Missy and Belle 2: Instruments of Destruction by Kenth Chapter 1 The sound of guns firing and yells was able to reach the hanger deep under ground, giving the guards one more thing to worry about along with the two rebel intruders they had pinned down. Originally a squad of 20, a mixture of canines and humans, watched over the heavylifting equipment and the main computer housing on this level. That was before the rebels started attacking above ground, but this squad was confident that there was no chance of the rebels getting this far. So they were quite unprepared for when part of the ceiling blew open and five furry shapes climbed down ropes, killing half the guards in a matter of minutes. Using what they could for cover, the rebel group made their way to the computer room. The remaining guards finally managed to fire back, killing three of them. The squad's leader knew they were heading for the computer so had his men form around the door; he soon learned that was a mistake. From across the hanger and behind a large forklift, a 'bloop'ing sound told of a grenade launcher being fired. Most of the guards managed to get clear just before the shot hit above the computer room, the wall crumbling and crushing two humans and a black lab. Before the smoke and dust could clear, two automatic weapons started firing, downing two more guards. The human leader finally got the rest of his squad to a safe spot about 50 yards away, allowing the rebels to get at the main computer. The guard leader looked over what he had left: three humans, counting himself, a greyhound, and an afghan. Five against two should not be a be a problem, but every time one of them attempted to leave their hole, someone on the other side open fired, giving them a scare back down. The captain needed to know what the rebels were doing over there; he gestured for the greyhound to move a little ways down, then peek over the edge. The canine nodded, and while he moved, the captain set up a sniper scope on his rifle. Simultanisly, the canine and human looked over the edge. The captain was just able to make out a white face and triangular ears among the rubble of the wall before he heard the first shot; suddenly the greyhound yipped and dropped back. The captain spared a glance over, wrinkling his nose as he saw the canine holding his left ear in one paw, the other covering the bloody spot where it had been attached. The human quickly turned back to the scope, only to find himself looking down the barrel of the other shooter. He changed his aim slightly, lining up to one of the green eyes of the rebel; he took note that they looked like a feline's. As the captain took careful aim, the eye closed and he heard the gun fire; then before he could fire back, the face was gone and he head to duck in time for the other's bullet to skip off the ground just above his head. He swore softy, then started on another stratagy. On the other side of the hanger area, among the ruin of the wall of the computer room, Belle slid down on her belly from the top, then rolled over, not noticing how dirty her green jumpsuit/uniform got; her sleeveless arms however seemed to collect the dust, making her white fur look mostly brown. She glared at the back of the other feline with her who was tapping away on a portable computer. "Hey, sis! How about helping me a little here?" Missy never looked up from the screen in front of her. "I need to watch for this to finish downloading," She turned her black-furred head, white face to Belle. "It's a lot bigger then I was told." Belle just gave a disgruntled snort, rolled back onto her front, and peeked over the top again; no one yet. Wait. A shadow could be seen moving through the thick smoke. Another a couple of yards to the right. And another. "Damn," Belle swore to herself. "Either they just got really brave or very stupid." She was suddenly aware of a body pressing against her's. Missy was peeking over the top too. "Think they're going to rush us?"she asked Belle. Belle nodded. "Seems like the most likely thing." Missy nodded back, slapping a clip into the bottom of the HK-5 she carried. "Then let's give them something to rush from." Out in the open area of the hanger, the guard's captain shined a quick light to his left and right, a pre-arranged signal for the rest of the squad to halt. A heavy silence fell over everything, even the fighting in the rest of the compound sounded far off. The captain was about to signal everyone forward again when twin bursts from weapons started firing from the position the guards were about to storm. The captain threw himself to the floor, hearing the last of his squad cry out and go down under the crossfire. The human panted hard, his eyes stinging from the dust that was still settling around him, almost missing a soft beeping sound coming from his radio. He grabbed it, clicking the receive button. "...most through....." A short burst of static. "Bac....p arriving soon...." was all the captain could make out. Good, he thought. We can take those two prisoners.... He grinned at the thought of being given a chance to interrigate them. Getting caught was the last thing Missy and Belle were thinking about right then as they scanned the ruin of the hanger. "I think we finished that group off." Belle whispered over to her sister. Missy nodded, hopping back down to her computer. "98% done," she said. "You've got about two minutes to find us a way out." Belle half turned, keeping an ear turned for any noises. "Why me? You're supposed to be the smart one." Missy went over and gaves Belle's tail a playful tug. "You remember what Henry said; it's your job to get me here and back." Belle gave a quick growl, then paused, turning back to look out over the hanger area. That low humming sound wasn't her imaganation. The young feline quickly looked over the area, searching for a quick way out. A soft ping caught part of Belle's attention, as well as Missy giving a whispered cheer of success. "Finally done. Now I just have to set the charages...." Belle turned her attention outwards again, locating that humming sound. Through the still hanging smoke and dust, she could see a small metal security door, the center starting to change colors from red to white as someone attempted to get past the seal. "Damn!" Belle turned to look over at Missy. "Make it quick, sis. We're about...." The rest was last as the glowing door suddenly buckled forward, allowing heavily armed guards to spill through. Belle reacted quickly, raising her rifle to eye level and sending quick bursts of bullets towards the humans and canines. The sudden shots sent the first of the guards scrambling for cover as those in the doorway were forced to wait. Belle finished one clip, ejected it to the ground and grabbed the next off her belt; it took no more then a few seconds, but it was enough for a few more guards to get through. Belle opened up again with her rifle, making the guards keep their heads down; her shots were joined a few seconds later by Missy's faster shots, the other feline standing behind a busted wall. "Well? Found a way out yet?" Missy asked before stepping out a litte from behind the wall and firing a short burst of bullets; there was a scream of pain as she scored against a hidden canine. Belle nodded, firing a few shots, then dropping back to avoid the return fire. "The crane...." she said. There was no mistake which one she ment; the large lifting device sat in the middle of the room, the arm part seemed long enough to reach all the but the far corners of the hanger. "Get to the cabin and move the arm to the hole we made," Belle continued. "I'll cover you." MIssy looked over the 50 yard distance to the crane. "That's not going to reach the hole; it'll be a good 10 feet short." Belle popped over the top of the rubble, firing to keep anyone from getting close, then dropped down again as Missy took her turn to fire. "You have a better idea? No? Okay then. On the count of three...." Belle glanced over at Missy. "One." Missy put a full clip into the bottom of her HK-5, one paw on the trigger handle, the other holding near the front. "Two...." she said. Belle put a new clip into her weapon as well, saw Missy was ready and nodded. "Three!" They shouted at the same time. Missy bolted out from behind the wall behind Belle as the other stood and emptied her clip, not really aiming, but just peppering the area where the guards were. As soon as her gun was empty, Belle dropped back down to reload. Missy listened for the end of Belle's turn, then paused long enough to turn her gun sideways, and holding it at chest level, she fired a fan of bullets out from left to right. Not wasting time, she dropped the gun to waist height and reveresed the direction. Several of the guards cried out as they got hit while others ducked back behind what cover they could. As soon as she finished the second sweep , Missly took off again towards the crane, going over and behind what rubble she could to keep from being an easy target as the several of the new guards fired back. Belle waited until her sister had stopped firing, then stood again to fire off her own shots. Once Missy got to the crane, she she turned and fired again, getting the human and canine guards to stay down as Belle made her dash to the crane. The white and black feline knew to follow a different path through the wreacked hanger; but once Belle was gone, this allowed the guards to make a rush towards the computer room. Belle joined Missy in the crane's cabin, looking out the windows while Missy looked over the controls quickly. "Oh, great. They're inside. They could ruin this whole raid...." Missy was shaking her head. "No, the virus is already in and unless they have an expert among them, they can't stop it." She came over to the window. "What time do you have?" Belle took a quick glance at her watch. "21:24. Why?" Missy didn't answer, just pushed her down by the head as she ducked too. A few seconds passed, most of the guards still firing and advancing on the crane when a sudden explosion of heat and sound filled the hanger. Belle bumped into Missy as the crane shook, the window of the cabin exploding inwards. Belle looked at the slightly larger feline with questioning eyes; Missy smiled back. "The C-4 I grabbed off of Abby." she answered for Belle. Outside could be heard the confused and dying yells of the guards. Belle stood slowly, noticing they seemed to have lost the security's attention. "How much did you use?" Missy was back at the controls, turning the top part of the crane and extending the arm up at an angle towards the exit hole. "The whole thing that she was carring. Why?" Missy was already climbing out and started to scale the girded arm. Belle followed, though stayed at the bottom, rifle ready in case the guards remembered them. "Because that was about 3 pounds of the stuff....you could've blown us up too!" Missy, once she got the feel for climbing the metal rungs, was almost running up the arm now. "Sorry...." she called back. "But it couldn't be helped; you saw her die." Right then the guards starting firing again, bullets ricotching off the metal, cutting off any farther agrument between the two. Belle ducked down behind the arm as best she could, waiting for Missy to reach the top and provide cover for her own run up. Missy was already near the top and saw she was right about the length being just short. She made herself run faster, getting up speed to leap the gap. Her right foot found the very top, her left leg going back and her body going low; she pushed hard with her leg, propelling herself up and forward, arms stretched out. She hit the edge of the hole, half in-half out, her feet dangeling in the air. She could hear the shots being fired from below, most of them from Belle's rifle. Missy scrambled into the hole, getting the rest of herself inside and panted hard; there was little time for rest as from below came a loud yell cry and curse. Missy looked down through the whole to see Belle had dropped her rifle and was holding a paw to her left leg. Missy just stared at her wounded sister for a few moments. Those bastards shot Belle; shot her sister.....normally Missy was a passive creature, but if her sister got hurt or got into trouble while on a raid, it set off an explosive temper. Missy stood up in the crawlspace where the hole was, aiming her gun and sent a hail of bullets down on to the advancing humans and canines, screaming as loud as she could. "You son of bitches! Hurt my sister, will you?" She emptied her first clip in less then a minute, hitting several of the guards while the others dived for cover. Missy put another clip in, an almost steady stream of bullets coming out. Belle looked up, watching Missy go berserk for a moment, then scrambled onto the arm. Using her sister's shot as cover, she ran as best she could with her shot leg; Missy saw this and aimed a little farther out so she didn't hit Belle. The guards waited until the firing stopped for a second, several rushing out and around to the other side of the crane once they saw where most of the shots were being aimed. Two canines stayed at the bottom of the arm, firing over the heads of their fellow guards who started up behind the feline. Belle had to slow down a little to duck the shots, as well as taking a little pressure off her bad leg. Up above, Missy had to stop her firing for a bit as the guard's shots tore into the walls around her. Her rage still high, Missy fumbled through her backpack, finally removing a couple of grenades; she tugged out the pins and tossed them down over Belle. Belle saw the green shapes flying over her and forced herself to go faster; she was near enough to the top that she might make it before they went off. She timed it so her right leg was used to push her off the top, but saw right away she was going to fall short. She gave a yell as her paws slapped against the edge of the hole and she slipped down. Belle's fall was short though, her body jerking as Missy caught her arm. The guards who had been following Belle stopped to unshoulder their weapons, firing up at the pair. This was stopped short as the grenades went off, the explosion rocking the crane enough that one of the guards fell the three stories to the floor. The others managed to balance themselves, but the arm had been blown off the crance base and started to fall, taking the guards with it. Above Missy was straining to pull Belle up, having a moment free of shots to do so. Belle was pulled over the busted lip of the hole and finally onto the solid metal surface of the crawlspace, Missy panting slightly from doing most of the lifting. The taller feline hugged her sister, then looked down at the wounded leg. "How bad is it?" Belle gave a shrug and stood slowly, her head almost hitting the top of the small space they were in. "Not bad enough if I could run up that thing....come on. We need to meet up with the others." She grabbed her rifle and hobbled quickly away from the hole, her shoes making soft scraping sounds on the metal. Missy shouldered her weapon, hunched over and followed. Far below the hole where the two felines had escaped, the guard captain who had been there from the start looked upwards, silently cursing. Around him the hanger was in ruins, his whole squad dead and most of the backup were injured or dead. The captain turned to leave, kicking at a piece of ceiling. He watched the stone piece sail into the air, only to be caught causually by a dobermin dressed in a black outfit. The canine came right over to the captain, who just stared as he watched the dobermin make a fist and the chunk of stone became fine sand. "Captain Childs?" the canine came to a stop a few feet away; the captain just nodded. "I have come to make you an offer....." Childs waved a hand dimissingly. "Forget it....I need to go make a report of what happened and pray that I don't get killed for letting this happen." He moved to walk around the canine, but was stopped by a large paw being placed on his shoulder and squeezed it almost painfully. "I can make it so you will not get into trouble...." The captain paused, turning his head to look at the dobermin, who continued. "I happen to know a lot about the two that did this to you and your squad....in return for some favors, I can arrange it so that you can have your revenge against those felines." Childs turned all the way around to stand face to face to the canine. "And what do I have do for you?" The captain knew it was wrong to make such a deal, but he had only the thought of getting even at this point. The canine pulled a piece of paper from a pocket, handing it over to Childs. "Just the items on this list. Yes, I know most are top secret, but just fill in the requisation number after each on the transfer sheets and it will be fine." Childs looked over the list, raising an eyebrow now and then as some very dangerous things crossed his vision. He looked up to say more, but the dobermin had already moved on, standing directly under the hole the rebels had made; Childs shrugged and turned back to walk out again, glancing over the list and wondering just who the hell that was..... Missy winced for what she thought as the 100th time as her head hit the metal roof of the small crawlspace. Ahead, Belle was having little trouble, save for her wounded leg slowly her down. "Belle, I think we're going the wrong way....it didn't take us this long coming in." Belle shook her head. "I don't think this is the way, either. But we couldn't make it to the other side of that hole, so now we have to find another way out." They continued along for another few minutes, but were forced to stop as the passage suddenly made a 90 degree turn, leaving the felines with a smooth surface to figure out how to climb. "Ah, hell...." Belle looked upwards to where the passage vanished into the dark. "I supposed we'll have to go back after all...." Missy shook her head. "We don't have the time....everyone was-ack!" Her sentence was cut off as while looking up she got hit in the face by a rope from above. Missy rubbed her nosed and blinked. Two ropes? Belle had already grabbed both of them, tugging to see if they were secure as the coiled a few times on the floor. "Seems someone heard you whining...." She pushed one rope to Missy, wrapping the other around her waist and tied it off. Missy did the same, each taking up the slack and wrapping it around in case they fell. Belle was already started to ascend, climbing paw over paw and using her feet against the metal sides before Missy started up after her. "My whining? Besides, you ever think that someone else is using this rope, maybe to come down?" Belle glanced down at her sister. "So what? Even if that was true, they would've been down by now...." A sudden jerk on both ropes made Belle look up, half expecting to see two guards sliding down; instead the ropes started tightening until both her and Missy were being lifted up. Below, Missy noticed the suddenly easier climb and made her weapon ready. Belle caught Missy's suspions and got her rifle loaded and ready. As the two feline neared the top, they could hear gunfire and saw the occasional flash of light through the grill they were coming up to quickly. Just before they hit, the ropes stopped and the grill was taken off. "Hey! You two finally make it?" a voice called down, one the sisters knew well. "Yeah, Keesha." Belle shouted back. "Or we will if you get us the rest of the way out." The ropes gave another sudden jerk, hauling Missy and Belle out of the metal passage and on to a raised platform on the roof. Around them came more gunfire and explosions, most coming from the front. The felines crawled a little ways from the vent, finding themselves attached to a hovering truck with two winches in the front. A couple of other felines rushed over to untie the sisters, coiling the ropes up and running the winches to take in the last of it. The truck was positioned out of the way of the main firefight, only the occasional bullet streaking overhead; Missy was peeking around the edge to watch when a large shape appeared before her. She found herself in a sudden hug that consisted mostly of fur. "Welcome to the main show, Mis." Keesha's voice was a little deep for a female, but given her six foot high body, it was understandable. Missy batted at some of the long fur that covered the retriver/smoyed mix and smiled. "How did you know where we were?" Missy asked as Keesha put her down, then hugged Belle the same way as she came over. "Henry figured you two would get into trouble, so had me install a tracking device into your clothes." Belle wriggled out of Keesha hug, looking around the fluffed canine towards the middle of the roof where the fighting was. "Leave it to him not to trust us...." She turned and smiled at Keesha. "It's good to see you, anyway." Keesha was one of the few canine mixed breeds in the rebellion that Missy and Belle trusted, having helped and saved thier lives on numerous occasions. Missy jumped into the back of the truck, tossing her pack with her computer in the corner, then started rummaging around. Keesha leaned on the wall of the bed and watched as Belle did the same. "Now, what are you two up to?" Missy was pulling out clips for her gun and Belle's. "We're going to go help the others...." She looked up, seeing Keesha shake her head. "No, you're not." She came around and closed the back of the truck up. "Henry's orders were to get you two in and out, nothing more. Now, sit down and behave, or I'll kick both your asses." She gave them a smile, then hurried to the truck's cab, climbing in with one of the felines that helped earlier. Belle looked over the back of the truck's wall as they lifted into the air and started away from the fighting. Missy sat down against one of the walls and sighed heavily, then smiled at Belle. "Oh, relax....we did are job. I'm sure they're going to pull back soon." Belle nodded and sat oppisite her sister. "Still....I think the whole thing could've gone better; I mean we last three good people today...." Missy nodded. "I know....but there was nothing we could do." They both fell silent and remained so for most of the ride back to the headquarters. Converstaion was a little hard anyway; the truck was old and made a lot more noise then it should have, covering the gun fire in the distance as well as the speeding motorcycle below, it's black and white furred occupant sparing the fleeing truck a glance at it headed the other way.....