The Hershey Highway (c) 1998 by Killjoy "On the road again...", Mark sang along with the radio, his only entertainment while on the road. He was getting tired from drive but, he had almost reached Florida and didn't want to stop until he reached the boarder. As he sped down the highway in his rig, his headlights revealed a car along side the road and some one flagging him down. Mark slowed down, "Maybe they had an accident." He hit the air breaks, breaking the trail and then the cab. His truck came to a halt next to the stopped car and the person standing next to it ran around to Mark's side, "Hay, my car broke down, could you give me a lift?", Mark looked out the open window and saw a young horse in blue jeans and a t-shirt standing in front of him. "Ummmm...well", Mark knew it was company policy not to pick up any one but, it was 3am and he was miles from the nearest city, "Ya, hope in." As he climbed in he shook Mark's hand, "Bert Tompson." "Mark Woard", Mark answered back, "Where were you headed?" "Fort Lauderdale for spring break.", Bert buckled his seat belt as the truck began to move again. They rumbled down the road, the truck humming as it went. "So where you headed?", Bert inquired, trying to make conversation. "I'm drive this load to the same place your heading, that's a coincidence.", Mark answered. Bert smiled at him, "Ya, I'm lucky you were heading this way, I've been standing there for an hour now." "Really? What happened to your car?" Mark inquired." "I'm not sure, I'm not very mechanically inclined." Bert said, looking around the cab of the rig, "Nice truck you've got here." "Thanks, after this load it will be mine." Mark replied. "That's cool." Bert said with a yawn, "Is it ok if I crash out here, I need some sleep?" "Sure but, I've got a bed right behind us." Mark said, reaching back with one hand and opening a certain. "You don't mind?" Bert questioned. "Nope, enjoy." Mark replied with a smile. Bert climbed between the seats and onto the small mattress, moving some clothes he found laying there and laid down. It wasn't the most comfortable bed he'd ever laid in but, it was better then sleeping sitting up in the front seat. Mark continued to drive for another hour and then pulled into a rest area for the night, leaving his break lights on and the motor idling. He leaned his seat back and tried to get comfortable, "You don't have to sleep up there you know, this is your truck." Bert said from behind the certain. "Well, there's not exactly enough room back there for two people." Mark replied. "Oh come on, I'm sure we can work something out." Burt pulled the certain open and looked at Mark. Bert had taken his shirt and pants off, and now only had his under wear one. Mark gulped as he looked at Bert's almost naked body in the moon light, he was very muscular. Bert shoved over next to the wall and patted the mattress next to him, "Come on, I don't bite." Mark kicked off his boots and climbed onto the mattress, there he laid down as far away from Bert as he could. "I wanted to think you again for picking me up, it would have been cold sleeping in my car and who knows how much longer I would have been there." Bert said as he rested his head on his arm. "No problem, I know how hard the...I mean how tough the road can be on people and vehicles." Mark caught himself staring at the bulge in Bert's under wear. Bert looked down, tracing where Mark's eyes had been looking and smiled, "You know, I guess I owe you something for helping me out don't I?" "No, that's ok." Mark was starting to feel nervous. "Well, I'm not letting you off the hook that easily." Bert inched closer to Mark, touching his arm and watching him squirm, "You ok?" "Ya, I'm fine, its just....We just met." Mark stammered. "So?" Bert questioned playfully, running his finger up Mark's arm. "And.. Well...." Mark searched for the words but, found none. "I thought so." Bert took hold of Mark's hand. Mark gave him a nervous smile and Bert began to unbutton Mark's shirt, pulling it open and running his fingers through the thick, wolven fur of his chest. Mark put his head back and closed his eyes, Bert continued down to Mark's pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them down, revealing his furry sheath. Mark opened his eyes and looked Bert over once more, his stiffening member was pushing out from beneath his under wear. Bert pulled his own under wear down, letting Mark have a good look at him. Mark's muzzle dropped open and he reached down, rushing to removing his own pants, "So, shall we get started?" Bert teased, taking his large equine shaft in hand. Mark scrambled, looking around the mattress until he found a tube of lubricant which he handed to Bert. Bert squeezed some of the tube's contents into his hand and proceeded to stroke his member, covering it with the lubricant. Mark turned around, getting on all fours and waving his lupine rear in the air. He had been rather nervous about Bert's earlier advances but, it had been a while since he'd had sex and Bert did seem pleasantly WELL ENDOWED. Mark's tail waved from side to side, playfully inviting Bert to follow through with his offer. Bert grinned and moved closer to Mark, stroking his tail for a moment before pushing his cock under it to rest it's tip against the warm tail hole there. Mark closed his eyes and bit down on his lower lip as Bert slowly rubbed his tip around, letting the lubricate coat Mark's pucker before applying a little pressure, a hand moving to Mark's hips as his other helped to guide his length. After a but, Mark's ring relaxed and allowed Bert to enter slowly. once Bert finally managed to get the head of his shaft in, his hips began to move in a circular motion, tilting his member while continuing to push forward, working it deeper with much more ease. Mark groaned as his rear was invaded, the huge equine shaft sinking inch by inch ever so slowly into him. After what seemed like a eternity, Bert stopped pushing and leaned over Mark's back to hug him as well as to plant several soft kisses along the nap of his neck. Mark murred softly and arched back at the kisses, eyes still closed. Bert smiled and gently gripped his hips with both hands as he began to slowly thrust, barely moving at first, allowing Mark's body to adjust and accept him before moving any faster. Mark let a weak whimper escape as his mouth fell open, tongue dangling out in a mixture of pleasure and panting while the horse filled him, his pace increasing as he slowly buried more and more of his length into the lupines hot tunnel. Bert laid on Mark's back and wrapped a arm around him, caressing his belly fur gently and then moving down to lightly grip his sheath, stroking it in time with each of his own thrusts. Mark moaned and tried to push back, mirroring Bert's bucking but, Bert slowed and whispered into his ear, "Just relax and leave it to me." Mark nodded and concentrated on his breathing which was growing heavier by the second as his long, pink shaft slowly poked out of his sheath at the caressing hand which moved to embrace it, gently stroking along it's length as it stiffened. Bert nibbled along the nap of Mark's neck as he humped, his bucking growing a bit more forceful as his tip leaked droplets of pre cum, adding to the moistness of the lubricant and allowing him to glide a bit more freely. Mark groaned as he submitted to Bert's dominance, his tail held high and thrashing about, being banged by the horse's pistoning hips. His panting increased as his shaft began to drop pre, growing hotter and a deep red from the stroking which Bert lavished him with. Mark's hips, no longer answering to his commands, set into motion, humping at Bert's hand instinctively. A soft growl rumbled from deep within his throat as his shaft pushed out, fully exposed with the base beginning to swell as it mirrors the movements of the hand around it. Bert too moaned as his cock as now fully engulfed within the tightness of Mark's ass, the ring tensing around him as he slowed his bucking, hips moving in a more rhythmic and circular motion, slowly working his flairing tip around along the ripples and muscle folds one Mark's tunnel. Between the constant pushing on his prostate and the furry hand which so skillfully stroked his length, the sensation soon proved too much for Mark as his knot quick swelled to fullness, thrusting hard at Bert's hand in a instinctual effort to bury it's self within some thing, thick white jets of wolf cum spraying from it's tip. Bert let out a loud whinny as the quivering sphincter brought about his own climax, He thrust hard into the lupine's rear, sinking his length till his balls slapped against Mark's and unleashed a mighty gush of his fiery equine seed, flooding the trembling tunnel with it's heat. The two continued to buck and moan in unison as they pleasured one another till Mark's climax slowed and he lowered himself down into a laying position with Bert following him down, still fully buried within him. Bert wrapped both arms around Mark and kissed his ear, holding his lover tightly as they both rode out the last of their spasms and then relaxed, bathing in the after glow of their union. * * Next Day * * Bert awoke with a long yawn and a stretch, his feet and hands pushing against either side of the truck's walls. He rolled onto his side and gave Mark a good morning hug, snuggling up tightly against his side and then drifted back to sleep. A couple hours later, Mark awoke and opened his eyes to find himself nose to nose with Bert, which in it's self was a good thing but, he had to sit up to see his clock on the other side. "SHIT!!!" he exclaimed as he saw what time it was and began to collect his clothing, dressing rapidly and leaping into the driver's seat to get going. Mark drove for about ten minutes before he realized he had to drop Bert off at a garage to get a tow for his car. He spotted a service station and pulled over to the curve, "Hey Bert, you awake?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder as the still nude stallion. "Ya... I'm awake." Bert replied sleepily and rubbed his eyes. "Well, we're at a service station, I'm sure they'll be able to tow and fix your car..." Mark said with a slight tone of sadness. Bert got up and put his clothing on, then slipped in between the seats to sit next to Mark, "Thanks for the ride...." Mark grins and replied coyly "No, thank you for the ride." Bert smiled for a moment and then it faded, "Will you be passing back this way on your return trip?" Mark lowered his head "Well, I have to head over to another town and pick up another load..." Bert nodded slowly and turned slightly to put his hand on the door knob. "But, I guess I could swing back this way. The highway might be quicker then the route I originally planned." Mark said with a smile. At this, Bert smiled and wrapped his arms around the wolf, hugging him tightly. "I'll swing back past this service station in a day." Mark said as he hugged Bert back. Bert kissed Mark's cheek and hugged him one last time before grabbing his stuff and exiting the truck. Mark looked into his mirror as he drove off, seeing Bert waving to him and grow smaller as they grew more distant. Mark let out a sigh and relaxed back into his chair, a bit saddened by the fact that he was now alone but, looking forward to the next day in which he would once more see his new friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the second m/m story I've done and the first one with anthromorphic animals in it. Fox Fire was the first m/m I did but, the characters were non-anthro. Like I've said before, I'm straight but, I try to cover every aspect of entertainment reading. This maybe my last m/m story unless I get some good responses to it.