Jucser's Journey (part 2) (c) 1998 by Killjoy Jucser was walking alone through the savanna once more, it had been three days since he and Bromada went their separate ways. As he walked, he thought about how much they had meant to one another, he'd lay curled up on her back as she wandered about between watering holes. They had laid together every night, enjoying each other's company and Jucser had began to forget about searching for a way home, he was content to spend the rest of his days with her in his new home. Then on that fateful day, Bromada caught a scent in the breeze and the two of them made their way to a new watering hole, there they found a huge bull rhino marking his territory. Jucser and Bromada watched him from the tall grass as he strutted about the waters edge, stopping to mark a bush or take a drink. Jucser had to admit that he was a big one but, didn't think any thing of it until he looked up at Bromada and saw the look in her eyes, she was obviously in love. "Ahh...Bromada...." Jucser spoke but, his words fell on deaf ears as Bromada was in a trance, all of her attention was on the huge, muscular beast who walked about in front of her. She finally calmed down enough to move, walking out into the clearing of the watering hole, Jucser crouched down in the grass and watched. As Bromada walked, the bull noticed her and stopped, his head held high and his ears perked forward. He soon began moving and the two stopped nose to nose, staring into each others eyes. Jucser watched helplessly as the two got to know one another and the large bull made his way around Bromada, his immense shaft dropping out of its sheath. Had any one been watching Jucser, they could have guessed at the exact moment when his heart tore open, his face lost all expression and his head hung low. "Well, at least she found what she was looking for..." he sadly consoled himself as he walked back into the grass of the savanna. Jucser was now more alone then he had ever been, he wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings. He no longer cared about any thing, not even himself and kind of wished something would leap out of the grass and eat him, at least that would end his pain. As if in response to his thoughts, Jucser suddenly heard the rumble of hooves coming towards him. He crouched down and waited for what ever it was to pass, the sound got closer and closer. When the sound finally reached him, a deer like animal leaped over him from the grass and kept running, followed closely by large, spotted cat. After they passed, Jucser stood up and watched them, they were moving faster then any thing he had ever seen before. As the spotted cat caught up with the deer, it swiped at it's hind legs, causing it to trip and fall with a crash. The cat was on the fallen animal in a flash, biting it's throat and holding it until it stopped moving after a bit of struggle. Jucser watched in awe, the cat was smaller then the others he'd seen in this new land but, its body was more densely muscled. Jucser circled around it, watching and sniffing. He hid in the grass behind the cat and watched hungrily as it fed on it's fallen prey, it's tail twitching back and forth as it ate. "Female?" Jucser questioned his eyes and he moved closer, he had a clear view of her rear and she was most certainly female. Jucser just couldn't believe that a female was that fast, she had passed him like a tan blur, none of the other cats he'd seen were that fast. Jucser looked her over once more, she was skinny but, muscular. Her tan fur was covered with small, black spots and she had a long tail which never seemed to stop moving. Her head was small, only slightly larger then his with small, round ears. "She beautiful..." he thought as he stumbled forward, the she-cat heard him and darted up a near by tree. He walked over to the kill and looked up at her, she was looking back at him, waiting for him to make his next move. Jucser approached the tree she was in and put his front paws on it while looking up, "Hi." The she-cat looked down at him with a strange expression, "Umm, hello..." she replied, not quite knowing how to respond. "What the heck is that?" she pondered, looking Jucser over, she'd never seen any thing like him before. Jucser was staring at her, his long red tail wagging back and forth. He was smaller then she was and didn't seem threatening so, the she-cat slowly made her way down the tree, watching him closely for any sudden movement, ready to either spring on him or charge back up the tree. When she reached the bottom, she leapt off the tree trunk and onto the ground, Jucser pranced over to her and sat down next to her, his tail still wagging. "So, come this way often?" Jucser asked, not knowing what else to say. "Well, yes, I live around here." the she-cat answered, examining Jucser a little closer, still not knowing what he was. "My names Jucser." he edged a little closer to her. "Mina." she replied while taking a step back. "Your fast." Jucser was obviously out of it, his unblinking eyes traced every curve on her body. "Ya, most cheetahs are." she tried to blew him off and started back to her kill with Jucser following close behind. Jucser laid down and rested his head on his front paws to watching her eat. Mina looked at him occasionally in between bites, noting how he stared at her dreamily. Mina was feeling a little flattered by the way Jucser was watching her, no one had ever paid this much a tension to her before. She gave a leg a good tug and tore it free, tossing it over to him. Jucser stood up and sat in front of the leg, "For me?" he questioned. "Well, I don't see any one else here." Mina replied with a grin and watched Jucser eat. He was the oddest animal she had ever saw, he was smaller then she was, with bright red fur and a thick, bushy red tail. Most of the animals she had ever seen were tan and she wondered why he was red, "Oh well, who knows." she thought and returned to eating. After they both finished eating, Mina laid down in the shade of a tree and began to clean the blood from her spotted coat. Jucser sat next her and also began to clean himself. He soon finished and watched her as she licked her paw and then rubbed it over the side of her face, trying to wash off the blood. Jucser quietly moved closer to her and gave her cheek a lick before leaning back, Mina looked into his eyes for a moment and then returned to grooming herself. Jucser again licked her cheek and continued doing it when he did not get a response the second time. Mina stopped cleaning herself and let Jucser continue his work. He licked her cheek and forehead, soon moving to her ear, his soft tongue working deep inside of it. Mina started to purr as he licked her, his tongue was much softer then her's, she'd never felt any thing like it before. Mina got lost in the moment and began licking Jucser's chest and then his chin, when she opened her eyes, she was nose to nose with him. They stared into each other's eyes, neither moving or speaking. Mina finally started to blush and turned her head, Jucser smiled and rubbed his head against her. Mina turned and licked his face, Jucser froze and allowed her to have her way, enjoying every second of it. She moved to his ear and licked the inside of it, trying to mimic what he had done to her. Jucser's hind leg started to kick slighty, her warm tongue felt good but, it was very rough and almost painful. A low moan escaped his muzzle as the mixture of pleasure and pain sent waves through his body. Mina stopped after what seemed like an eternity and looked at him once again, Jucser's muzzle was open and his tongue hung out. He looked back at her with a dazed expression on his face. Mina laughed and turned to lay down, flicking him with her tail as she did. Jucser shook out of his daze and danced around her, feeling new energy, Mina watched him for a moment and then rested her head on her paws. Once Jucser got himself under control, he laid down next to her and rubbed his head against her once more. Mina began purring and Jucser could feel her rumble next to him, he pushed himself closer to her, snuggle against the white fur of her stomach. Mina looked back at him and smiled, she'd been alone for so long, none of the other cheetahs she'd ever met seemed interested in her or made her feel the way her odd looking little friend did. She gave him another lick and rested her head on her paws before drifting into a pleasant slumber. --------------------------------------- A nature program I was watching about cheetahs inspired this story. I think they're the most beautiful of the big cats. I live in the northeastern USA and the only big cats we have are some lynxes in the woods behind me and I've been told there are some mountain lions out in the mountains but, I haven't seen any so, I don't know. I know this doesn't have any relevance to the story but, I was thinking, cheetahs have a problem breeding in captivity and I think its due to their surroundings in the zoos. I'd like to try raising a pair of cheetahs out in the country where I live, there's little or no prey animals and the only other animals here are farm animals so, they wouldn't feel intimidated. I say its because cheetahs are solitary animals and fear most other animals (except the ones they eat) in their natural habitat. I know having wild animals in this kind of environment wouldn't be good and I encourage any one who's thinking about bringing a wild animal into their house to rethink it, of course, every one around my area has odd animals like that. My neighbor has a serpentariam with snakes and reptiles, another raises exotic birds, another ferret, and many more have other animals like wolves and stuff.