The church bells are ringing, ringing, ringing Telling the whole world that I am now dead Odd how few mourners the sound is bringing Testament to such a life as I lead. All of my life I have kept to myself Never a laugh, a kind word, or a smile Keeping my heart in a box on a shelf Walking my path alone, mile after mile Dreams never lit the pale darkness at night Nor did epiphanies grace my cold mind I simply stopped living ‘til morning’s light Then heeded sunrise like one deaf and blind Tomorrow meant nothing, yesterday less Time passed on by, but I just didn’t care I would wake up asking if God would bless One whose soul had no purpose being there In minutes, it seemed, the decades flew past I didn’t keep track; each day was the same I merely existed until, at last, The blackness of sweet oblivion came So now I am lying, lying, lying Tucked in a coffin—my eternal bed Strange how they claim ‘twas I who was dying How can you die when you’ve always been dead (c) 2002 Kh’wyn. Do not copy or redistribute without permission.