Fortune Fox (c) 1998 By Killjoy Jim walked around the mid-way, looking for some thing new. He'd been to this carnival before but, he didn't have any thing else to do so, he just hung out. He walked past a game where a man was throwing balls at a barrel and swearing as they bounces off it. It seemed like the same old thing every time, people wasting money on games, loud music coming form the rides, people bumping into him. Jim walked a little more before sitting down on a bench, looking around at all the people rushing past. As he examined his surroundings, he noticed a small tent in the distance. It was red with some symbols on the side, he'd never noticed it before. Jim made his way through the crowd towards the mysterious tent. It was the tent of a fortune teller, covered with symbols of stars and animals. Jim pushed the curtain open and stepped inside, his nose was assaulted by burning incense and he couldn't see well because the room was dimly light by a few candles. The tent was filled with chairs and a table in the center of the room which held a crystal ball, "This place looked like the type of thing you'd see in a bad movie." Jim thought to himself. "But, its not in a movie." a feminine voice came from the shadows "Please have a seat and we can get started." Jim looked around, searching for the source of the voice while moving to sit down. He sat at the table and waited, a figure moved out from the shadows and walked to the table, taking the seat across from him. "So, what would you like to know?" the robed figure asked. Jim looked across the table at the hooded fortuneteller, attempting to see what she looked like but, her face was masked by darkness. "I can see you are curious about what you do not know, this is good. Too many people these days no longs wonder about the future." Jim could smell her breath as she spoke, inhaling the sweat fragrance, almost like flowers. "Ummm, ya. I'd like to know about my future." He said after snapping out of his stupor. "Well, I'd hope so, you did come in here and I am a fortune teller." She replied, almost laughing to herself. "So is there any thing specific you'd like to know or just what ever I see?" she continued. "You mean I can just ask stuff?" Jim questioned. "You've obviously seen to many movies my boy, I'll answer any questions you have." she teased. "Oh Ok. So, what am I here for?" Jim asked slightly sarcastically. There was a moment of silence and then she replied "Your bored with your event less life and come to the carnival to escape it." "How did you know that?" Jim gasped. "I'm a fortune teller, I know things about every one. If I didn't, I wouldn't be very effective in my job." she laughed. Jim laughed to himself, "Ya, I guess your right. So, will I find any thing here to spice up my life?" "Well, first we have to see what's wrong with your life before finding out how to fix it." her hands worked over the crystal ball resting in the middle of the table. Jim noticed that her hands looked funny, almost like she were wearing gloves or some thing. "I see you've had trouble in your love life, you're alone now." She stated. "Well, yes. I had a hard break up a year ago and I haven't been with any one since. So am I going to meet any one soon?" Jim asked. "Let me see your hand." She put her hand in his, he could now feel that her hand was furry, she must have been wearing a glove. "Oh, such pain!" she cried out, Jim pulled his hand away, "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, I just felt how lonely you are and being as sensitive to emotions as I am, it was like an over load." her trembling voice replied. "I'm sorry, I hope you're ok." Jim tried to console her. "I'll be fine in a moment, I just have to rest." she leaned back in her chair. "Jim, you're such a gentle soul. You don't have to be afraid to love any more, not all women will treat you like that." She said after a moments rest. "How do you know my name? I never told you." Jim sounded frightened. "As I told you, I have a knack for knowing things." she stated before standing and moving to the entrance to the tent. There, she turned the sign to read "closed" and then turned back to Jim. "Jim, I can help you with your pain if you'll let me." she moved closer to him "Follow me please." She took Jim's hand and lead him to the back of the tent, there the passed through a curtain and entered another tent. This one looked like living quarters, having some chests and clothing laying about. In the far corner was a pile of pillows and blankets. "So, what did you have in mind?" Jim asked nervously. "Well, I'd like to help you but, I'm not sure how to go about it." She replied, "I know what you need but, I'm not sure if you will except it." "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I accept happiness?" Jim questioned. "I know you'd like it but, well, maybe I should show you rather then tell you." She turned to him and pulled back her hood, revealing a fox-like head with long, red hair. Jim stumbled back, startled by her actions, "What.. What are you?" he stammered. "That's a little hard to explain..." she stared at him "And its not really important right now. Do you want my help or not." She offered her hand. Jim could now see her hand clearly, it was indeed furry and ended in small, claw-like nails. Jim hesitated for a moment before reaching out slowly, taking her hand. "Good, that's the first step, to accept the unknown." she pulled him closer "My name is Celarea." Jim was still stunned, he simply stared at her, not believing what he saw. "C..Celarea." he sounded out her name. "Yes jim, and all you have to know from now on is that I'm here for you, let go and allow me to help." She moved closer, pulling Jim's arms around her and placing his hands on the small of her back. "Do you trust me Jim?" She asked. Jim was still dazed "Umm.. I guess." "No, don't guess, you have to tell me yes or no." Celarea demanded. Jim tried to clear his head and stared into her deep green eyes "Yes Celarea, I trust you." He still didn't know what she intended but, he could think of any thing, his mind still hazy from her appearance. Celarea cupped his face in her hands and began kissing him, the end of her muzzle pushed against his lips. Jim froze and she stopped, looking at him again "I thought you trusted me?" "I do its just, you caught me off guard." Jim replied. "Well, I told you to let go and let down your guard." Celarea returned to kissing him, her tongue now pushing out, seeking entrance to his mouth. Jim soon yielded and her tongue parted his lips, moving into his mouth. As she worked, Jim could feel his apprehension melting away, he began to return her attention. It was a little odd at first, Jim tried to kiss her but, the shape of her muzzle prevented her from kissing in the way he was used to. Celarea opened her muzzle slightly and tilted her head to one side, allowing Jim a more natural feel. His tongue began to work her mouth now, running along her canine teeth and jaw. Celarea took Jim's hands and moved them down, until they were firmly gripping the cheeks of her butt. Jim could feel a bulge near the top of her butt and he ran his hand around it, "If she's as much fox as she looks, I'd have to say I found her tail." He thought to himself. Celarea pushed against him, her breasts resting on his chest. Her hands caressed his back as they continued kissing passionately. Celarea pulled away and unfastened the clasp which held her robe closed, allowing it to fall from her and land on the ground. Jim could now see her naked form before him, her body was much like a humans but, was covered in a red fur with a white patch leading down from her muzzle and ending at her legs. A long tail waved from side to side, it too was red and ended in white. Her supple breast were masked in the same fine white fur which covered her chest and stomach. She was truly a site to behold, even though she looked like an animal, she was still very beautiful. Jim carefully studied her slender curves and she danced to him, she began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt while he stared at her, mesmerized by the form which passed before him. Celarea pulled his shirt free and then removed his pants and undergarments, leaving Jim standing naked as well. "Now Jim, are you ready to receive me?" she took his hand and looked into his eyes longingly. Jim nodded and she led him to the pile of pillows, the two sat down upon them and Celarea began to massage Jim's chest, working her hands around him until they were caught in an embrace. Jim put his arms around her, marveling at how soft her fur felt against his skin. Celarea began to nuzzle his neck, rubber her muzzle across him and licking occasionally. Jim too ran his chin across her shoulder, pushing against the soft red fur he found there. "So Jim, is this what you need?" she whispered into his ear, flicking her tongue across it at the end of her question. Jim quivered at her touch and leaned against her, pushing her back onto the pillows. "Now Jim, do you understand what I'm giving you?" Celarea took his head in her hands to focus him "I'm giving you the love you need." Jim moved to kiss her but, her hands held his head still, he stared into her eyes. "Yes Celarea, I can feel it and I want it, very much." Jim ran his fingers through her hair. Celarea's lips pulled into a smile and she hugged him, her furry breasts pushing against his chest. Jim moved once again to kiss her and met with no resistance this time, she took of him hungrily, pushing her tongue deep into his mouth. Their passion continued as they rolled about on the pillows, kissing and caressing each other. As they rolled about, Jim's growing erection began to push through Celarea's stomach fur. Her hand made its way to the now hard shaft and began to rub it around on her fur. Jim let out a sigh as she guided it lower and slid it between the moist lips of her mound. As the head began to enter, either of them moved or spoke, each holding their breath and wishing that this moment would last forever. It was Jim who finally took action, lowering his body and pushing his member deep into Celarea who moaned as he entered. She was so warm and moist around him, the muscles of her mound pulsating and contracting. Jim held still for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being inside her before he took her head in his hands, "Celarea, I think I'd better tell you this now....Your my first." At this, her eyes widened, "You mean your giving me your virginity?" she asked, she already now he was a virgin but, was trying to get him to say the words. Jim nodded and she hugged him tightly, "You don't know how much of a gift your giving Jim." She nuzzled at his neck and then licked her tongue from his chest to his chin, stopping to stare into his eyes once more. At this, Jim began to slowly move his hips, pulling his shaft slightly free of her mound and then pushing it back in deeply. Celarea leaded her head back and Jim began running his face through the fur of her neck while he slowly pistoned between her thighs. Celarea put her hands on Jim's hips, matching his movement with her own, pushing him harder and faster into her. Her tongue flopped about in her now open muzzle as she panted a moaned, Jim too was breathing harder as the force of his thrusts gained intensity. The muscles of Celarea's mound began to spasm around the driving shaft and she let out a low howl, her tiny claws began to dig into Jim's back. Him arched his body slightly at the sudden pain but, his pass did not slow. Celarea's legs wrapped about the bucking hips as her orgasm racked her body, waves of pleasure flowed over her. Jim too soon reached his limits and drove deep into her, his muscles locking, holding him in as he blew his fiery load into her. Jim cried out and his balls emptied their contents into his strange lover who echoed him with her own howls of passion. The two lay still coupled for several minutes until Jim finally regains enough strength to attempt to roll off her but, she rolled with him as he did. Celarea now sat atop Jim, his member still deep within her and she mover her hips around a few times, working him for a few seconds before leaning forward, her long red hair hanging over her shoulders and nearly touching Jim's chest. "Have I brought into your live the light of love which you have so long been denied?" she suddenly questioned. Jim looked up are her longingly, his eyes searching her's as he smiled contently. "Tell me Jim, do you now know what love is?" she asked again. "Yes Celarea, I do. I love you." he reached up and ran his fingers through her hair. "You love me?" she gasped "I was trying to show you love, not to be loved." she looked away from him. Jim stared at her blankly as she pulled free from him and walked over to the other side of the room. "Celarea what do you mean? Did I do some thing wrong?" She stood in silence, her back to him. Jim got up and moved to her, he put his hands around her waist and held her. Celarea turned to face him, "Jim, I hadn't seen this in your future or mine." She hugged him and then pulled free, taking a step back while holding his hands. "How is it that you could love a creature such as me." he eyes began to tear up and she spoke. Jim pulled her close to him and whispered into her ear, "I could never love any one but you." Celarea hugged him tightly and then leaned back so that they were face to face once more, "Then you have learned the final lesson. You have learned to look past what you see with your eyes to only see with your heart." she kissed him and then lead him back to the pillows. There she laid down and pulled him to her, they kissed once more before Jim rolled over and lay beside her. Celarea pulled up one of the many blankets which laid around them and covered them both with it. The two lay silent in each others arms, slowly caressing and enjoying the feel of having the other there. "Jim, we are going to have to take this day by day you know." Celarea looked deep into Jim's eyes, "One never knows what the future holds in store for us." ------------------------------------------------------------- This story was sort of a request, one of my readers spurred me into working on some stories I had been thinking about for some time now and I'm glad they did. I couldn't quite get the ending of this one to come out the right way because I had so many ideas for it. I guess this ending will work but, I'm not truly satisfied with it.