After Kell gave her statement to the police, Scott saw some of the news vans pulling into the parking lot from the corner of his eye. He tapped the one in charge on the shoulder. "Sorry to cut this short Chief, but we REALLY need to go." He said, motioning to the news van. The cop seemd to understand, because he nodded to Scott calmly, signaling that they could leave. He grabbed her shoulder and jerked her to the Cavalier. "Get your keys out fast hon. I don't think we're going to make it." The newsteam had already had their cameras and reporters blazing just as the couple flopped into the car. "You media jerkoff's better get the hell away from my back bumper fast before you become embedded in it!" Kell yelled from the driver's seat. The crowd of cameras and lights parted, as she backed the car up and roared off into the night. "I guess you can come out now." Kell said as she pulled on to K-96. Scott flipped the pager on his belt, and his wings slowly came out from inside his back, and through the neat little holes he had cut in his coat. "They start to get stiff after a while when they're in by back." He grunted as he stretched them out in the confined space of the car. He then reached towards the lightly glowing spot in his side, and pulled out the .9mm bullet out of his skin. "You think rent a cop was happy about his little warning shot." He said in a pissy tone. "Well you did look scary." Kell said sarcastically. "It's not like you can't heal or anything." She placed her free hand on his side with the gunshot in it. This seemed to comfort him. "So anyway, I think I know what those were." He said as he threw the bullet in the back seat. "How else do you explain the cop saying that they were the same people that were dug up from the graves downtwon?" "No shit..." "Yes! I do belive Wichita's got a little Zombie problem on it's hands!" Scott beamed. "What do you suppose we do?" Kell asked. "I say we hit up the guild and see what they have to say about it." Scott said. "I heard through the grapevine today that the demons are getting bolder since the Xero incident a while back. I have a feeling this zombie thing today isn't a coincidence." He leaned forward in the seat. "Head west on Kellogg." SHe did as she was instructed, and continued to head west, untill they were almost out of the county. "Uh... Scott. Are we lost." She asked. "Not in the least. As a matter of fact, pull off right here." She veered the car to the shoulder of the road, and killed the engine. Kell did a quick scan of the surroundings, and saw nothing but typical Kansas emptyness. "Are you sure this is it? He was already out of the car and had walked around to the other side to open her door. "What's wrong? Don't trust me?" Kell stepped out and looked around again. "Well no, but I know we're out in the middle of nowhere." "Just trust me okay?" He said happily as he took her hand. Scott started to lead her through the fields of wheat and weeds. Kell seemed very aprehensive about being in the middle of nowhere after the Zombie incident. He eventually stopped where there was an ancient mile marker, that looked like it had seen a better life in some other time. "The fact that they put the number forty two on it cracks me up." Scott chuckled. Kell didn't think it was so funny. "Just because it's the meaning of life it doesn't mean it's going to lead anywhere." Kell huffed. "Oh yee of little faith." Scott sassed. "Come here!" He said, motioning to her. "Get really close to me okay?" She stood toe to toe facing him. "What for?" He grinned. "Because it's the only way I can ever get you to fly with me." Those words no sooner left his mouth, when he quickly grabbed her by the sides, lifted her up, and lept in the air. "Oh God NO!" She screeched, clinging to him tightly. "I hate it when you do this!" He laughed out loud. "Oh come on you big baby." He started to flap his wings harder to get enough air. "You'll ride a rollercoster or in the hearse with Marcus but you won't go flying with me?" "They both don't drop me!" She yelled, digging her nails into the nylon of his coat.