Morning Coffee - By Khan Two jackals sat at the counter that circled half of the kitchen area, talking in hushed tones, smiling lightly at each other as they discussed the coming day. One sipped tea, the other, coffee. At the sound of quiet footsteps, both turned towards the arch that led into the hallway where the guest bedrooms were. For such a hermitic group, they had a surprising amount of guestrooms standing at the ready for anyone they might end up giving boarding. Max slowly emerged from the shadowed hallway, blinking slightly as he stepped into the sun-lit kitchen area wearing his pair of jeans and his high buttoned vest. Both jackals glanced at each other with knowing grins as the bat approached sleepily, yawning hugely. Last night must have been taxing on the poor student. "Coffee?" asked Keiann, reaching for a mug on the shelf above the counter. "Or would you rather have tea?" Khan continued, smiling all too brightly for Max's sense of ease. Both jackals were half-nude, Khan wearing his habitual hipcloth and Keiann sitting in dark blue sweatpants, bare-chested in the warmth of the direct sun from the skylights above. "Mmncoffee," the otherwise articulate bat managed to reply. He had obviously already showered, his fur damp where it could be seen, bangs of dark head fur hanging down in front of his eyes. Sweeping said bangs backwards over his head with a hand and a rustle of wing, Max made his way over to the counter and took a seat one stool over from Keiann, leaving a space. He was not quite comfortable with the jackals yet, despite last evening and night. Keiann walked around the counter and into the kitchen proper, placing the mug in front of the bat and then grabbed the pot to pour steaming, rich smelling coffee into it before seating himself again beside Khan. "Rough night?" Khan asked concomitantly, raising his own mug to sip his tea with a minute smile on his muzzle. Instantly, Max blushed beneath the dark fur of his face, the insides of his ears reddening visibly. He buried his muzzle in his mug of coffee, and said nothing. From the hallway leading to the guestrooms a muffled whistling melody was soon heard, and light but pronounced footsteps accompanied by the sound of someone scrubbing a towel against their head. A brightly smiling Khalid, wearing only the towel he was now wrapping around his head, positively bounced into the kitchen, tail wagging merrily behind him and ears perked. You could tell he was satisfied. Not completely satisfied, however, as was evident from the fact that his penis was fully hard, cock swaying lightly in front of him as he walked. Leaning over, he placed a peck of a kiss on Max's cheek, and then continued towards the two jackals with a small murr. "Khalid, that's not polite. No matter how, uh, well you got along with Max last night, it's not appropriate to parade around naked and leaking with a guest in the house," Khan chided as he watched the excited jackal approach. Keiann stood, nodding slightly at Khalid as Khan spoke, seemingly agreeing. They were close, these three, so it wouldn't be unusual for Keiann to place an arm on Khalid's back, much as he did now, even when the smaller jackal was being scolded. "Yes, you shouldn't do that, you might embarrass our poor guest, not to mention give us ideas," Keiann continued while his hand and arm, invisible to Khan, slid further down Khalid's naked back to firmly grasp one cheek of his rump. Khalid didn't react much other than to give Keiann an odd look, then resume his pouty facade of remorse towards Khan. "Don't encourage him, Keiann," the other jackal said, frowning. "Please Khalid, you must stop doing this. Either you'll scare people away, or you'll initiate huge orgies that last days. It just isn't fitting." During all this, Keiann kept nodding, agreeing with Khan's admonishing, even while his hand slid beneath Khalid's tail, which immediately flagged. Behind them all, Max sat silently watching the proceedings, not really sure if he should pipe up and tell them that he didn't really mind the naked jackal. When Khalid's tail flagged, however, he couldn't help his eyes being drawn there, staring with his mouth slightly agape as he watched Keiann slide a long finger firmly up into Khalid's anus. Khalid's ears almost vibrated as he felt the soft, warm finger slide up into him, staring rather intently at Khan, concentrating on keeping up his illusion of being regretful. His tail was flagged impossibly high, offering Max a perfect view of Keiann's finger which started to slowly slide in and out of Khalid, making the other jackal nearly tremble. "No, we can't have huge orgies now, can we," Keiann agreed with a slight smirk on his face. "Last I remember, you were the one who initiated the last one, with that weasel and his friend, what was it, oh yes, the raccoon." Khan, satisfied that he for once had Khalid's seemingly full attention, quirked an eyebrow at Keiann's words. "That's different, they were friends of ours. We barely know Maxim- Khalid, what the hell are you doing?" As Max could clearly see while cradling his mug tightly between four fingers, Khalid was enjoying himself, this fact evident by the way he was humping backwards against Keiann's finger, panting loudly. A tiny puddle of precome was beginning to form on the floor beneath him, dribbling down from the tip of the jackal's again rock-hard cock. Khan wasn't stupid. He could figure out something was going on by the way Keiann was smiling way too innocently while standing next to an obviously on the edge Khalid. "Hey! You're doing it again, aren't you Keiann?!" he exclaimed, putting his mug of tea down on the counter with a small thud. While furiously wiggling his finger inside the bucking jackal, Keiann quirked both eyebrows, assuming an innocent tone of voice. "Whatever do you mean?" "That! You're teasing him again, doing exactly what I'm telling him -not- to do!" Frustratedly, Khan rolled his eye and then gave Keiann a dark look while he stood and moved over to Khalid to peer over the other jackal's shoulder. Before his eye traveled down the length of Khalid's back, however, he caught sight of Max, who had been silent up until now. The bat was sitting very still on his stool, tightly holding his mug of coffee in his lap, seemingly resting it on a large bulge in the front of his jeans with his wide eyes glued to Khalid's rear. Khan decided to let his eye continue its voyage towards Khalid's rear, and so did, seeing what Max has been watching for a few minutes now, namely Keiann's finger firmly buried past the second knuckle in the tight hole under Khalid's tail. Clearing his throat, Khan straightened up again and fixed Keiann with a penetrating gaze. Reaching up one of his own hands, he firmly grabbed one of Keiann's ears between two fingers, sweetly smiling at the other jackal. "Keiann, I think I need to have a word with you, alone. Come with me please?" he said, while making it clear that the last is not a question by tugging on the ear at the same time as he walked towards the stairs to the upper level. The two jackals departed, leaving Khalid, cruelly teased and now abandoned. He managed to stop shivering and whimpering as he steadied himself with a hand on the counter. With his back still towards Max, seemingly having forgotten about the bat's presence, the jackal slowly unwound the towel from his head, it having been jostled by his own erratic movements. Equally slowly, he let it drop and slide down his back, still holding on to the front, and took a deep breath, letting it out in a wistful sigh. Looking down the front of his open towel, Khalid smiled slightly. He was used to being teased in such fashions, and could take care of himself. While still holding on with one hand, he reached the other for his still hard cock and lightly stroked a few fingers along the sensitive shaft. Then he remembered. Glancing over his shoulder, cock and towel still in his hands, he spotted Max, still sitting there with his half-full mug of coffee in his lap, eyes glued to the jackal's back. A soft coyness crept over Khalid as he looked at Max, splaying one ear and smiling warmly at the bat. He was fully aware of the fact that the edge of his towel was below his rear, showing off his butt nicely, and he raised his tail slightly in an inviting gesture. Max could only look back, stunned even now. Truth to tell, they didn't do much last night, merely finished what they had started, and then did it over again, more slowly, holding each other tight all through the night. It was their secret though, let Keiann and Khan believe they had wild and raunchy sex. Not their problem. It was, however, Max's problem now, as he was looking at an obviously aroused jackal who was coyly looking back at him, throwing glances at the bulge inside his jeans with softly hungry eyes. Slowly, Khalid turned. He had let go of his member, holding the towel closed with both hands now, and carefully made his way over to the silent bat. Once he was standing in front of Max, he used one hand to gently untangle the mug from four now lax fingers, the other still holding his towel up, shielding himself in what was supposedly modesty. "I-" Max started, but Khalid laid two fingers softly on his lips to silence him, quietly murring as he looked into the bat's eyes. Max held his tongue. Now Khalid put both hands on each of Max's knees, rubbing very gently, still smiling. Naturally, this also freed the towel to fall to the floor and reveal the aroused state of the jackal, the tip of his cock glistening with pre. Again Max could only stare down at the hard cock between the jackal's legs before he licked his lips as if remembering last night, and looked up at Khalid's face. While looking into those bright eyes he felt fingers gently undoing the buttons to his pants, soon freeing an erection that had really never gone down since he awoke, when he found himself beside the naked jackal. Gasping, he felt fingers close around his penis and start to slowly stroke him up and down, Khalid still smiling at him coyly while he brought what slight hardness that had escaped the bat back to his cock. Briefly, the fingers went away, the tip of Khalid's tongue flicking out to lick his own nose before his hand returned. Max gasped even more loudly as he felt slick wetness being gently smeared over his tip and shaft. Looking down, he could only make the conclusion that Khalid had used his own precome which was dribbling in rich amounts onto the floor, to lubricate the bat's hard penis. As much as a jackal would ever plead, while not being actually teased, Khalid was looking at Max with coy, softly pleading eyes that seemed to offer pleasure beyond known limits, if only Max would give him what he wanted. Extending two fingers, the leathery expanse of his wing rustling, Max gently stroked finger pads over the smooth flesh of Khalid's dribbling member with a small, shy smile. At this the jackal shivered lightly, emitting a quiet murr as he leaned in to gently kiss Max full on the lips. Pulling away from that brief contact, he licked his lips and smiled back at the bat. Placing his free hand, the one that wasn't busy transferring pre from his own cock to Max's, full on the bat's bare chest, Khalid gently pushed. This made Max scoot backwards on the stool that he was occupying, forming what Khalid wanted; a lap he could comfortably sit on. With one last gentle stroke of Max's cock, Khalid pulled both hands up to place one on the bat's shoulder and the other on the counter. With the aid of these holds, he managed to pull himself up into the bat's lap, finally placing both feet on the rungs of the stool and his rear on Max's thighs. They both looked down at the two cocks, which lightly rubbed against each other as Khalid made himself more comfortable, Max's coated in Khalid's pre and Khalid's dribbling even more. Looking up again, the jackal smiled at Max and softly licked the bat's nose before he raised himself with the use of his feet on the rungs and a hand still on a shoulder. The other hand he moved between his own legs and gently grasped Max's cock with, holding it steady as he moved up and closer. Max stopped staring at Khalid's hand around his penis and looked up at the jackal who was currently gazing intently back at him, anticipation clear in his eyes as he lowered himself slowly. As both felt contact between puckered hole and pre-lubricated cocktip, they gasped, one murring loudly as he continued to press himself downwards, feeling the thick head of the bat's member slowly spreading him open, the other gritting his teeth as he felt himself starting to enter the jackal's tight hole. Slowly, ever so slowly, Khalid lowered himself, savouring the feeling of the other male entering him, feeling the thick head and shaft slowly slide up inside of him, sending thrills of pleasure fused with soft pain, which soon passed. Panting, he kept his eyes open, watching Max as the bat's cock was slowly engulfed by his very warm insides. Max had his eyes tightly shut, gritting his teeth as the jackal lowered himself, feeling that tight hotness slide down around his erection, his laboured breath blowing air from his nose against Khalid's chest fur, ruffling it slightly. Reaching one hand from the bat's shoulder, the jackal softly stroked Max's cheek at the same time as he tightened his rear around the bat, eliciting a loud gasping moan from Max. Smiling, if a bit weakly, his eyes glazed over with pleasure, Khalid leaned his head down to brush lips gently over Max's before he continued with his descent. A few agonizingly slow moments later, the jackal was sitting, panting hard, firmly upon Max's lap. The bat's cock was firmly embedded inside him, every twitch of the hard length sending a shiver of pleasure through Khalid. Again he kissed the bat, who this time responded by parting his lips, flicking his tongue out over the jackal's muzzle before he gently pushed it between Khalid's own lips, pressing muzzle against muzzle. The jackal slid his arms around Max's neck and pulled himself towards the bat with a loud murr, eyes closed during the intimate kiss, feeling the bat's own arms slowly circle his waist and pulling him close. The tugging made Khalid gasp for breath, however, as it allowed Max's cock to slide about an inch out of the jackal, this in turn sending a small dribble of pre from the jackal's positively soaked member to further dampen Max's soft belly fur. The jackal wanted more, as he always did. The pleasure of feeling Max slide within him made him squirm with pleasure, panting and moaning weakly. He very nearly decided to remain seated on the bat's cock until end of time, the sensations so wonderful to him. Soon, however, he started rocking a little back and forth, letting the slick, firm length inside him slide in and out at a slow pace. Driven almost wild with the tension and anticipation of the jackal's promising movements, Max gripped Khalid's sides firmly and began to buck back against the other male, loudly purring as he ground his belly against the dribbling jackal-cock. Khalid wouldn't last long like this, a fact that was quickly becoming evident by the panting and whimpering that escaped the jackal's parted muzzle. Insides clenching rhythmically, he started to properly ride Max, using the perch of his feet on the rungs to lift himself off and press himself down on the bat's cock again, each thrust making him shiver, on the edge of release. It had been years ago since Max had actually had sex, actually had been inside someone. Being a very driven student, he didn't have much time for such pleasures, the result being that this was only his second time. And the last guy was nothing compared to this jackal. Already expertly skilled at the comparatively tender age of 18, Khalid did his best to make his pleasure also Max's pleasure, the tight insides of his more than averagely warm body squeezing around the bat's cock on each upward motion, letting it slide almost effortlessly into him as he sat. The jackal would soon have what he wanted, but not yet. Not quite yet. Rising higher than before, he let the bat slip from his rear, the glistening cock standing rock hard over Max's lap. The sudden movement made Max gasp loudly, breathing hard between parted lips as he was allowed a short reprieve from the intense sensations. Not for long though, for as Khalid slid backwards out of the bat's lap, he took a firm hold of one of Max's hands and pulled the poor panting thing along with him. Padding softly, Khalid pulled the bat along into the kitchen proper with a smile as he glanced over his shoulder, tail still wagging invitingly. Smoothly he dropped to his knees after letting go of Max's hand. Slowly, languidly, he let his torso drop forward almost to the floor, supported by his forearms, his rear held high as his tail wagged back and forth. He desperately wanted that cock back in his rear, but he could afford a little teasing to make Max even more eager to please and be pleased. Gracefully, at least gracefully for a jackal in a posture unmistakably signaling a desire to be mercilessly fucked, Khalid slid to the floor, stretching out with his arms folding under his head as he tilted it to look back at the bat who was still standing, pants caught at his hips, revealing that cock that the jackal so much desired inside him. Teasingly, he raised his tail further, showing the place where Max had been allowed to enter him and coyly smiled over his shoulder as he invitingly raised his hips about a hand's breadth from the floor. 'What are you waiting for', the gesture seemed to ask of the bat. 'Here's a jackal obviously more than happy to let you have your way with him. Go for it!' Hastily, almost comically, so much so that Khalid had to hide an amused smile behind a hand, Max slipped out of his jeans, leaving the vest on. It added a certain something, as he had experienced during his past night with this jackal. He sank to his knees, and Khalid obligingly parted his legs to allow Max room between them, tail still held high. As Max leaned forward and put his hands to either side of Khalid's chest, the jackal raised his rear even higher to rub it against the firm and by now very slick length of the bat. Max, in turn, purred loudly and let the jackal tease him for a little while before he reached down with a hand to guide himself, careful to keep his wings out of the way. Holding his cock in two fingers, he pushed his hips firmly against the underside of Khalid's tail and felt the entrance there immediately give way to let him slide in almost to the hilt in one smooth motion. Again settling both hands on each side of the squirming, panting, and moaning jackal, Max enjoyed the sensations for a while as he watched Khalid take such obvious pleasure in the bat's cock being thrust inside him. By now eager beyond belief, Max started to thrust at a quick pace, the insides of the jackal offering marvelously warm resistance for his cock which he slid in and out of the jackal as Khalid whined weakly. Closing his eyes and raising his muzzle to moan loudly, the bat continued to shift his hard penis inside of Khalid at a measured, but swift pace, bringing himself and certainly the jackal always closer to the edge of release. Leaning down a bit further and lowering his weight carefully onto the jackal's rear, he continued thrusting, hips grinding against Khalid's. The glistening length of the bat's cock, visible between thrusts before it was firmly pushed into the panting jackal once more. Extending his muzzle slightly, eyes slitted with the immense, warm pleasure, Max licked his dry lips and then quickly snapped his head down to grip the joint between Khalid's shoulder and his neck between his teeth, biting as gently as he could while thrusting his cock in and out of the jackal. At this, Khalid's body seemed to say 'enough', and convulsed, back arching. Moments later the jackal's cock, being ground against the floor with each firm thrust from Max, started to fire jet after jet of thick jackal-seed which was rubbed into Khalid's belly fur as he writhed desperately, biting back a howl of ecstasy. As Khalid's insides clenched so tightly around Max from the jackal's own climax, the bat had to push even harder to even be able to thrust, the pleasure dizzyingly immense. While Khalid was still writhing, shooting his seed over the floor, Max came. Still thrusting, the bat released Khalid's shoulder to utter a soft cry as he began to fill the jackal with hot, white semen. The cry, negating Khalid's efforts to keep their little intimate moment on the kitchen floor a secret from the other two jackals, certainly attracted attention. Not that cries of rapture were an uncommon event in this house. While he was still thrusting and in the height of his climax, seed spurting into Khalid, Max could only helplessly notice Khan walking into the kitchen, still wearing only his hip cloth. The arriving jackal stopped to regard the two lovers. The tall jackal waited until it seemed that Max had relaxed, emptying the last of his load into the bat's more than willing victim on the floor. When he had the full attention of the both of them, Khalid whimpering rather pathetically but looking utterly pleased, and Max simply keeping quiet, nearly hiding his face behind the prone jackal's two tall ears, he spoke. "See? Didn't I tell you this would happen? And on the kitchen floor no less! Tsk." Then he stalked out of the room to climb the stairs whence he came, joining Keiann at the railing on the second floor, the other jackal grinning like a madman before they both retreated to leave the poor bat and jackal alone in the kitchen.