Exchanged Greetings - By Khan The doorbell in the entry hall rang clear and loud, interrupting the jackals in the midst of dinner. It was unusual enough for anyone to call on the jackal trio living in the old cathedral which stood between two high-rise buildings, especially at this hour, for not only one, but all three of them to rise and walk to the door. While Khan stepped up to the door, sliding the small hatch at eye level out of the way to look out, Keiann and Khalid stood to either side, slightly behind Khan. The street outside was dark, rain poured down and obscured the view at a mere 40 metres, but the shadowed figure standing on the topmost of the rough-hewn, foot-worn granite steps was clearly visible to the jackal. The bat, for that was what it quite obviously was if you judged by the large, leathery wings that were neatly folded along the backs of his arms and back, smiled. "Hi," said the bat with a small wave of two black furred fingers, "I'm Maxamillian Letochaya and I'm currently doing research on the social structures of different canine species at the Locktown University. Professor Marion Montpellier sent me here, saying that you would be more than glad to put me up for the duration of my research." The jackal who eyed him from the peephole in the large gate gave Max a dubious look with his one eye as if seriously doubting the sincerity of his errand. "I've decided to study the jackals first. I find them to be so vastly fascinating with their intelligent, well mannered behaviour and their amazing sense of duty, family, and incredible social skills," Max continued as he endured the glaring scrutiny of Khan. The three jackals then looked at each other, Khan turning his head to the others before again peering out of the slot with his one amber yellow eye. "Hold on a minute," he said and closed the slider. "We have to let him in," Khalid said almost instantly. "If Dr. Montpellier sent him, then I can't very well let her down." Khalid reached out and grasped Khan's arm. "Oh yeah, that was that professor at the university who's program you wanted to get into.. Archaeology was it?" Khan murred. "Yes, exactly! Here's a good chance for me to score some points with her." Khalid sounded excited and slightly pleading as he looked back and forth between the two other jackals. Keiann shrugged his shoulders as Khan glanced his way, seemingly totally indifferent, though it was followed by a small nod, which signalled that he was all right with this. "Ok, we'll let him stay for a while, see what develops, that sort of thing," Khan finally said after a few silent moments. Sliding the shutter open again, he asked the bat to wait while he opened the door. A few clicks and whirs later, a two metre tall door swung silently inwards and revealed darkness to the bat. "Come in," a voice spoke from the murk within. Max stepped over the high threshold into the home of three jackals, rain falling down outside on the street. - Once the bat was inside and standing on the richly carpeted floor of the entry hall of the cathedral, the two taller jackals quirked eyebrows as they spotted the amount of rainwater that dripped from their new guest's clothing onto the rugs. Khalid didn't quite notice this as he was peering out from behind Keiann, frankly admiring the bat while making sure that the target of his interest was unaware. As Keiann eyed the water dripping onto the very expensive green Persian rug, a look of faint dismay came over him. "Khalid, this won't do. Fetch our guest a towel and a bathrobe, and dry his clothes, would you?" Khalid, at the prospect of seeing Max naked, hurried off to fetch said items with a small grin on his muzzle. "That really won't be necessary," Max protested as he watched Khalid retreat down the hallway towards some obscure linen closet. "Yes it will," Keiann stated insistently, still watching as their carpet grew wetter. Khalid soon came back, panting slightly, probably from having been running. In his arms he was carrying what seemed to be two bundles of cloth, one of black silk, the other of white terrycloth. Holding out the white terrycloth to Max with a bright smile, the jackal retained the black silk bathrobe, ostensibly to later drape it around the bat's slightly damp and considerably nude form. Now that they all were standing there, they had time to consider each other, collecting their thoughts as Max dried himself off lightly. The bat, probably a fruit bat if Keiann was correct in his assumptions, was about 1.65 metres tall, covered in what seemed to be black fur, although it was currently wet and therefore darker than it probably was. Dark brown, then, would be the most likely colour. This guess was confirmed by how down from the underside of his muzzle to the top of his high, buttoned grey vest, the fur was a soft, chestnut brown which disappeared somewhere beneath his garments. Tall, parabolic ears stood atop the bat's head, perked and swivelling this way and that as he listened, sensing, the light ridges inside quivering with anticipation. Eyes that were completely black met Khalid's as he smiled at the jackal upon receiving the towel, then slowly roamed over the other two jackals, taking in their height and figure. The two fingers on each hand held onto the towel quite deftly, his other fingers forming the struts between the black, leathery membranes of his wings. Khan, being the jackal who had first talked to the bat when Max was standing outside on the wet street, kept his golden eye trained on their guest, calmly gazing back as Max studied him. The jackal had only that eye, the other, left one, was milky white with scar running from his eyebrow to his cheekbone. Two tall, expressive ears perched atop his head, flicking now and then, more often than any of the other two pair of jackal-ears. All three wore piercings in their ears of varying amount and metal, nothing Max put any further notice to at the moment. The jackal wore no shirt, so Max could clearly see the light sand coloured chest and belly fur that flowed from beneath Khan's muzzle and down beneath the rim of the green hipcloth he wore, a knee length piece of cloth simply wrapped around his waist and tied with a leather belt. He was certainly lightly muscled, the definition of abdomen and chest showing beneath the covering of skin and soft fur. A gold ring pierced each nipple as well as his navel, while a solitary chain of the same metal encircled his waist. Two of the jackals were of similar height, and so naturally the bat's eyes trailed over to the other one, Keiann. This jackal was, as far as Max could see, of a darker colouring than the previous one. He was also slightly more dressed. Keiann had on a pair of black dress pants and leather slippers, but that was about it, his chest bare like Khan's. Darker sand coloured fur ran similarly down from beneath the jackal's muzzle and disappeared at the rim of the belted pants. A tuftier patch of fur grew from his chest, obscuring some of the definition of Keiann's bulkier body build. A gleaming circlet of gold was worn by the jackal around his left bicep which glinted as Keiann moved. "Take our guest...Maxamillian was it? To the blue guestroom and let him dry off further and change. Then bring him to the dining room so we may resume our meal," Khan said with a smile for the bat. Keiann leaned over before Khalid could lead their new guest away, and murmured quietly in the jackal's ear, "And do behave..." As Max was led away from the other two jackals, he had opportunity to now study the last of the three. Khalid, as he had heard the others call him. This jackal was considerably shorter than the other two, about a full head (excluding ears) taller than himself and much more lithe. He was showing off his thinner body to great advantage, wearing a loose, pale yellow tank top and rather short, tight, cut-off jeans. Although no other piercings than his ears could be seen, Max was quite sure that this jackal had at least as many as Khan. Glancing down despite himself, the bat's eyes trailed down the jackal's back to his bushy tail and the two small, golden rings wrapped round the base. Interesting. "Say, what is it you're studying with professor Montpellier?" Khalid asked with a glance over his shoulder. Quickly snapping his eyes back up from the tail he had been looking at, Max replied. "Oh, it's not actually Dr. Montpellier that I'm studying with, I was merely referenced to her by my own lecturer, Dr. Conway." "And what program does he administrate?" Khalid probed once more. "Anthropology and Sociology, that's why I'm here, to study you. Well, not only you, you three," the bat continued hastily, blushing a tiny bit after having stolen another glance at the two shiny rings. Being a jackal, Khalid was of course as perceptive as the best of them, and so noticed the furtive glances that Max was throwing at his tail. Just as they reached the door to the blue guestroom, Khalid flicked his tail twice back and forth while he held the door open for the bat. "Well, here we are, the blue guestroom. Do you need" the jackal said with a warm and somewhat hopeful smile. Again, Max blushed as he stammered a reply. "Uh, no, I- I think I can manage, thank you." Khalid held out the black silk robe as the bat passed into the guestroom, and then leaned against the wall outside to wait. - Emerging from the room, Max tugged the ties to the black robe tighter around his waist. Khalid was still waiting, and he helpfully unloaded the bat's burden of wet clothing with a small peek at the bat to see if he could spot anything interesting. Both Keiann and particularly Khan had told him not to be so damned obvious about frankly admiring the sexual attributes of their guests, but he just couldn't help himself, Max was so handsome. Walking down the corridor with Max in tow, Khalid held his tongue for fear of blurting something naughty. Instead, he quietly introduced himself to the bat as Khalid just before they exited into the kitchen. Veering off towards a staircase leading both up and down, Khalid offered the bat a reassuring smile and then was gone, heading down to the lower levels. Having been left alone, Max fidgeted with the ties to his robe until with a slightly startled yelp he turned to face Keiann who had carefully tapped his shoulder from behind. "We've prepared you a plate of food while you changed. Please, have a seat." The jackal indicated an empty chair at the dinner table with an open palm. Nodding slowly with a hesitant smile, Max murmured a thank you and headed over to the table to take his seat. Neither jackal said anything more as they also took their seats back at the table to resume their interrupted meal. Khalid soon joined them, having put the clothes in the dryer, and dinner was consumed in relative silence with the jackals occasionally asking a question or two about the study that Max was performing. No answers were given, however, and the bat explained that he wanted them all to act as natural as possible to allow him to properly study them for inclusion in his sociological report. About twenty minutes later, Khalid announced that Max's clothes were probably dry, and that if Max would only be so kind as to wait in the blue guestroom, he would bring him his clothes soon enough. Done as asked, Max waited until Khalid knocked on the door. The jackal opened it without a reply from the bat, probably hoping to catch the poor student in a more flattering mode of dress. Namely nude. No such luck, and Khalid actually pouted a little while he handed over the warm bundle to Max and then exited the room with a murmur, "Please, when you're ready, join us again in the dining room." - Perching more comfortably on the back of the couch a few feet away from where the three jackals were silently having dessert, stealing furtive glances at him, Max was deep into making notes on a little pad he had pulled out of one of his pockets. He paused, hesitatingly looking up from his writing and smiled brightly at the three jackals when he saw them peering at him. "Oh, don't mind me, I'm merely here to observe and silently take notes. Please, please, continue your meal." Then he looked down again, scribbling on the digital display of his notepad with brisk strokes. Soon, a shadow fell over the page he was busily filling with notes, and again he looked up and into the shadowed face of the jackal that had almost magically materialized in front of him. The jackal flicked an ear. "Uh, yes?" the bat started, about to continue asking if he could help the jackal whose face he did not yet connect to a name, but was crudely interrupted by the couch seeming to fall backwards. In fact, the couch had a folding backrest of the sort that was able to transform into a flat surface for lounging or sleeping on. Khan, who had been in front of the bat, bent down to gently pry stylus and notepad from Max's lax fingers. While carefully putting those away, Keiann, the one who had yanked the couch into its flat position while at the same time giving Max a small push forward so that he landed on his stomach on the actual couch, and not the floor. He reached forward and deftly turned the smaller creature over onto his back and took a firm hold of his ankles. Before Max had time to familiarize himself with this new orientation and start struggling, Khalid reached over and swiftly sought out the bat's two useable fingers on each hand and pulled the arms above Max's head, forming another bonding grip. "Wha-" was all the constrained bat could say before a warm, soft, but still firm, hand was placed over his muzzle, closing in restraint. Not a word came from either jackal as they held Max down on the couch-come-bed, nor could Max say anything, merely mutter or whine. Once he felt another warm hand on the front of his pants, however, all sounds ceased. That is, until the paw moved down a little to lightly trail the bat's flaccid member through the fabric. At that light touch, Max emitted a small snort, as much of a gasp as he could manage. As the paw wandered further, a couple of clawed fingers caressing through the crotch of the pants over his balls, Max began to struggle, making small noises of frustration or fear. A soft, hushing sound whispered in one of the bat's large ears, making Max cast his gaze upwards and to the side where the face of Khalid hovered, smiling, grinning almost, in a decidedly comforting yet disconcerting way. Max struggled a few more seconds, then another hush followed by a small lick to the inside of the very tip of his ear sent a shiver through his body. He relaxed, resigning himself to the soft caresses of tongue inside his ear and to the careful probing of fingers over the bulge forming in his pants. With a quiet murring word from Khalid, sounding much to Max's ear like "Good", the hand around the bat's muzzle gently released its grip, loosening and trailing its fingers down the underside and slowly over Max's throat down to his chest, where it gently rubbed in the open space that a vest like the one Max wore created. With a sharp intake of breath, the bat raised his head a little, now able to do so, and looked down along the length of his body to the hand that was slowly coaxing Max's penis to full hardness. His eyes trailed up that arm hesitatingly as if he didn't want to know who was doing it, let alone that anyone was. However, he couldn't deny the fact that those fingers were doing a skilful job of slowly pulling him towards arousal. Finally, his eyes came to rest on Khan, who in turn gave him a brilliantly friendly smile, the image distorted somewhat by the scarred and white eye on the jackal's left side. A gentle squeeze of those soft and light fingers, and Max couldn't help himself, moaning quietly as he watched the expression on Khan's face turn slightly predatory. It passed, though, swiftly. The bat lowered his gaze slightly, finding Keiann down by his feet, that jackal offering an equally friendly if more shadowed smile. From him came two squeezes of his ankles, no doubt meant to be comforting, small rubs following to make Max relax further. The hand on Max's chest slowly trailed and rubbed its way down over the closed chest pieces of the bat's vest, stopping at a few buttons to play with them, but not undoing them. While he continued smiling, the predatory gleam to his eyes now completely gone, hidden, Khan rubbed even lower until his fingers stopped at the hem of Max's pants, teasing with anticipation as his other hand continued its slow caresses of the bat's now almost painfully restrained erection. In the midst of moaning and soft gasps, the sound of buttons being flipped could be heard as Khan worked his fingers down the front of Max's pants, opening them slowly. When he was done, he lightly tugged at the pants, making them more loose and gave the bat's prominent bulge another, firmer squeeze before pulling away. With a yank and a small yelp from Max, Keiann pulled the bat's pants about halfway down his legs, then murred almost in unison with the other two jackals as he looked at the hard penis that stood between Max's legs, above a set of two softly fuzzed balls which were drawn up with the bat's excitement. Before Max could protest his sudden half-nudity, that soft, warm, and utterly gentle hand returned, stroking light fingers from the tip of his member down to the base and then slowly up again. A quiet, shuddering moan escaped the bat's parted muzzle while Khan continued to tease and play with his cock, his eyes falling closed. Now quite sure there would be no more struggling, Keiann gently let go of Max's ankles and pulled his pants the rest of the way off. Khalid also released his grip on the bat's hands, softly caressing his forearms before completely moving away, over to the side. Leaning forward, the jackal gently nuzzled the side of Max's muzzle who fluttered his eyes open, turning his head towards Khalid, mouth open as if to say something. A jackal of opportunities, much as his two companions, Khalid swiftly pressed his warmer than average lips to Max's, murring quietly while he gently kissed the bat. Max, startled, could do nothing but dumbly lay there, at first. Then, however, urged on by the soft pleasures that Khan's fingers offered his member and the gentleness with which Khalid kissed him, he started to respond, easily at first, then more hungrily, moving a hand down, wing rustling over the couch as he softly caressed the jackal's cheek with a soft purr. This in turn seemed to startle Khalid, who visibly blushed, pulling away slightly to lick his lips slowly, smiling. Before long, however, he once more pressed his lips to Max's, greedily kissing the bat who happily responded. In the meantime, Khan had shot Keiann a knowing grin as Khalid blushed but then resumed the kiss. The two jackals, now on either side of Max's hips, used one hand each to softly caress and play with the bat's cock, the others alternatingly running over legs, belly, and chest. Keiann, a little impatient perhaps, slowly leaned over Max to flick the tip of his tongue across the tip of the bat's penis, wriggling it gently into his foreskin, murring quietly at the softly whimpering sound he had managed to elicit. Khalid shot Keiann a dark look, glancingly including Khan in it, as if reprimanding them both for being so teasing to the poor bat. He continued kissing, however, murring comfortingly at Max as they pressed their muzzles against each other. Khan gave Keiann a small shrug and a grin, and then repeated what the other jackal had done, but more slowly, sliding the warm surface of his tongue over the underside of the bat's exposed glans, making Max shiver almost uncontrollably and whimper into Khalid's muzzle. The other jackal quickly followed suit, but lower, letting the soft, taut balls between Max's legs feel the warm and wet sensation of his tongue sliding over them. He contented himself with lapping and licking over the bat's sac, making poor Max squirm and pant for breath in the middle of his hungry kiss with Khalid. As if taking pity on the bat, Khan gave Max's cock one last, warm lick, and then gently pressed his lips to the very tip, slowly parting them as he let the smooth head slide into his wet and very warm muzzle. This seemed to be quite enough for Max, for the bat grunted sharply and pulled his head back from Khalid to let out a long, loud, whimpering moan while he bucked his hips instinctively. Khan, however, pulled his muzzle up at the same time, allowing only the tip of Max's cock into his mouth, tongue sliding over it slowly, teasing. Keiann, on the same side of Max as Khalid, gave the other jackal an apologetic smile, nearly laughing at the sulky look of Khalid as he was robbed of his kissing bat. Still smiling with his muzzle buried between Max's legs, tongue now sliding and flicking over the bat's balls, Keiann reached over a hand to gently stroke Khalid's rear, sliding his fingers beneath the back piece of the loincloth the other was wearing. The bat writhed and twisted on the flat couch as he was pleasured by the two jackals, Khan slowly allowing more and more of the lightly throbbing cock to slide into his warm muzzle while his hands roamed thighs, belly and side. This bat certainly didn't have a bad taste, as was evident by the pleasure both Khan and Keiann took in licking and slurping over Max's crotch. They couldn't even count the times they'd done this to Khalid, infuriating the smaller jackal to the point of rage, and then swiftly bringing him over the edge with their muzzles and hands. With Max, however, they took their time, careful to let him feel their continued pleasuring, but also doing it lightly enough to allow him the full scope of arousal, until he was ready to burst. Khan's muzzle slowly sank lower and lower, tongue licking along the saliva-slickened shaft as he went, until his nose touched the joint of torso and thigh, the bat's entire cock inside his muzzle, throbbing. Keiann, slightly inconvenienced by the other jackal's muzzle descending, which made it more difficult for him to get to Max's balls, swiftly moved around to lay half his body between the bat's legs, kneeling on the floor as he pressed his slightly cold nose against the warm scrotum that rested so enticingly there. The cold nose and the sensation of his member fully engulfed in very warm, wet and suckling jackal-muzzle elicited a sharp whimper from the poor bat, a small spurt of pre hitting a slightly surprised Khan in the back of the throat. Surprise quickly turned to contentment as the jackal continued to suckle and lick along the cock firmly held in his muzzle, a warm murr sending the thrill of vibration through the hard flesh as he drew Max closer and closer to the edge. Khalid, having been enjoying the soft caresses on his rear Keiann was supplying, tail flagged and waving slightly, gave a disgruntled and disappointed mutter as the other jackal moved away from him to slide between Max's legs. Silently he watched the other two pleasuring the bat for a few moments, that rather tasty-looking cock out of reach inside Khan's muzzle, and those supple, warm balls occupied by Keiann. Turning his head to look at Max's facial expression, he found the bat watching him with a distinctly hungry look, muzzle parted in panting breath. A small smile and a blush crept across his face as he leaned forward to gently nuzzle at Max's lips and nose. He then blinked furiously as he suddenly felt gentle fingers cup his loincloth-covered crotch. The fingers found the jackal's own aroused member and gave it a light squeeze. Gasping softly, Khalid glanced sideways at Khan who had reached over the bat, Max's cock still held in his own muzzle, single eye trained on Khalid, giving the other jackal a minute wink and then looked meaningfully at Max's muzzle, giving Khalid's cock another squeeze. Naturally Khalid grasped what Khan was implying. He was not a stupid jackal, even if he was less calculating than the other two. With another blush and a warm smile for Max, he slowly rose and climbed onto the couch. Sitting with his knees to either side of the bat's head, he looked down at him, watching him pant, moan and writhe for a few more moments. Khalid smiled to himself, as well as to Max. Reaching down a hand he very gently dragged a few clawed fingers up the underside of the bat's muzzle from throat to lips, the motion lightly tipping Max's head backwards until Khalid was sure that, to Max, his cock was in plain view beneath his tented loincloth. Having his eyes closed, Max didn't notice what he was being offered. So with a small glance towards Khan who was busily slurping and licking along the length of the bat's cock, Khalid moved forward a little, raising himself off his rear to almost kneel above Max's head. Carefully, head lowered so he could visually guide himself, Khalid steered the tip of his member, slightly covered in pre from Keiann and Khan's previous attentions, towards the bat's backward-tilted muzzle. Upon contact with something warm, slick and hard to his slightly parted lips, Max slowly opened his eyes, getting a rather good view of the smooth underside of a jackal's erect penis as well as a softly furred sac dangling between a pair of strongly muscled thighs. Pressing forward very gently, Khalid felt Max's lips part further, accepting without question the jackal's cocktip. A soft shudder racked Khalid as he felt the warm, probing tip of Max's tongue on the lightly dribbling tip of his cock, and he gladly pushed forward more, arching his hips as he felt more and more of himself slide into the bat's muzzle. Right in front of Khalid's eyes, Khan slowly dragged his own muzzle up the bat's cock, revealing the glistening length inch by inch to the jackal that currently had half of his own member down the bat's muzzle. Khan was teasing, of course, more Khalid than Max, although both got the benefit of his slow movements. With a wide grin, Keiann lifted his muzzle from between the bat's legs where he had spent the past minute or so licking and nibbling on Max's balls, and gently ran the length of his warm, wet tongue up the underside of the bat's by now dully aching cock. Taking over from Khan, he then slid his lips around and over Max, swiftly taking the entire thing into his own muzzle, sucking and licking on the warm flesh. In the meantime, Khan, licking his lips free of pre from suckling on the bat, had made his quiet way up to Max's head and thusly Khalid's rear. And most importantly, Khalid's half-flagged tail, under which he could see the jackal slowly sinking his shaft further into the bat's muzzle, a most delightful sight indeed. Kneeling, Khan sneaked his muzzle in beneath the other jackal and gently licked Max between the eyes, running his wet tongue up the length of the bat's muzzle to his nose, after which he continued along Khalid's half-embedded cock and to his balls. Stopping there for a while, he concentrated on the soft skin on the back of the balls, carefully licking until in frustration and overwhelming pleasure, Khalid shoved the remaining length of his cock into Max's muzzle. For a few moments, the bat's eyes went wide with the sudden motion, feeling the thick tip of Khalid's member slide deep into his muzzle, nudging at the entrance to his throat. Before he could gag, however, Khan tugged on Khalid's tail, pulling the eager jackal back a little again. Keiann slowly bobbed his muzzle up and down Max's cock, which didn't give the bat much brainpower to actually think, merely react, and so he suckled and licked along the length of jackal-cock he had in his muzzle, his tongue curling around it halfway up the shaft and squeezing with a light milking motion. The pleasure was clearly getting to the bat, as was evident to both Khan and Keiann, one able to see Max's facial expressions as he gently licked at Khalid's balls, the other able to feel it by the amount of pre that dribbled into his muzzle from the bat's member. Picking up the pace, Keiann slid his tongue up and down Max's rock-hard cock while he subtly trailed one finger down beneath the bat's balls, the soft finger pad rubbing against sensitive skin, pressing gently against the perineum. This, combined with the very warm and profusely dribbling jackal-cock in his muzzle, sent poor Max clean over the edge. Back arched, hips strained upwards, the bat's cock started to pump salty, thick seed into Keiann's waiting muzzle, the jackal swallowing each spurt with a quiet murr, eyes glancing towards where Khalid's own cock was embedded in bat-muzzle. Muffled whines and moans emanated from the bat as he came, a broad smile on Keiann's muzzle as he swallowed down the semen. Khan grinned to himself as he watched the clenched eyes of Max, the bat straining not to bite down on the cock in his muzzle. After what seemed like hours to Max, Keiann slowly pulled upwards, suckling out the last of the seed as the bat managed to gradually relax, panting laboriously through his nose while Khalid made small thrusting motions into his muzzle, the jackal in his own little world of pleasure. With a small slurp, Keiann pulled completely off, kissing the bat's cocktip and then licking his lips. He got to his feet, and left the comfortable spot between Max's legs. He walked around to where Khan was softly licking at Khalid's dangling balls. With a small tug to Khan's tail, Keiann gently pulled the other jackal along with him, to leave Khalid and Max alone to their pleasures, certain that it would be quite a while before either of them rested.