Jucser's Journey (part 1) (c) 1998 by Killjoy Jucser continued his track through the savanna, his stomach filled with what little he could scavenge over the past couple days, a lizard here, some carrion there. The sun was so much hotter here then it seemed in his home land, and with very few trees to hide under, he was beginning to weaken. Just as he was about to collapse from exhaustion and the heat, he caught a hint of moisture in the air, a cool fragrance which had almost forgotten. Jucser stumble on, seeking out the elusive water that teased his senses. As he pushed through some tall grass, he found a clearing with a small, muddy pool in the middle. As he reached the edge of the pool, his legs gave out and he fell into the mud. His small, pink tongue weakly lapped at the mud that covered his muzzle, mud or no mud, he needed water. His thirst was soon quenched by the silty liquid and he settled his chin into the mud to rest, it was soft and cool. Jucser had just dozed off when a loud scream woke him, he opened his eyes and beheld a large, gray animal stuck in the mud on the other side of the pool. It was huge but, sort of reminded him of a cow, even though it's skin was hairless. It had two horns like a cow but, they came out of it's face instead of the top of its head. It squirmed in the mud, only becoming more immersed as it struggled. Jucser was about to fall back asleep but, the beast continued the wail, preventing him from resting. "Well, if I'm going to get any sleep, I'll have to get rid of that cow." he thought and pulled himself free of the cool mud. Jucser made his way around the edge of the clearing and stopped next to the trapped animal, "Hey, you need some help?" he offered. It turned its head to him and looked him over, "Well...Yes. I seem to have become stuck in this mud, its a lot deeper them it first appeared." came the reply. "OK, hold on." Jucser turned and looked around, find only tall grass and an dead tree. He examined the tree closer, it was half rotten and looked as though it would fall over if given a good push. "That's it!" Jucser got a running start and leaped at the tree, causing it to fall into the pool. "They you go, pull yourself free on that." he called to the animal. Jucser's so called cow worked one of its front legs free and put it on the fallen tree, then pulled its other foot free. After a few minutes, it finally stepped onto try ground and shook, sending mud flying every where. "Thanks for helping me out..." the cow looked at Jucser who was now covered in more mud and sat there with a weak look on his face. The cow had to struggle to keep from laughing, he looked so funny. She trotted over to him and gave him a lick with her big tongue which covered his whole chest and nearly knocked him over, "My hero." she laughed to herself. Jucser shook off some of the mud and looked up and her "Well, if your ok I'll get going." "Could I ask you some thing before you go?' she inquired. "Sure, what?" Jucser turned back to face her. "What exactly are you? I've never seen an animal like you before." the cow replied as she walked about him, looking him over. "I'm a fox of course, don't you have foxes here? We have cows like you where I come from." he was starting to get dizzy watching her. "COW?! I'm not a cow, I'm a rhino, I don't even look like a cow!" she protested. "Oh, I'm sorry, I've never seen a rhino before and I just thought, well, I don't know what I thought but, I'm sorry for calling you a cow." Jucser hung his head. "Its ok, I didn't have any idea what you were either." she comforted him. Oh, by the way, my name is Bromada, what's yours?" she asked. "Jucser, pleasure to meet you." he answered and began to walk around her, now that she was out of the mud, he could see she was very different then a cow. she didn't have hooves nor a bag for milk, "The animals here just keep getting weirder and weirder." he thought. "So, which way are you headed Jucser?" she questions as he returned to the front of her, "I don't know really, some humans dropped me off here and started hunting me, I escaped them but, I don't know where I am now and every thing here is so different." he replied. "Well, why don't you tag along with me then, I'll show you around, its the least I can do after you saved me and all." Bromada said and started walking into the grass with Jucser close behind her. "Bromada, would you mind if I were to hop up onto your back? I'm having a hard time keeping up with you in this grass." he called out from far behind her. "Sure, climb on up, your small enough." Bromada slowed and Jucser soon caught back up with her, he took a running leap and landed on her rear. "Boy, you really are little." she said humorously as the small fox curled up on her broad back. "Well, its not your size that counts." he replied. Bromada stopped by a couple more watering holes during that day before settling down under a small tree for the night. "So Bromada, what are you looking for at the watering holes?" Jucser inquired. "Well, I'm getting the urge and I'm looking to find a male." she replied with a grin. "Well, you've found one!" Jucser stepped forward and presented himself. Bromada couldn't help but laugh at him. "I mean a male rhino, your umm, are little to small for me my little hero." she finished. Jucser slumped down next to her, "I'm not that little." he sourly replied. "Oh Jucser, if only you could help me, the urge is getting a lot stronger the past couple days and if I don't find a male soon, I won't bare a child this year." Bromada said sadly. Jucser could feel that her body was a lot hotter them it was earlier, the heat must be at its peak. Bromada sighed and put her head on the ground, dreaming of a big bull rhino. Jucser couldn't help but feel bad for her, she was so in need "Where had all the male rhino's gone too?" he wondered. "Well, I might be little but, I can relieve her a little." he thought to himself and moves quietly around to her rear. Bromada had her tail to one side and Jucser had a clear view of the task before him, her huge mound was swollen and slightly reddish, covered in a thin layer of clear liquid. He moved closer and examined her more, "I could probably climb into her mound, its so big!" he thought to himself, "Well, I might as well get started, I hope she appreciates the work I'm about to go through." Jucser gave her another look and then set to his work, his tiny pink tongue began snaking over her moist mound, slipping past the enormous lips occasionally. It took Bromada a moment to notice his actions but, his efforts were rewarded with a contented moan. Bromada moved her back slightly, raising her mound higher off the ground to allow Jucser a easier reach. As Jucser licked and nibbled, he could feel his own lust growing, the head of his member peeked out from it's sheath. Jucser took a deep breath and pushed forward, driving his muzzle into her mound, once in up to his eyes, he began licking her depths. Bromada snorted and moaned loudly as the walls of her cunny started to contract and tremble. Jucser pulled out, took another breath and pushed back in. He could feel her muscles working him muzzle and as he licked, his head became wet with the juices that began to flow. When he could take it no longer, he pulled his head out, gave it a quick shake and then put his front paws on her hips. It took his a couple seconds to position himself but, he soon rubbed the head of his shaft between the lips of her mound and then thrusted forward, fully embedded himself on the first try. Jucser was now surrounded by a loose warmth the like of which he had never felt before, he pumped into her, standing on his hind legs and bracing against her rear with his fore legs. Bromada's first reaction was that of surprise, he head turned and looked back trying to see what he was doing. Over her back she could see his tiny head peering over her with a grimace of pleasure and effort. Jucser pistoned wildly into her, his member slipping in different directions due to her size. Bromada concentrated, forcing the muscles of her mound to contract, becoming vice-like around him. At this, Jucser let out a moan of his own. Now much tighter, she could feel the tiny shafts slipping back and forth into her and after a short time, she noticed that its shape was changing, it was beginning to feel slightly larger and almost as if there were a small bump along it towards its base. Jucser's knot was fully swollen now and he pulled out less after each thrush, normally he would be stuck in his mate but, due to her size his knot was sliding in and out of her. As his orgasm began, his hind legs pushed him deeply into her before locking, holding him tightly against her. Bromada's mound began to tremble once more, muscles pulsating around him, milking his shaft. Jucser let out a short howl of pleasure and then collapsed backwards, falling onto his back, his shaft still pulsing out small squirts of fox seed. Bromada got to her feet and turned about, she could now see her tiny lover panting on his back, his member flailing about in the air. It was swollen and she saw the tiny knot which she had felt before. "Aww, he's so cute." she moved close to him and gave him a lick, her large tongue dragging along his body from one end to another. Jucser began thrusting once more at the sensation of her tongue against his shaft. Bromada ran her nose around the soft white fur of his chest and then moved back, using her tongue to take his member into her mouth. She tried to pucker her lips as to prevent him from touching her teeth and worked him about in her mouth with her tongue, tasting the salty fluid which began to pump into her. Bromada started to suck but, she stopped as Jucser let out a yelp of pain. She tried once more, being careful to suck with as little force as she could. Jucser opened his mouth and panted harder, the sensation of her tongue holding him tightly against the roof of her mouth was a little more like what he was used to, much tighter then her mound. One of his paws flinched as he felt her hot breath steaming onto his belly, this was quickly becoming much better then he had first expected. "Will he never stop?" Bromada thought to herself, Jucser continued to pour out his juices into her waiting mouth "How could something so small be so full?" she pondered. It seemed like and eternity before Jucser stopped cumming, his knot softening and the swelling died down. Jucser let out a contented sigh and looked up at Bromada who also had a happy grin, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" she teased. Jucser leapt to his feet and began licking her lips and face vigorously, "Well, I guess so." Bromada laughed to herself. After they had finished cleaning each other off, Bromada laid down under the tree once more and Jucser curled up between her neck and leg, wanting to be as close as he possibly could be to his newly found lover, their differences didn't matter to either of them any more, only the feelings they gave one another were important now. -------------------------------------------- Well, I'm sure by now some of you might be wondering why there's a North American red fox wander around the African fields, well, I hope this story provided the answer, well, incase it didn't, I'll recap: Humans and animals live in this world much as they do our world but, all animals can speak a language that all other animals can understand. Jucser was brought to Africa by humans to be hunted for sport by some rich Humans there But, being a crafty fox, he's managed to escape and is now exploring his new home.