Two fangs, one heart (part 3) by Killjoy (c) 1998 "Hey, you going to sleep all day?" Barnard kicked at Joabar. "Huh? Oh, how long have I been out?" Joabar responded drowsily. "A few hours now. I went out hunting and swung back by here to fill my waterskin." Barnard kneeled and filled his waterskin from the stream, "I would have thought you two would have found some thing more interesting to do besides sleep." "Barnard, you have to promise me you won't tell the others." Joabar said as he got to his feet. "Tell them what?" Barnard replied playfully. "Come on, you know what I mean." Joabar said, obviously loosing his patients. "Hey, all I saw was you two rolling around on the ground naked and licking one another, what's wrong with that?" Barnard replied as he began to walk away. "Grrr, what ever." Joabar hurriedly put his clothing on and took off after Barnard as they headed back to the camp site. "About time you two made it back, we're starving." Samus hobbled toward Barnard as they approached the camp, "What took you so long, did you have to raise the animals first." "You keep jabbering at me and you'll go hungry." Barnard replied as he waved a rabbit in front of Samus who snatched it from him and returned to his fire to cook it. "You know, this isn't going to be enough for all of us." Samus sourly reminded Barnard. "Well, its a good thing I got three of them then isn't it?" Barnard said sarcastically. "Barnard, can I have one of those? Two should be enough to feed all of us." Joabar moved closer to Barnard. "ALL of us?" Barnard replied as he looked down as Dania. "Well, ya..." Joabar smiled and looked down at Dania and then at Barnard who flashed him a quick smile and handed him one of the rabbits, Thanks." Joabar found a pan in Samus' backpack and headed back into the woods with Dania following close behind. "Here you go girl." Joabar said as he cut the rabbit's neck with his knife and squeezed it, sending a trickle of blood into the pan. Dania lapped the blood hungrily and looked up at Joabar, her eyes glowing a deep red. "That's it." Joabar said as he squeezed the rabbit again but, produced only a few drops of blood. Dania gave the pan another licking to make sure she had gotten every drop and then the two walked back to camp. "Hey Samus, here's another rabbit for your pot." Joabar tossed the rabbit to Samus and then looked at the pan in his hand, "Opps, I'd better do wash this." "what's wrong, rabbit not good enough for your bitch?" Barnard asked from under the shade of a tree. Joabar looked over at Barnard and then around the camp with a puzzled look on his face, "Where's Jalkar?" "Off meditating or some thing like that. He went that way a hour ago." Samus pointed off to the distance while stirring the contents of his pot. "Hmm, maybe someone should go looking for him..." Joabar shrugged his shoulder and trotted in the direction Samus indicated, Dania following close behind him. They walked for a little while, stopping to watch a couple of squires playing, and enjoying the rest of the wonders nature had to offer. They walked a bit further and Joabar noticed Dania's ears perk up, scanning their surroundings as she picked up a faint sound. "What is it Dania?" Joabar asked and then concentrated, filtering out the sounds of the forest to find only that which was out of the ordinary. As he searched, he picked up a faint moaning in the distance, some thing he would have never notice had he not been actively searching. "Come on girl." he whispered and the two slowly followed the sound, tracking it to it's source. Joabar quietly entered a bush and peered out into a small clearing, there finding Jalkar kneeling fully disrobed behind a doe. Joabar's jaw dropped open as he realized what he was witnessing, his friend of the mystic ways was mating with a creature of the woods who seemed a willing participant to the whole ordeal, occasionally mirroring his movements and letting out low sighs of passion. Jalkar's eyes were closed tightly as he gripped at the doe's hips, thrusting deeply into her and causing her white and tan tail to flop about with each thrust. Joabar watched in amazement and Dania joined him in staring at the odd scene before them, her ears twitched and she turned her head to get a better view with a look of curiosity and confusion on her face. They had only been there for a brief moment before the doe let out a bleating moan of ecstasy as she reached orgasm, soon followed by a cry from Jalkar who's entire body seemed to slam against the doe and lock in place. They both stood motionless for a moment and then Jalkar collapsed forward onto the back of the doe, her legs weakened by the orgasmic waves which flowed through her, slowly eased herself and Jalkar down to a laying position and turned her head to rest it on his shoulder. Dania rested her head against Joabar's leg and let out a slight whimper, Joabar looked down at her and rubbed her head. Dania nosed at the growing bulge in his leather pants and continued to whimper, "Dania, shhh..." Joabar tried to quiet her and then got up to lead her off so that she wouldn't attract Jalkar's attention. "What's gotten into you?" Joabar petted her head and she panted and wagged her tail. He kneeled and continued to pet Dania, the events which he had just witnesses replayed themselves in his memory. Dania wiggled about as he blankly petted her and Joabar's fingers brushed over the moistness which is her mound. This sudden sensation snapped him out of his dreamy daze and he looked at his fingers, sniffing them and then looking at Dania, "Your entering your heat..." he said as the two locked eyes. ------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry these parts are short but, its the only way I can do them with the amount of time that's available to me. For those of you that are eager for the yiffing scene between these two, its in the next part and I'll try to make it last for the whole story or at least a good chunk of it but, the 4th (next) part will more then likely be the last one, depending now how I end it and how many requests I get for me to continue this series. I do have another series along the same lines in mind involving a female human and a male vampire wolf but, I don't know if I will do it.