Chapter 2 The mess hall was full of life, fellow rebels chatting, joking, complaining....Belle always loved coming in during the busiest time. It showed that there was still hope for the felines to win their war; even now, the fightening was lessening slowly all due to destruction of that clone lab. Belle put a paw to her neck, where her pendent used to hang. She would do that before when she felt alone, the inside holding a picture of Missy and Tom, the one human she had actually learned to trust. The thought of Tom now sadden the young feline; along with a clone of Missy, he helped stopped the canine clones from being made. But both had never been heard from since they blew up the desert compound. She would constantly think of the pair, praying that they were safe. Working her way through the crowd of people, Belle finally found Missy sitting at a corner table, a small computer propped up in front of her and meal tray untouched. Belle took a seat opposite her sister without the other feline so much as looking up. "So, what did Henry say?" Missy asked as she kept typing rapidly over the keyboard. Belle reached over to grab her sister's tray, tearing back the covering that kept the food under warm. "Well, understandably he was upset about the loss of Abby and the others, but he always did take that sort of thing personally. There is going to be a service tomorrow." Missy just nodded as she kept typing. Belle narrowed her eyes a little, leaning across the table. "What the hell do you find so more fascinating in the computer then your sister?" Missy finally looked up. "Oh, sorry....just I have to get these files we stole during the raid reviewed and sorted before we can be sure it is worth anything." She rubbed her eyes with the fingers of one paw and sighed. "So far though, it looks like it was bust...." Missy pushed the computer aside, crossing her arms and lying her head on the table. "They died for nothing, Belle...." The small feline put a comforting paw on her sister's head. "Hey, you're the only one who could proably find something in all that....Henry wouldn't of given it to you to do otherwise." Missy looked up with a small smile, then sat up, looking behind Belle, who turned around seeing her sister's attention drawn away. It was a tall russian blue, his thick and long fur combed back neatly and dressed in a pressed uniform; the girls correctly guessed to themselves that he was a new recuirt. He gave them a salute with his right paw, his left one carring a small, brown package. "Lt. Missy, Lt. Belle." He adressed them. Belle smiled to herself; she still wasn't used those titles. They were used mostly for speical jobs and weren't part of the normal army. "I first wish to extend my condolences of the loss of your team." Missy nodded, eyes looking some place else for the moment. "Thank you...." When the private just stood there, Belle stood up. "Was there something else, private?" Missy smiled a little, seeing Belle enjoy the power had over this guy. The russian nodded quickly, bringing up the package and walked over to Missy. "Here is the package you wanted me to hold onto until you got back." Missy blinked, taking the package almost carefully. She looked across to Belle, tring to see if this was one of her jokes, but the other feline looked just as confused. Missy unsheathed a claw, slitting open the wrapping and the box underneath. She reached in, pulling out an envelope and a small piece of cloth; by the weight of the cloth, something was wrapped inside. Missy quickly opened the envelope, the contents containing a trice folded piece of paper. She unfolded it and read it quietly, then looked up at Belle, smiling wide. Belle reached over and grabbed the letter. "What?" She looked once more at her sister, then down at the paper, starting to read out loud. "I understand congratulations are in order for your recent promotions; I know you two deserve them. But we can catch up later; for now I need you both to come to the northern borders.The Missy clone, or MissC as I've started calling her, will show you the way. I know it is sudden, but you must leave in the next few hours as time is very important. Oh, and Belle, I'm returning your pendent. I'm sure you're missing it quite a bit by now, seeing how much you want through while wearing it. Please be careful who you relay the information of your leaving to; this war is over yet. See you soon." Here Belle stopped and looked up at Missy again, matching the other's smile. "Signed: Tom Swanson." Missy nodded, reaching for one of Belle's paws. "It means they are alive, sis...." Belle nodded back, eyes getting a little watery. She suddenly caught a small movement out of the side of her blurry eyes. She grabbed the uniform front of the russian blue, pulling him in close; the larger feline was caught off guard and almost landed on the table. "Where did you get this?" Belle asked with a low growl to her tone. The private seemed almost to panic for a moment, then nodded his head to Missy. "Lt...Lt. Missy gave it to me before she left on the raid...." Missy was shaking her head, reaching over to untangle Belle's claws from the private's uniform. "Belle, take it easy...." She turned to the Russian. "We left for that over eight hours ago; when did....I give this to you?" The private stood a little uneasily, checking to be sure it was just his uniform that was punctured. "A-a...about two hours ago, ma'am....." Missy nodded. "And we've only been back for an hour...." She glanced over at Belle, who shrugged. "Must've been your clone....I thought the letter said she would be here." Missy picked up the letter and read it again. "Says she would lead us there....something must've happened that she had to leave before Tom wanted her to." Belle just nodded, then sat down and picked up the cloth that had been in the box as well. She slowly unwrapped it, withdrawing the round pendent with a gold connecting chain she had worn for so long. She opened it up, looking at the two pictures inside. One half was of Missy that had been taken on a trip they both want on long ago; Missy had a full sized picture that showed both of them she kept in her backpack. The other picture had originally been one of Tom, the young human who had pretended to own her while he supplied her with information about the human/canine movments against the felines. Now the picture had been replaced by a different one that included Tom and Missy's clone, MissC, standing before mountain range; must've been some place up north by the amount of trees surrounding the area. The private who had delivered the package just stood and watched the two, feeling a little overwhelmed. He had of course heard the stories about these sisters when he first signed up to help the rebels; but he never thought he would have a chance to meet them. Being assigned to the same outpost they were at was enough. He had seen them in passing, but usually while being drilled and for only few seconds. Now here he was getting a look at what was part of their past: the clone of Missy he met, this pendent Belle seemed to tresure so much, letters from someone that asked them to come help.... He was suddenly aware of Missy looking at him. Was this the real Missy or maybe another clone? His mind ran through a thousand possible senerios, then just gave up; she was most likly the real one. "What is you name?" Missy stood and asked him. The tall feline stood attention quickly. "Private Nicolas, number 45..." He stopped at Missy shaking her head. "Don't need to hear all of have a nick or callsign yet?" "No, ma'am....though back home I was refered to as 'Kit'...." Belle looked up as she slid her locket over her head, letting it rest against her neck. "Well, 'Kit', you overvheard a little more then Tom proably we need you do us the favor not telling anyone; that's an order." Kit nodded. "Understood, ma'am....but under one condition." Missy smiled with something of an amused expression on her face. "And that is?" The young private stood tall. "Take me with's the only way you can be sure no one else will find out." Neither of the sisters had been prepared for that answer; it was Belle who recovered first, standing up and in front of the russian blue. He stood much taller then either of them, somewhere over 6 feet, but looked to a little younger then their own 22 years. His fur was mostly a dark bluish color, giving him a dusky look along with his purple eyes. Behind Kit a long tail come out of the uniform, the tip almost touching the floor. "Look, kid," Belle started off. "This isn't going to be one of those 'VR' missions that they use to train...." The russsian blue shoke his head. "I know that, but I only joined after hearing so many of your stories....besides, I'm the only one who Lt. Missy talked to. Well, I guess that was her clone though...." Belle sighed and looked over to her sister. "I think he has us, sis. What do you say?" Missy closed her computer, gathering it up along with the package Kit had delivered. "I think we need to go see Henry....we just can't start kidnapping privates." She smiled and headed out of the mess hall, Belle following along right behind. Kit watched them for a moment, scratching at one of his ear before hurring to catch. The rebel outpost was located in the old city of Austin, the rest of Texas having lost the rest of it's cities due to numerous battles. The city itself was almost complelty demolished, so the felines had keep moving from building to building every few weeks. This time around, they had taken shelter in what had been a large office building; they chose as there were several stories underground, enough to house the group of rebels there and vechicles like the one Keesha had used. Though the figheters were kept underground, many of the floors above were taken by the higher ranked officers; that's where Missy, Belle, and Kit found the office of Henry, the general for the Texas outpost. The three walked in, their superior's office always being open. Henry was sitting behind a large desk against the far side of the room, the rest with a scattering of chair. The whole room was lit by overhead lighting as it had no windows so nothing could be seen from the outside. Henry was a short feline with white fur covering most of his body and large patches of tortise-coloring on his back. His long tail twitched back and forth as his green eyes scanned several papers in front of him. At the approach of the three, he looked up, a quick smile passing over his muzzle. "Ah, found something out already from the information you got?" Missy shook her head as she came forward. "No, Sir. Something else came up and we need to talk to you." Henry nodded, looking past her to Kit in the back. "Was there something you needed, Private?" Belle came forward as well now. "Actually, he's why we're here. Me and Missy need to leave to check on something and since Kit here is the only other one that knows what's going, we need to take him to keep rumors from spreading." Henry sighed and leaned forward a little. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, looking directly at the tall russian blue. "Do you have a name, Private?" Kit stood at quick attention. "Private Nicolas, Sir." Henry nodded, then stood, coming around the desk to approach the young feline. "Nicolas, huh?" He turned away for a moment as Missy and Belle looked at them both curiously. Henry turned back around. "I remember a report on you; you're the one who wrecked a 10 ton tank on your first try." Kit stiffened a little at the mention of the incident. "It was all explained in the report, Sir. I stand by what I did." Henry smirked as he went back to his chair. "And somehow I'm not surprised you eventually hooked up with these two." He leaned back in his chair, directing his look to Missy and Belle. "You two can have him; I'll sign the papers for his release and whatever supplies you need." He stood again, resting his paws on the desk. "Anything else?" Missy smiled and shook her head. "No. Thanks, Sir...." She turned to leave, Belle right behind until the little stopped. She turned back to Henry. "Oh, since we're going to be taking one of the vehicles, we're going to need a mechanic." Henry nodded and smiled. "Well, she did follow you two here; you might as well drag her along on this too." Belle smiled back, heading for the door after her sister. "Thanks, Henry. We'll be back as soon as we can." With that she headed into the hall, Kit hesitating in the office before stepping to the door. "Oh, Private." Henry called at the last second. Kit turned around, standing at attention. The other feline was staring at him intently. "I only allowed you to go since they seemed convinced they need you. I'm charging you with their safety." The russian blue nodded, saluted and left, closing the door behind him. Henry took a deep breath, opening a drawer and removing a small flask. He took a quick drink, putting it away afterwards; he could never really stop those two from doing what they wanted. He could only pray that whatever they were getting into saw them back alive. Keesha was teaching a class in the motorpool as Missy and Belle entered, having sent Kit off to collect food and other supplies. "Okay, that's all you should need to know for quick field repairs," Keesha said, then noticed the sisters standing in the back. "Just be careful if you get involved with two certain sisters." Belle gave the large canine mix a scowl as the class dispersed and she came over to the two felines. "We are not that hard on equipment, Keesha...." Keesha smiled. "I know, but just couldn't resist." She rested against a large, rolling tool chest. "So, what brings you two down to me? Henry sending you on another recon?" Missy shook her head and handed the letter from Tom over. Keesha read it over quickly, looking up at the sisters. "And Henry is letting you two go after him?" Belle smiled. "Well, he doesn't actually know why we're going...." Keesha gave a small chuckle. "So it'll be just the three of us?" Belle looked at Missy quickly, who in turned looked in another direction. "Four of us...." Missy said as she noticed Kit walking over. The young private was pulling a large cart loaded down with bundles. "All right. I got everything you wanted," he started off. "Which vehicle is ours?" Belle pointed to Keesha. "Whichever one she thinks we'll all fit into." The retriver/smoyed looked carefully at Kit, furrowing her brow. "I know you....we all got a warning letter about a young private that crashed a tank...." Kit almost hissed out loud, but managed to stifle it. "Why does that have to keep haunting me? I told the board what happened...." He stopped as Keesha smiled and shook her head. "I wasn't accusing you of anything, cutie....I think you'll fit in with this group just fine." Keesha want over to the supply cart Kit was pulling. "All this for just the four of us?" Missy and Belle came over too and looked; Kit shifted a little on his feet. "Um, well....I was told to add a little extra." Belle came around and looked up at the russian blue. "And who told you to do this?" she questioned. "I did, Belle." A voice came sounded from behind a truck. Belle wheeled around as Missy and Keesha quickly turned. Stepping from the other side came a figure a little taller then Missy and Belle, his short orange fur showing through the vest and pants he wore. Small, triangular ears sat on top of a large canine head with cat eyes adding to the odd look. His bushy tail twitched side to side as he came to stand in front of the group; the tip seemed a little less pointed then normal, like it was melted off. "You were going to go off to parts unknown without me?" he said with a smile. "Dodger!" Missy said happily, giving the fenine a hug. "When did you get here?" "Just a little while ago," he replied. "I was on my way to see Henry just as you were leaving his office." Keesha came over, hugging Dodger from behind. "And you didn't even say 'hi' to them?" Dodger smiled, his tail flicking back and forth slightly. "Well, it's kind of hard to give a greeting from a heating duct." "Spying again?" Belle called over from the cart of supplies, to which Dodger chuckled. "Not this time." He looked over at Kit. "When I saw this one following you out, then sent to go get supplies for something, I thought I'd give you a little surprise." Kit snorted a little. "Sure gave me one. He dropped from the ceiling behind me, put a knife to my throat, and ordered me to add more supplies." Keesha went over to pickup a bundle from the supplies, carring it effortlessly with one paw. "Don't feel bad, kid. He was designed to be hunter and I guess somethings you can't forget." She patted Kit between the ears as she passed, heading off through the vehicles of the garage. The russian blue watched the other grab some supplies as well, having to use both paws though. "Designed?" he asked, gripping the handle of the cart and hauling it along as he followed the other three as they followed Keesha. Dodger fell back a little to match strides with Kit. "Designed, yes. I was part of an experiment to make the greatest soldiers." The young feline was listening close. "I noticed you looked almost like another cat, but...." Kit hesiatated to continue. Dodger nodded. "I was formed from feline and canine blood; something of a clone that was dubbed 'fenine'. Then to enhance my training my training and abilites, the humans had memories of other implanted inside me." The fenine notcied Kit looking a little confused, so summed up the rest quickly. "But they underestimited the bond that Missy and Belle share and it effected me in such a way that I now felt protective to them and escaped the compund where I was made, only to lead them back there to help them destory it." Kit's eyes flicked from Dodger to the sisters in front of them. "Clones? Mind-implants? That was one story that never got well do you know them?" Dodger smiled. "To know how they are mostly likely to react in situations. It helps when I need to find given what you told me about whats going on, I figured they could use some help." He paused for a moment." Oh, sorry about drawing that knife on you." Kit just nodded. "Um, no problem..." He hurried suddenly to catch up with Missy and Belle, Dodger matching him easily. When he was close enough Kit asked "By the way, where are we going?" Belle turned her head a little. "Following Keesha; I guess she has a spare truck we can use...." Kit shook his head. "I ment after that; how do we find this Tom of your if our 'guide' left already?" "Good question, kid." Belle turned to Missy. "Any ideas?" Missy was quiet for a few second, then turned to her bundle of supplies back on the cart Kit was pulling. "Well, our only clue is to go towards the Northen Borders. Only problem is that is a couple thousand miles worth of forest to cover." Keesha had turned down a less crowded passage by this time, the other following still. Missy suddenly reached over and lifted Belle's pendent off. Before the smaller feline could protest, Missy opened it up and continued. "This picture of Tom and my close shows someplace to the North, I'm sure. Anyone recognize the area?" She handed it around between Belle, Dodger and Kit. No one could place the location, but Kit did notice something in the background. "What's that glowing orange behind the trees?" Missy took a closer look. "Could be the sun setting...." Belle nodded as she looked too, then handed it to Dodger, whose eyes widen a little in recogition. "It's not the Sun. There are almost no shadows and those that are there are pointing to the glow. No, that has to be something else causing that glow." Kitt peeked over Dodger's shoulder. "How about the New Northern Lights? Those can be seen during any part of the day." Belle smiled. "Hey, he's right. That's where that nuclear accident happened about 50 years ago." Missy nodded. "I remember reading a book about that. Some practical joker convinced the government that what was then called Canada was attacking. The last battle was at what was supposed to be an empty nuclear waste facility. But the information was wrong and the result was a radioactive firewall." Dodger nodded. "But that's still an area over a hundread miles to cover." Belle smiled. "But that narrows is done; that's something." Her voice did hold a little doubt though. Why the hell was Tom in such a dangerous place and just now was making contact with them? She tried not look too concerned, but increased her pace a little from the others, only to be stopped within a few feet when Keesha did. The side garage she lead them to was huge, or seemed that way with the lights off. The dim outline of something metal could just be made out. The huge canine smiled. "I've been working on this since we got assigned here." She flicked on the lights, spotlighting the only vehicle in the garage. The whole thing was just over 20 feet long and seven high. It had the look of an ordinary truck, but with empty wheel wells, leaving the vehicle to look like it was supported in mid-air with nothing holding it up. "You remember that floating tank, Titan, we....borrowed?" Keesha said in an excited voice. "Well, with a little hunting, I managed to get the blueprints and tech-specs our side made for it." She popped open one of the side door. "I even copied that virtual reality control system, but with slightly different design." She pulled out a couple of what looked like large goggles. "Made them so you don't have to plug them into anything...." She smiled proudly. Missy smiled as she poked her head into the front cabin. "You did good, Kee. But I gues that's not too surprising." She smiled up at the canine. "Will it get us to the area with the New Northern Lights?" Keesha blinked. "Oh, sure, no problem. But why do you want to go to that hell hole?" Belle was helping Kit load their supplies in the back, pulling a tarp over it all. "That's where Tom is, we think....have you been there, Keesha?" Keesha nodded. "Once before and I can tell you it's not fun place to be. If you get too close to the firewall, you'll get radioactive sunburn; also the rumors of the creatures that inhabit the area around it. Then if you manage not to go there, there are the tribes of savage cats and dogs that aren't in the war, but will eat those that trespass on their lands." Belle shook her head as she got in the truck on the driver's side, slipping one of the oversized goggles on her head. "Well, we have to find Tom....the rest just better not stand in our way." She started searching for a way to turn the vehicle on. Keesha gently pushed the small feline over on the bench seat, getting behind the wheel and Missy climbing in front on the other side. This left Dodger and Kit to climb into the back The younger feline was the last in, having not said anything since the first mention of where they were going. He climbed slowly into the truck, mumbling something that could've been mistaken for "Not all of us are savages...."