Marian 4 The city was always a foreign place to Marian, like a jungle of steel and glass planted into her world. It was strange, how she never felt at home in the city, though it played such a huge part in her life. There was always a part of her that resented the way it spread out into the pristine country, like a cancer on the face of the world. Still, there were things one could only do in the city, and she and Kenneth had business to do. The adoption agency was in the older part of the city, where most of the buildings were old enough to have names and little bronze plaques describing some significant event or another. The streets were wide, and most of them were closed to cars. Ken pulled the truck into a public lot, paid the eight dollars to get an all day pass, and the pair walked into the old part of town. Ken was dressed as usual, dark slacks, a light blue shirt, a darker blue tie, and a vest that was probably as old as he was, if not older. But somehow, it made him look dignified. The reading glasses he needed for fine print were tucked into the vest. Marian had told him many times that they made him look dignified, but he refused to wear them if he didn’t need to. Probably something to do with the teasing he’d endured in his school years. The adoption agency was in the Baxter Building, named for some ancient politician or activist. It was a brown brick building, three stories and nice and wide. The front room was spacious, benches along the sides and several secretaries to route people to the right places. This wasn’t an orphanage, just a matchmaking service between children and the families they needed. A middle-aged vixen, dishwater hair pulled back into a bun, greeted them. “Welcome to the agency. I assume you’re here for the initial interview? Alright then, please follow me.” They followed her into a small interview room, with a desk and a couch, nothing too impressive. It was painted in soft tones, relaxing, and the feline found herself leaning against her husband slightly, knowing he would have everything well in hand. The vixen sat at the desk, and smiled at them, gestured to sit, then spoke again. “Alright then… I’m Josie, and I’ll be your adoption counselor. You’re… Kenneth and Marian Scott? Good, and here’s the file I’m starting on you two. So far all that’s in here are the questionnaires you filled out before coming here, but things will be added. Now, let’s get the numbers out of the way. You’re financially stable?” Ken fielded the questions, referring sometimes to the folder of paper tucked under his arm. The tabby found herself distant from the conversation, just watching him as he leafed through his notes, displaying the efficiency and focus that had initially caught her attention, nine years ago. He always paid attention to the details. “Well, that’s all for the numbers. On that end, you two make for an ideal family. Now for the interview portion. Marian, why do you want to adopt?” When the canine opened his mouth to answer, she held up a hand. “No, just her.” She looked at Kenneth, who nodded, then leaned forward a little. “Ken and I can’t conceive. Too much difference, genetically. Trust me, we’ve tried.” She caught a hint of a grin on the vixen’s lips. “But we can’t. So adoption is really the only way we can make a family.” “Have you considered a surrogate mother, or father?” Marian looked up with a start, staring intently at her. For a moment, her husband was taken aback by the intensity of that stare. “No. That’s not even an option. I won’t consider another male’s child in me, and I won’t consider another female bearing his. No.” The vixen nodded, and made a few notes in the folder. “What sort of child are you looking for?” “Huh? Wait a moment… I had sort of thought the agency would do some matchmaking, and give us a smaller list, that we could meet and get to know, before making any decisions. I don’t want to keep the right child out of the list by narrowing the field past her.” “Hmmm… And you, Ken? Why do you want to adopt?” “I think she put it pretty well. We aren’t able to conceive our own child, and surrogates aren’t an option. That leaves adoption.” “Are you looking for any particular child?” “Young, of course. But not a babe. Preferably one where we’re not going to wind up in court ten years down the road because the birth mother wants custody. Other than that… well, I’d just like to get the right one.” “The right child. I’m not sure I understand the notion everyone comes in here with. But I’ll see what I can put together. This agency has over forty-thousand children in the computers. I’ll try and narrow it down… ages five to eight, no living relatives, no species or gender bias on the search. I’ll e-mail you a list by location, alright? Thank you for considering adoption, and thank you for using our Agency.” They had lunch in the city, at a little out of the way sandwich shop they both liked. Marian was feeling self-conscious, and noticed that Ken kept staring at her when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. “What’s that look for, huh? You look like you’re seeing me for the first time.” “Maybe I am, kitten. You surprised me in there. I didn’t know you felt that strongly about surrogates. Or anything, for that matter.” “I just… don’t like the idea. I don’t want any male but you inside me, and I don’t want you inside some other female. As for that… I love you that strongly. Do I need to feel like that about anything else?” “No, no… but I couldn’t help but be impressed. Even after all these years, there are still things about you I don’t know. I didn’t think there were new ways you could turn me on, for instance.” “Well you… ah!” she stopped, stared at him, then threw an olive at him. “Tease.” “No, I’m serious. I didn’t even realize it at the time, but seeing you riled up like that was a big turn on.” “Yeah? Well, you know how much I love it when you wear your glasses. It makes you look distinguished. Very sexy.” He laughed, and put his glasses on, and they ate the rest in quiet, observing the busy flow of city life. Back in the truck, Ken had barely sat down in the driver’s seat when he found his lap occupied by feline. She managed to straddle him there in the truck, and kissed his lips ferociously. “Mm… when we get home. You better drive fast, though.” She clambered over into her seat, and grinned at his shocked look and straining slacks, then giggled as he peeled out, headed for the highway. He had made it out of the city before she pounced again, laying across the bench seat to place her head in his lap. Her paws quickly undid belt and zipper, and one reached inside to retrieve her prize. “Both hands on the wheel, dear. And don’t get pulled over.” With that she started to lap at his dick, eliciting groans and whimpers of pleasure. The seatbelt kept him from thrusting as she teased him, the raspy, textured tongue sending electric thrill through him. “Good god… kitten you’re going to make me drive off the road…” he reached the turn off to their house, and floored it down the dirt road, leaving a trail of dust behind, and trying desperately not to give in, pull over, and fuck her in the truck. He made it back to the house, but only just, and inside the front hall, the door wide open, they made love, passionately as their first time. Marian straddled his hips, her legs locked around his waist, arms around his shoulders, riding him as he stood leaning against the doorframe. He made it into the kitchen, laid her on the table, and fucked her hard enough to scoot the table over, banging it into the counter. She got the upper hand, and levered him onto his back on the table, riding him hard. Each of them came multiple times, and by dinner time, they were exhausted, sticky, and thoroughly worn out. She was the first to regain some semblance of coherence. “Mmm… oooh… what got into us?” she murmured, wincing at the soreness in her thighs and back, and other places. “I think I got into you. Several times. Good lord… that was wild… mm… care to join me in the bath?” “Of course, sweetheart…” she mumbled, and they helped each other upstairs to the bath. He drew the water steaming hot, and slipped in first, wincing a little at the heat. She climbed in after, and let out a plaintive mew before she started to get used to the heat. “I know, too hot… but it will help to ease the soreness. Remember, it’s only six or seven.” He glanced at his watch. “Oh damn… I think we broke my watch.” Marian giggled a little, and snuggled up against him in the water. “I think we broke the table. And probably the door, too. Oh, that was fun… let’s do that again sometime. Or maybe I can convince you to mate me that hard while I’m tied down, hmm?” “Oh my. Where’d this little minx come from? You’re going to make me late for work tomorrow if we get started at this again. I’m going to need a good meal and some sleep to be at my best tomorrow.” “Okay, lover.” She nodded, and scrubbed him clean, then herself. Then, while he soaked a while longer, she dried off, went downstairs, and started dinner. He joined her, and they both ate in the fur, a simple meal of stew and bread. There was a little teasing, a few playful spanks as she did the dishes, but nothing serious. Back upstairs, she curled up on the bed, and looked at him with a lazy grin. “Boy, if you want sleep tonight, you’d better tie me down good…” “Oh, I intend to. On your stomach, wench!” she giggled and did as she was told, laying on her stomach. He tied her ankles together, and her wrists in front of her, over her head. Then he tied a rope around those loops, bringing her back into an arch on her stomach, her tail thrashing in agitation. “Oh my… lovely sight, this.” She felt his paw on her throat, trace its way along her body to her hip, then press two fingers into her. She squirmed and purred happily, loving the game of helplessness. After a little while, he replaced his fingers with a vibrator, and turned it on low. Then he did something unexpected. Marian felt something being straped in place, around her waist, and between her legs. A ring around the base of her tail helped set it in place, and Ken snugged the chastity belt down tight on her hips, and locked it. “This’ll stay on until I get home tomorrow. And that vibrator is staying on as well.” He chuckled a little, fitted a ball gag into her mouth, and slipped under the covers, watching her writhe and struggle until he fell deep asleep.