Displacing the cherry (c) 1998 by Killjoy "No, you can't go to the spring festival and that's the last time I'll say it." Togare glared at his daughter from across the room. "But father..." Jurenda whined. "NO! And don't ask me again." Togare said and stormed out the door. "Grrrrrr!" Jurenda growled to herself and walked to her room, "He treats me like child. Here I am, a beautiful 14-year-old girl and I'm stuck in this house all the time." She slammed the door behind her and fell onto her bed, diving into the sea of stuffed animals and dolls which covered it. Jurenda stared up at the ceiling as she day dreamed, picturing herself being carried off by a handsome prince to his huge castle. She sighed and got up, walking over to the window, looking out at the forest in the distance. "Well, I'd better make the best of it." she thought to herself, "I'll just go play in a forest." Jurenda climbed out the window and began to skip towards the woods. She made her way deeper into the forest, listening to the songs of the birds and the wind in the trees. Jurenda soon heard a strange sound in the distance which she followed, finding a small clearing which held two centaurs, a male and female. Jurenda hide in some bushes and watched the two who hadn't noticed her. They were standing close to one another, face to face and were holding hands. "I wonder what their up too." Jurenda thought to herself as she watched. The female centaur removed her top, allowing her breasts to come into full view and the male took them in hand, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs in a circular motion. The female moaned and stamped her front hoof in response, shaking her head to allow the wind to blow through her long hair. They kiss for a moment and then, Jurenda notice the male's shaft sliding free of his sheath. "He's huge!" she thought as he hardened to his full 28 inches. Jurenda's mouth dropped open as she watched the male move around behind the female and mount, driving in a couple inches with each thrust until he had his entire length buried, where upon he began to massage the females shoulders and rock back and forth, continuing to penetrate her. After a few minutes passed, the male began to move back, slowly pulling free of his mate until his now limp member swung freely beneath him. The two centaurs began to hug and kiss once more while Jurenda silently walked away, not wanting to be spotted. Her mind was swimming with the memories of what she had just witnessed, she had seen some of the farm animals mating before but, it never stuck in her mind like this. Jurenda made her way a little deeper into the forest and sat down in front of an old oak tree, leaning against its great trunk in the warmth of the noon day's sun. She rested her hands on the cool moss on the side of the tree for a moment and then pulled her dress back, putting her hands on the insides of her thighs. Jurenda let her encounter with the centaurs replay in her head, remembering most vividly when the male penetrated the female. As she thought, her hand began to wander, finding it's way to her still covered mound. Her hand moved slowly at first, with just her fingers pushing against her underwear. As she thought about it more, she slipped a finger into her underwear and began rubbing it between her lips, moistening as she did. Her breathing was becoming more rapid with each passing moment and so was her actions. Jurenda took a pause to remove her underwear and dress, giving her free access to her sex. Jurenda's leg spread wide as her fingers began to work her forbidden desires, only the breeze cooled the fire which now burned in her body. As one hand worked her labia, the other found it's way to her still developing breasts, rubbing and squeezing. Jurenda began to moan as wind fall leaves rained down upon her, her fingers growing wet as they frantically danced. Her breathing was speeding up as she played until a sudden noise from the bushes in front of her snapped her out of her newly found ecstasy. She crossed her legs as to conceal her nakedness and looked to the bushes, Jurenda's heart continued in it's wild beating but, her lust was now replaced by fear of the unknown. As Jurenda peered into the bush, she found burning green eyes peering back at her. A growl rumbled forth and the bushes parted as the huge form of a displacer beast emerged. Jurenda recoiled against the tree as the 10-foot long panther-like monstrosity made its way closer to her, its 6 legs moving silently across the forest floor save the occasional snapping of twigs. Her eyes widened and traced the lines of its body, watching as the two barbed tendrils on it shoulders lashed about as it walked. "How could such a creature exist?" Jurenda questioned her soul as she watched it approach, frozen with fear. It's eyes never left her's, cutting into her like a steel blade, those glowing green eyes... As it came within the final few feet which separated them, Jurenda took flight, screaming as she ran for her life. The Displacer Beast simply trotted after her but, even this pace was enough to match her own. Jurenda looked back at her pursuer and tripped, falling prone before it. As she laid there, awaiting the attack she was sure would follow, she found only a momentary silence. "Where did it go?" she pondered but, was soon answer as she felt a presence behind her. Turning her head to look, she found the great beast standing almost on top of her, staring down at her, it's piercing green eyes never blinking. Jurenda turned back to face the ground and began to prey, hope the end would be swift and painless. She could feel the beast's steaming breath across her bare back as it's head lowered and sniffed at her, it's feline whiskers dancing on her skin as it did. Jurenda tried to hold perfectly still, hoping it might loss interest but, the beast did not leave. It instead continued to sniff along her back and down to her rear as if tracking a scent until it stopped, its nose touching her bottom and then pushing between her legs. Jurenda bit down on her lip, fighting the urge to cry out for help, knowing if she did the beast would surely attack her then. She could feel the displacer beast's nose brushing against her inner thigh, forcing her legs apart. It's sniffing continued for a moment and then paused, cause Jurenda to begin to turn her head but, she stopped as a coarse wetness swept over her muff. She had to bite her lip once more to keep quiet as she thought, "It must be tasting me!!!" There was again a slight pause and then another lick, followed by several more as the beast's feline tongue washed over her, across her already excited mound. Jurenda allowed a moan to escape her lips, unable to fight the sensation the beast was giving her, it's rough tongue was almost painfully course but, pleasurable at the same time. Her muscle became weak, allowing her legs to part even more as the beast's head pushed in between them. The force of its lapping tongue lifted her slightly with each pass and Jurenda followed it, lifting her rear until she was almost on her knees. The beast's muzzle was covered with the softest fur she had ever felt and the heat of its breath flowed across her, driving her deeper into a lustful ecstasy. Her new position gave the beast more access and its tongue now slid from the small patch of pubic hair past her anus, washing over her rear in an endless wave of pleasure. Jurenda began to have an inner turmoil, how could she be allowing the beast to violate her so? This soon passed as she comforted herself with the idea that she couldn't stop him, even if she wanted too. Her heavy breathing was accompanied by sudden moans and sighs, her fingers clawed at the earthen floor of the forest as she began to peek. Her muscles tightened and the walls of her cunny trembled, a wave of warmth over took her as her first orgasm hit, filling her tunnel with moistness which was soon lapped away by the hungry tongue of the beast. Jurenda's legs were starting to give out and she slowly slide back to the ground, only to feel something soft and furry beneath her lifting her back to place. She looked down dazedly to find the beast was using its tendrils to hold her up, with the barbs away from her so that only the black furred back was touching her skin. He was now totally in control of her and his licking hadn't slowed as he was now forcing his tongue to part the lips of her sex, lapping at the sweet juices hidden within. Jurenda was trying to catch her breath as she felt another orgasm getting closer and braced herself for it but, just before peeking once more, the beast stopped licking. The tendril that held her moved upwards, lifting her until she was on all fours and then began to rub back and forth against her breasts. Figuring this was a new game, Jurenda simply relaxed, waiting for the beast to makes its next move, not expecting what came next. She suddenly felt the thick fur of the beast's chest pushing against her back and then two huge paws about her waist, he was mounting her. When Jurenda finally realized what was happening, it was to late, she was now caught in it's embrace. Jurenda was held in place from ever direction, two legs were in front of her shoulders, keeping her from moving forward and two were behind her so she could not move backwards. Her middle was held just at tightly by the paws about her waist and the tendrils which caressed her chest. Jurenda lifted her head slightly until it pushed against the furred neck of the beast, which was vibrating with the low rumble that was the beast's purr. She had never thought that such a monster would be capable of such a sound but, the purr was definitely a thing of happiness and not anger or hostility. Jurenda pushed her body skyward to meet the beast's body, rubbing herself against the warm fur she found there, softer then any cat she had ever touched before. As she rubbed against the beast, his purring got stronger and she could feel it through her whole body like thunder rolling through the hills. Jurenda arched her back to push her rear harder against the beast's belly, rubbing it in a circular motion but, soon found it harder to move as the beast's hind legs moved closer, holding her still. She then felt something moist touch her rear, it was soft but, pointed and slowly it made its way lower until it began pushing against her mound. At this, she held very still, not sure what was happening as this was totally unexpected, not that any of the other events which happened today were planned. She took a moment to ponder but, was cut short and the object soon pushed forward, parting her cunny's lips and slipping into her. It only penetrated about a inch and then stopped before starting to move once more, pushing deeper into her until it seemed to reach a barrier within her. The object prodded at this barrier for a moment and Jurenda tried to figure out what it was, then she remembered over hearing one of the girls in the village talking about her first time with a man. She talked about a barrier and the pain as it was broken, this memory filled Jurenda with dread, how bad would it hurt, specially seeing as what was about to break the barrier. She braced herself for the coming pain and felt the object slide back a bit then ram forward with the beast's furry hips then coming into contact with her rear. The barrier was torn through with but a moment of discomfort, not agonizing pain as she had expected. Jurenda took a breath and pushed back a little, rubbing herself against the beast's body as she explored the new sensation she found there. At that moment, the image of the two centaurs she had seen that morning reappeared in her mind. She thought about what they were doing and realized what was now happening to her, she was being mated. Jurenda looked down between her legs, seeing a black, furry sac which held two large spheres hanging down behind her which swayed slightly as the beats's hip began to move once more. A slight pain suddenly assaulted Jurenda as the beast's shaft pulled at her insides, not really hurting but, it was a little tug. The beast pushed forward, driving himself deeper into her and then pulling back to drive forward once more. As he worked, Jurenda's mound loosened to accommodate him and soon, his shaft barely caught her at all, sliding freely as he pistoned into her. Her sex began to moisten once more as the beast drove into her, a mixture of her juices and his pre cum flowed forth, coating the furry sheath of the beast as he had her. Jurenda occasionally felt the beast's furry balls slap against her legs and mound as her feline lover mated her, their softness padded the impact. The beast's purring intensified and a low growl rumbled from his throat, echoed by Jurenda's own moaning. She reached back to touch the rod which invaded her, noting small spurs along it's length as it passed between her fingers. She then began to rub her cunny, finding a small lump there which she encircled with her finger, causing it to rise as her touch. Her attention to this lump brought her more pleasure and she soon found her fingers coated with the juices which flowed forth from her slit. Jurenda looked at her hand and then reacted up to the beast's muzzle, receiving a series of laps from its warm tongue as the beast cleaned her hand and wrist. She rubbed his cheek and then his chin, marveling at the immensity of his head, it was almost as wide as her shoulders. The beast slammed it's hips against her rear, driving it's shaft deeply into her as it began to growl, nearing it's own limits. Jurenda arched her back more and could feel the beast's member pushing against her insides, guessing he had about 7 or 8 inches of himself within her. The beast's pace increased and soon, Jurenda climaxed once more, the walls or her mound trembled about the great shaft within her as the beast too peeked, his hips locked against her and she could feel a warmth fill her womb as his fiery seed was poured forth. The great, fur covered spheres emptied their contents into their willing target, filling her to her limits as the white fluid spilled from her cunny and down her legs. The huge paws about her waist tightened their grip, nearly lifting her off the ground, burying her into the thick fur of the beast's belly and chest. Both Jurenda and the beast panted as their lusts burned on, remaining connected even though neither had the strength to continue. After some time, the beast lowered Jurenda to the ground, pulling his shaft from her as the small spurs dragged back against the walls of her muff in a pleasurable rippling effect. Jurenda now lay upon the ground and the beast stepped away from her, it's great body slumping to the ground as it panted in the light of the sun. When Jurenda regained the strength to move, she crawled to the beast's side and laid against him, the force of his lungs lifting her on his side as he breathed. She rubbed her body against the soft, black fur and then caressed his cheek. The beast's head lifted and he opened his eyes, beholding his human love as she moved close, wrapping her arms about his neck to hug him. He wrapped on of his tendrils about her shoulders in a hug-like embrace and the two laid together, resting in the warmth of the sun and each others company, fully content and satisfied. The fabled killer of men, devourer of children was humbled by the lust and desires of the lonely young girl who now lay beside him napping, totally safe as no force on earth would take her from him. ============================================================ Without looking, I'd guess that this is the longest story I've ever done, as well as one of the most enjoyable. I have been toying with this idea with a friend who also played (still does) dungeons & dragons. I sort of took the idea of the old "girl befriends a wolf who becomes her protector" and changed it to be more interesting. Let me know what you think of this story, if people like it, maybe I'll do more like it. If you still don't know what at displacer beast looks like, Its a 10-12 foot long panther (like a lion sort of, black) with 6 legs, green glowing eyes, 2 tendrils which end in spikes and the ability to be a few feet away from where it looks like they are (illusion sort, of).