----------------------------------------------------------- - The Ta’ainvel - – By Khan – ----------------------------------------------------------- 13. At the end of his shift the next day he ran past a startled Ayshala out of the bridge towards his quarters. He called up one of the agriculturists on his communication device, one responsible for the smaller flower gardens. He wanted the dayroom and bedroom to be filled with flowers of all kinds, every shelf and every corner showing his care and love for her. The flowers arrived an hour later in the hands of ten orange-jacketed Ta’ainvel and two Humans. Thomas and Marie explained that since they knew Charlotte’s taste in flowers they had taken the liberty of supervising the arrangements. Jante knew he hadn’t said anything about the flowers being for Charlotte when he asked for them but he guessed their relationship was pretty obvious by now, him having spent every available hour in her room. Charlotte would arrive in three hours, six p.m. ship time, and he made sure that he had everything ready by then. Marie took him aside before she left and explained that Charlotte most likely wouldn’t want to be cared for ’too much’. Pampered she explained when Jante looked questioningly at her. She left Jante sitting in one of the chairs in the middle of the dayroom, contemplating the importance of not pampering Charlotte. He decided it was very important not to pamper and left it at that. When she finally arrived three hours later, Jante had been pacing around the dayroom for half an hour. He quickly suppressed his desire to help her over to one of the chairs and merely hugged her, showing her inside the rooms. Anna grinned when Jante looked back at her and then returned to the hospital to take up her new duties. ”Wonderful flowers, Jante. I love them,” Charlotte said as she looked around the room. ”I’m glad. How are you feeling? I mean, its only been nine days.” ”I’m just fine. In fact, I feel positively wonderful,” she said and kissed him. He lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom closing the door with an elbow hitting the controls.