Marian 5 Morning came to a struggling, bound tabby, and her husband. All too soon, it seemed. He untied her, and they both got breakfast, though her appetite was somewhat diminished. Last night, after he had bound her securely, he had pushed a vibrator into her pussy, and locked it in place with a chastity belt, and a padlock she didn’t have the key to. Still, she had chores to do, so he didn’t leave her tied up all day, but the teasing torment of that low buzz inside her would remind her of the night before, all day until Kenneth returned. She managed to keep a fairly calm façade while he was home, but as the truck roared out of the driveway, toward the interstate, Marian broke down with a groan of dismay. “How in the hell am I going to exercise riders with this thing on?” she complained, then sighed, and washed dishes, her hips occasionally bucking reflexively into a sensation that just wasn’t enough. Her chores usually took up most of the morning, and left her the afternoons to her own devices and distractions. Or to the ones he had left her. This time, however, the simple chores of feeding and exercising the riding lizards, and making a tour of the fences that enclosed the ranch, took most of the day, into the afternoon. By the time she got done with the last of the riders, she was more worn out than any of them, and still frustrated and unsatisfied. It was an hour before she would start on dinner, and at this point, she was soaked in sweat, her thighs were sticky with her own juices, and she was exhausted. So, she decided to take a short nap, laid out, naked save for the chastity belt, on the living room sofa, with a towel under her rump to keep from messing up the upholstery. After just a few moments, she was fast asleep. She woke to a paw shaking her shoulder. “Lemme ‘lone…” she murmured, then woke up with a start. “Ken?” she stared, bleary eyed at the husky. “What time is it?” “Oh, just shy of seven o’clock. Something tells me you’re a bit worn out, hmm? Get your chores done?” she nodded. “Good. Still rumbling?” another nod, and he laughed. “You really want more of last night, don’t you?” “Mm… yes. Yes I do…” she purred, and arched her back a little, squirming her hips. “Sorry about dinner. I’m really not having good luck lately, am I?” “No, you’re not. But it’s okay. I anticipated this, and picked up some food on the way home. But you’re still getting punished. One punishment for not making dinner. Now then, let’s get this belt off of you.” She submitted to his hands, letting him unlock and strip the belt off of her. The rush of cool air over her soaked fur and flesh made her squeak and shiver. “Ohh!” “Mm… I think I know your punishment…” he murmured, pulling the vibrator from her depths, and gave it a lick. “Mmm… sweet as always. Want a taste?” She nodded, and let her suck on the vibrator for a little while, while he went into the kitchen for something. She just sat back and closed her eyes. The next thing she noticed was something freezing cold, stroking one of her nipples. She squeaked again, and opened her eyes. “Here’s your punishment.” He showed her a half dozen popsicles, and she just groaned and whimpered. “Not that!! Please Ken, I’m serious. Not that!” she whimpered. “Are you going to call safeword on me?” he asked, deadly serious. “No… no…” she squirmed, mewling softly. “Just… oooh I hate cold!” He laughed softly, and set five of the popsicles on a plate, and started stroking her nipples with the one in hand. She arched and squirmed, her nipples stiffening immediately. The pent up need in her, from a day spent in sexual frustration, was returning to the forefront with a vengeance. The teasing chill of her nipples was making her whimper and mewl, and she knew he had barely started with her. He set the mostly melted popsicle aside, and picked up a new one. “I haven’t tied you up yet, but I will if you try and stop what I’m doing. So just hold still and enjoy it, sweety.” He touched the fresh one’s tip to one nipple, then dragged it across to the other, listening to the way her breath caught in her throat, and finally emerged as a strained, half-moaning whimper. He drug the tip back, between her breasts, and slowly traced it down, along her stomach, watching the way her instincts fought with her pleasures, and finally, letting the pleasures win out, her back arching up into the cold, slick treat. She started to squeak and wriggle as the ice came across her hips, down toward her crotch. Both of her paws were gripping the couch now, claws pricking into the fabric, holding her down. Her hips were trembling as she shivered, the cold getting closer to where it would do the most good, and feel the most cold. He stopped and held it in place, just over her lips, letting the melting juices trickle down through her slit, into the cleft of her rump. She made several sounds of determination, that slowly faded into desperate mewls as the toy melted down to a useless lump of ice. He picked up two more, and set one on the inside of each thigh, slowly tracing them upward from the knees. She spread her legs slowly, then whimpered as the two icy toys came closer and closer. She was still gripping the couch, shaking her head and whimpering ‘no’ and ‘please’ now and then, her hips churning, saying ‘yes’ and ‘please’ with her body. His slow teasing brought the tips of the two melting treats against her pussy lips, and listened to the long, drawn out mewl of mixed desire and complaint. A sudden push brought one of the cold toys an inch or two inside. She squealed then, and arched her back, paws clenched into the couch cushions. He pushed harder, and she squealed louder, until one Popsicle was fully buried inside her. “So cold… so c-cold… oh god Ken… please I n-need you inside me… t-to warm me up… p-please!” she begged, breathing fast and heavy. He just watched her, breasts heaving as she panted. After a few moments of watching the beautiful sight of his beloved in that haze of discomfort and pleasure, he slowly started to twist and pull the toy out of her. He took his time, and by the time the mostly melted toy was loose of her, she was very near her climax. He was quite aroused, but not near release. He made her watch, as he took his shirt and slacks off, leaving the tented boxers on, then gestured for her to stand. He sat in the old, worn leather easy chair, and leaned back, then pointed at his lap. She sat in it, trembling with desire and need, and looked back at him, mewling plaintively. He nodded to her wordless question, and she gave a soft cry of relief, paws diving downward to drag the boxers out of the way. She lifted herself up, one paw holding his stiff prick, the other using two fingers to spread her soaked cunt. Entry was easy, as she was certainly ready and well lubricated, and he sunk into her up to his slightly swollen knot, then let her grind her hips as she pleased, riding him at her own pace. He just reached around her, and took hold of her breasts, pinching her nipples somewhat roughly as she rolled her hips. The mutual grind continued for some time, his knot swelling slowly to full width, rubbing against her puffy labia. When he judged her ready, as well as unable to take too much more of the slow, gentle stuff, he started to thrust, roughly and firm, and took a steadying grip on the back of her neck with his jaws. Using that, and his grip on her breasts, he was able to thrust much harder, and from the renewed intensity of her cries, she enjoyed it much more. His knot popped in a little earlier than he would have liked, but after a few short, sharp thrusts, the thought was lost in the haze of coital bliss. He could feel her shuddering against him, her vaginal canal tightening erratically, while he thrust, short pumps as his seed spilled into her. Even after his climax was spent, she continued to shudder for another few seconds, then just leaned back on him, worn out. “…love you…” she purred, her voice a little hoarse and raspy, as she cuddled back into her husband, eyes shut, breathing deep and still a little fast. He gave one nipple a soft pinch, and chuckled at the gasp that followed. “Love you too, sweet kitten. Did we get a fax or phone call today?” “Uh-uh… nothing yet… unless we missed it in the last hour or so.” She giggled tiredly. “Entirely possible, but I don’t really feel like moving. Mmm… damn, I don’t want to go to work tomorrow… But we’re going to need a soak and some sleep, as usual. Wonder how other couples get ready for bed, hmm?” “I ‘magine it’s not this much fun.” The bathing and snuggling ritual went as usual, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms, the way they always had. The next morning came and went, same as ever, and it wasn’t until afternoon, when the riders had all been sent back to their herd, that Marian found the fax sitting on the printer. On it were a list of names, each followed by an age, a species, a gender, and a location. From the ages, she could only assume that these were the list of likely matches sent by the Agency. Name Age Species Gender Location Alan 7 Raccoon Male Shade Tree Orphanage Jason 8 Dragon Male Center City Home Jon 6 Cheetah Male Center City Home Annabelle 6 Basset Hound Female Green Hill Orphanage David 8 Wolf Male Center City Home Erin 5 Ferret Female Moore County Home Rheannon 7 Leopard Female Ellis House Marian stopped reading, trying to remember where she had heard of the Ellis House before. It took a trip to the computer to jog her memory, and it was not a pleasant one. The Ellis House for Troubled Orphans, owned by a Mister Alistair, had been investigated three times in the past decade, and had been the focus of a media frenzy three years ago, when a child had been abducted from inside the building, and later found dead. She quickly scanned the list, and no other children on it were in that place. When Ken got home, she put the idea to him of visiting this ‘Rheannon’ first. He looked at the list, and shrugged. “No other names jump out at me. Ellis House is on the other side of town, though. It’ll be a good hour and a half or more. So… we’ll go this Sunday, alright? Visiting hours are around noon, I think. You call them tomorrow, and set it up for this weekend.” She nodded, and considered the matter settled. They ate, and both were too tired for more games tonight. Instead, they exchanged backrubs, and she fell asleep with the husky pressing fingertips deep into her sore thighs. End