Two fangs, one heart (part 1) by Killjoy (c) 1998 "You know, I think this is a wild goose chase." Barnard snarled as the group walked through the woods. "Ya well, we have to kill some thing or we won't get pain." Samus responded and poked Barnard with the head of his axe. "Barbarians..." Jalkar muttered, never being one for violence. The small party continued on their trek through the woods, questing for an evil which had been terrorizing the local farmers. "What did they saw was attacking their flocks?" Joabar questioned as he examined the ground. "Werewolves I think. Most of them sounded like they had been hitting the ale to heavily." Barnard replied. "Ya but, their gold was still just as shiny." Samus commented, his own brand of humor. "The must have been hitting the ale, why else would they pay us in advance to quest for a beast no one has seen?" Barnard said as he jingled the coins in his pouch. "Well, I don't know about werewolves but, there seems to be wolves in the area." Joabar pointed out a paw print in the mud. "Well, your the ranger, get tracking." Barnard ordered. Joabar kneeled down, examined the mud, sniffed the air and then got up to walk further into the woods. The other three reluctantly followed him as he followed the wolf tracks, a paw print here, a broken branch there. "Are we going to be out here all night?" Samus questioned. "Shhh, up ahead." Joabar whispered as her quickly hid behind a bush. The others followed his example, hiding in the various bushes which dotted the forest's floor. As they peered through the foliage, they could see several black wolves in a clearing, all except one were crowded around a large stag which they were chewing on. None of the wolves were actually eating the stag, merely gnawing on the downed animal, lapping up the blood they were spilling. The wolf that hadn't been feeding cowered closer to the kill, crawling and whimpering in an attempt to get some thing to eat. Joabar turned to Jalkar, "That must be the omega, the lowest wolf in the pack." He watched for a moment more and pointed one large male wolf out, "That the alpha, when we attack, we need to kill him first." Jalkar nodded and began an incantation, using his mystic powers to inform the others of my instructions without making a noticeable sound. Barnard and Samus both nodded and prepared for battle, Barnard cocking his crossbow and Samus kissed his battle axe, some thing he has done ever since he defeated a dragon with it. Joabar unsheathed his long sword and Jalkar prepared another spell, trusting more in his sorcery then cold hard steel. Joabar waved to Barnard, signaling him to drop the alpha. Barnard responded instantly, raising his crossbow and letting loose a jaggedly barbed war bolt which plunged into the shoulder of it's target. The poor creature had barely had time to realize it had been hit before Samus burst forth from the bushes, charging into the clearing with a warrior's scream echoing from his mouth, his axe high in the air. The wolves were taken totally by surprise and couldn't react to the attack, allowing Samus to penetrate their ranks and end the alpha's life in a single swing, the mighty blade sinking deep into it's head. The wolves soon retaliated but, with the lose of their alpha, their assault was uncoordinated. Two wolves attacked Samus while others turned to charge the bushes from which the bolt came. Jalkar stepped into the clearing and with but a word, projected a wave of fire from his hands, engulfing several of the wolves. Wild cries of fear and agony filled the night and fiery masses ran off to escape the pain as they were slowly consumed my Jalkar's magic. Joabar leap out from the bushes and attacked the remaining wolves before they reached Barnard for his skill with the crossbow was some thing to behold but, he lacked the training to wield any other weapons. These wolves fought with more strength and ferocity then any Joabar had ever faced before, they were withstanding blows which would have cleaved any normal wolf in half. Samus cried out as a wolf got hold of his leg, nearly knocking him to the ground. That attack was that wolf's final mistake, for in grabbing hold of his leg, the wolf limited his own movement and soon found a axe blade buried between it's shoulders. Barnard's crossbow bolt impaled another wolf who ran off whimpering in pain but, the wolves that were left continued the fight regardless to their dwindling numbers. While Samus dispatched another wolf, Joabar decided that all of the wolves must be found and killed so he left the clearing to pursue the wounded. He soon found the scorched husks which once were wolves, now reduced to ashes by Jalkar's magic. He also found the paw prints of the other fleeing wolf, which was bleeding from the bolt which Barnard had implanted in its side. "Black blood?" Joabar questioned himself as he followed the small spots along the ground, "No wolf could have made it this far with one of Barnard's bolts in it." The prints in the ground were becoming closer together, indicating that the wounded wolf was no longer running. Joabar's persistent tracking soon paid off as he heard a weak whimpering in the distance. Holding his sword at the ready, he slowly skulked from tree to tree, hoping to surprise the wolf once again. As he peered around the tree, he saw the wolf lying on the forest's floor, the bolt still lodged in it's side. Joabar watched as the wolf struggled to breath, to weak to continue to run. "Barnard's bolts are truly a wicked weapon, as the wolf ran, it only made the wound worse due to the barbs." Joabar thought to himself, almost feeling sorry for the poor beast. "No creature should be made to suffer like that, we are all deserving of a quick death." he thought as he cautiously approached the wolf from behind. He looked the wolf over more now that he was close to it, it's black fur was matted and wet with blood but, even with that, he could still see that this was the omega he had seen earlier. The wolf turned it's head weakly to look at Joabar who's approach it noticed, it gave him a look of fear and a bit of relief as it knew it's pain would soon be ended. Joabar had always had a natural connection to animals, one of the reasons he became a ranger. His movements slows and his voice became incredible soothing and soft, as he attempted to calm the animal in order to get closer. He lowered his weapon, realizing the wolf was too weak to offer any resistance. As Joabar walked around the wolf, he noticed that it was female, as many omega are. He circled around to the she-wolf's front and kneeled down next to her offering his hand for her to sniff, carefully watching for any signs of hostility. The she-wolf whimpered and tried to move but, could barely do more then wiggle her paw. Joabar carefully stroked her muzzle as he looked her over more, she was to oddest wolf he'd ever seen. Her coat was a brownish black with a mixture of black and white fur on her belly but, the oddest thing about her were how red her eyes were. The were a mixture of black and red with a slight glowing spark of redness in the center. The second thing he noticed was the size of her upper canine teeth which were thick and protruded from her muzzle a lot more then they normally would. "Well, I won't let you die with that stuck in you." Joabar said and braced her with his hand, preparing to pull the bolt out of her side. After speaking some more soothing words, Joabar jerked the bolt from her side, causing her to howl out in pain. Joabar calmed her down once more and realized that the black blood which flowed from the wound was cold. He took a piece of cloth out of his backpack and pressed it against her wound, hoping the pressure would help stop the bleeding. While doing that, he began to inspect her more closely, her breath and mouth was cold as well. "You truly are and odd one..." he said as he stroked her head. Then, it all suddenly made sense, the black blood and the lack of warmth could only mean one thing and the thought sent a chill down his spine. "No, it can't be!" Joabar searched his memory for the answer, trying to recall stories he had heard of animals like this. "Well, there's only one way to find out..." he mumbled and pulled a knife from it's sheath, making a small cut in his hand and offering it to her. The she-wolf sniffed and then wasted no time lapping at the wound on his hand, taking in as much blood as she could. Joabar watch as she nursed at his hand, noticing the glowing spark in her eye began to get brighter until her whole eye began to glow a dull red. "Ok ok, enough." he said as he pulled his hand away to wrap it. The she-wolf looked up at him as if asking for more and seemed to be stronger in her movements. Joabar petted her head and watched as he eyes never left his hand, his fear was now a fact, the she-wolf before him was a vampiric wolf, a foul form of undead which can only be created by evil priests of wicked gods. This though ran through his head as he stared into her eyes, "That explains why your pack was to strong." The she-wolf struggled to stand but, still lacked the strength. Joabar continued to pet her, trying to keep her calm when his hand ran over the wound in her side. "It's close?" he said with a shock, "The power of these monsters is even more then I've been told." Joabar got to his feet and looked down at the she-wolf, "Should I end your retched life? Are you deserving of the death that awaits you?" he questioned both her and himself. "No, you can't help what you are and I have no right to judge you." he returned his sword to it's sheath and stepped closer to the she-wolf. The wolf was looking better now, the wound was closed but, her fur was still matted with her black blood. "Well, what shall I do with you?" he asked as he leaned forward to pet her once more. The she-wolf tried to stand again and made it to her feet, standing wobbly before him. "You sure make a quick recovery." Joabar rubbed her muzzle and watched her, her tail wagged slightly but, remained between her legs, a sign of submissiveness. "Ok, I give you your life on a trial basis, the first time you so any signs of hostility, your gone." Joabar said to the she-wolf who nodded as if she understood him. He lifted her into his arms and walked off, heading back to his group and praying that they would understand his decision. As he walked, the she wolf looked around and occasionally up at him, still not sure how to interpret what was happening. "It's about time you got back. What's that, a trophy?" Samus jokingly asked and they all walked over to Joabar and his wolf. "I didn't know we were supposed to bring them back alive." Barnard added. "Well, this ones wounded and I thought this way we could prove we had stopped the menace." Joabar tried to cover with a lie, "Besides, you have already destroyed all of the proof we have." he said as he pointed to fire in the distance which reeked of burning flesh. "Well, Jalkar didn't want to take any chances. Said we had to burn them." Barnard replied. Samus moved closer and examined the she-wolf, lifting her tail and looking at the closed wound on her side, "You know, I bet we could get a bonus for bringing this bitch back alive." "Bitch?" Barnard piped up, "So that's what took you so long." "Ha ha, not funny." Joabar replied coldly and looked down at the limp wolf in his arms. "Well, maybe we should muzzle her, she could still have some fight left in her yet." Samus suggested as he ran his hand over her side, looking closer at the closed wound. "What happened to your hand?" Jalkar asked as he too approached. "Huh? Oh, I cut it as I was tracking this wolf." Joabar said, hoping they would buy his excuses and stop asking so many questions. "Well, I guess we had best be heading back to the town." Jalkar said. "No, its too late at night now, best we make camp and head out in the morning." Samus replied. "We need to get away from here first though, the scent of death in the air will surely attract more attention then we need." Joabar said and then they all returned to the road and walked a bit before making camp in a clearing next to the road. "I still think we should muzzle your bitch Joabar, I don't trust her." Barnard pointed his empty crossbow at the she-wolf. "Well, I don't know about muzzling her, she seems rather docile, being the omega and all." Joabar replied. "Omega or not, evil is evil and I won't sleep knowing that beast is running free. Bind her and we'll all sleep soundly." Jalkar stated as he spread out his bed roll. "Ok, I will." Joabar took a rope from his backpack and tied it around the she-wolf's neck and then tied the other end to the tree next to his bed roll. After every one fell asleep, Joabar quietly called the she-wolf over to him and allowed her lay next to him on his bed roll. "Well, we'll have to come up with a name for you, can't keep calling you my bitch all the time." he said softly and patted her head, "Although I don't mind that either." He rested his head on his arm and the she-wolf rested her head next to him as he continued to pet her. "Miesha? No, doesn't fit you. Hmmm." he scratched his chin. "How about Selindria? No, too long." Joabar said and looked deeply into her glowing eyes. "Well, I guess it can wait till tomorrow." he said an stroked her back. The she-wolf responded by licking his face and then resting her head back onto her paws. Joabar pulled the blanket over the two of them and then put his arm around her next, now more trusting of her, having almost forgotten about the way in which they met. The two soon fell asleep together and all was quiet for the rest of the night. ------------------------------------------------------ This was a idea I had and I thought, why not. So, I'm going to do another part (or two) on this and then try doing it again with a female human and a male wolf. the next part of this will be a bit yiffy (maybe) so, if your not into that type of thing, you have been warned!!!