke wasn’t hard, nor were the four that followed, but they all landed in about the same place on the left cheek, leaving a distinct warmth and sting. Another five on the right cheek, and she started to flinch at the last two, but still not a cry or complaint. She was starting to squirm her rump again, but was holding mostly still. That didn’t last, as the eleventh landed squarely between her thighs, strong enough to sting. She let out a startled yelp, and immediately tried to lift off her knees, but there was no escape. The strokes came, one after the other, until her labia felt like they were burning. But at fifteen he was done, and she let out a little mew of triumph. The husky chuckled at the sound, and nodded. “Yes, kitten. Time for your reward.” He picked her up again, and went over to an easy chair, set up in the corner for him to watch from. He sat down, and brought the still bound feline back with him, settling her in his lap. “Are you ready?” “Yes… God yes. Please love, please make love to me?” the tone, some combination of lust, desperation and trust, was like a drug to him, and he could hardly help the response. It was the same tone that inevitably won him over, time and time again. He slid his boxers down, and removed his shaft, quite hard after watching the wonderful show. In a few moments he had worked the tip inside of her, and was letting her slowly sink down on him. She made it to the knot on her own weight, hips rocking slowly. “That’s it… good kitten. Mmm… I can tell you really want this. Just remember your first punishment.” She seemed confused for a few moments, then suddenly let out a soft cry. “That’s not fair! I n-need to come, Ken, I c-can barely hold back right now…” He chuckled softly again, and kissed her on the side of the neck, slowly working his hips in time with hers. “I’ll let you, but only when I think you can’t take anymore. Not a moment before. And you’d better not try and cheat me. You know how much I love to hear you on the edge.” He nibbled up under her chin now, and she let out a throaty purr, arched back and drove her hips downward. They made love, slowly, steadily increasing the pace and pressure. Even before Ken started working his knot into her, she was taking those halting half-breaths, mewling and whimpering in desperation as she struggled against the climax she wasn’t allowed to have yet. With the thick knot stretching her entrance, she was very nearly about to lose all control before it popped in. Then, fully embedded inside her, he paused in the attentions of his lips under her chin long enough to give the words she waited for. “Come, kitten.” She gave in to the desperate need in a moment of relief, and came as commanded, her inner muscles squeezing him tightly again and again. The fluttering, pulsing muscles around his shaft and knot were more than enough to bring him to climax as well, and he enjoyed release deep within his lover. Afterward, they both lay there, cuddling and kissing softly. In a little while, he undid the locks, and she turned around, still stuck on his knot, to straddle his waist. “Are you still hungry for dinner, love?” she purred, nuzzling at his ears. “No. But it is nearly eleven. We ought to think of getting some sleep.” “Maybe. But it is Friday. No need to get up early. I think we could take a nap, just like this.” Kenneth was not inclined to disagree, and that is where they woke the next morning, still curled together in the easy chair. End