Jucser's Journey (part 3) (c) 1998 by Killjoy Jucser awoke and let out a sigh as he stretched, shaking a bit before laying back down on his side. As he looked out over the grasslands before him, a paws draped over his side and around his belly. Jucser leaped out from under the paw and charged into the tall grass, turning once hidden to look back into the clearing he had just fled. There laying under a tree was Mina who looked in his direction with a questioning expression. Jucser took a deep breath and padded back into the clearing with a smile, as well as feeling rather stupid. Mina giggled and got up, arching her back as she stretched, her long tail standing straight out and trembling as her muscle twitched off the nights sleep. Jucser moved close and nuzzled her, lapping her chin playfully. "Good morning Jucser." Mina purred and licked his cheek. Jucser tried to respond but, only got out a "hellowwwwwwww....." before closing his eyes and almost melting from the licking. Mina giggled to herself again and sat on her hind quarters, canting her head as she looked at the fox, who was standing before her with his tongue hanging out. "You are quite the amusing little thing aren't you..." she jested and smiled at him. "I'm pretty affectionate too." Jucser responded happily and pressed his head against her chest, turning his body around to sit beneath her with his back pressed tightly against her tummy. Mina lowered herself and lightly laid on him, her paws on each side of him as she tilted her head and began to bathe the back of his neck. Jucser rested his head on his paws and moaned, attempting to wag his tail but, finding it pinned beneath her belly. He closed his eyes and relaxed while the she-cat groomed his head fur, licking it forward with her rough tongue and then lapping up along his ears, stopping to nibble at the black tips before giggling as he whimpered and trembled below her. Jucser's state of bliss suddenly snapped back to reality when Mina stopped bathing him and stood up, ears perked as she looked around. Jucser shook his head for a moment to clear it before looking about too, now noticing the sound of foot falls in the distance. Jucser got out from under Mina and sniffed at the air, "There's another big cat moving this way." he whispered and turned to look at Mina. "I know that." she responded quietly and started to back up. Jucser took her hint and started to back away from the unseen danger as well. Just as they almost reached the tall grass behind them, Mina screeched and leapt over him as a lion burst through the grass, knocking Jucser over as it darted after Mina. Jucser quickly regained his feet and snarled as the lion chased Mina out the other side of the clearing and he charged after them. Jucser found that he was in no way capable of moving through the grass as fast as they could but, Mina had ran out a ways and circled around, hoping to loose the lion. As Mina flashed past Jucser, the lion in close pursuit, he side stepped and snapped at the lion, managing to catch a hold of it's tail and being pulled along with it. The lion caught unexpectedly, spun around to face the attacker but, tripped as it did, it's speed and sudden stumble snapped the small fox around and sent him flying through the air. Jucser rolled through the grass a bit and just as he was beginning to regain his senses, fangs grasped him by the scruff of the neck and he was once more being dragged through the grass. After a bit of running, he was released and what ever had been carrying him collapsed behind him. Jucser got up and turned around, fangs bared ready to fight but, found Mina laying there, panting very heavily. "Mina, are you ok?" he questioned as he moved closer to her. "You know... pant... your heavier... pant... then you look." she replied and dropped her head onto the ground. Jucser nuzzled her cheek and laid down next to her side, his eyes never leaving her face. When Mina finally caught her breath, she looked over at Jucser, "What were you thinking? Attacking a lion like that?" she said with a tone of anger. "It was chasing you.... I wanted to protect you..." Jucser whimpered and lower his head. Mina got to her feet and pushed her head against Jucser, "Thank you." Jucser looked up into Mina golden, slitted eyes and smiled. Mina smiled back and playfully cuffed his leg, "Silly little thing." "Fox..." Jucser stated and licked her nose, "I'm a fox." "Fox?" Mina repeated, "I've never head that word before." "Well, I've never seen a cat as pretty as you." Jucser replied and smiled, watching her blush. "Well my little fox, we've lost our meal to that brute so, we'll have to go catch some more." Mina stated and turned around, bopping Jucser in the head with her tail as she did. Jucser playfully nipped the end of her tail and padded up to stand at her side, "Well, lets get at it then." Mina lead Jucser to a near by water hole and they both drank their fill to prepare for the hunt ahead. When they finished, Mina lapped some water from Jucser's muzzle and padded off, bopping him in the nose with her tail as she did. Jucser sat staring at her rear as it wiggled with the motion of her walking, then shook his head and ran after her. The pair walked for a little bit and Mina crouched down, "Do you smell that?" she asked. Jucser raised his nose to the wind, picking up a slightly pungent yet compelling scent which flowed over him, carried by the wind from before him. "Mmmm.... Smells heavenly." he muttered and looked at the cheetah with in a slight daze. Mina glanced back at him and blushed for a moment, "Nooo..... I meant the gazelle in the distance." "Oh... ya ya, that's what I smell too.." Jucser replied, trying to cover the fact that he had been admiring her scent. The two crept low to the ground closer to the source of the scent, Mina stopped to stand, camouflaged by her fur, and get a better look. "There's 5 of them a little bit ahead of us. Luckily the wind is in our favor and we can take one easily." Mina stated with the confidence of a experienced hunter. Jucser laid down and watched Mina prepare for the chase, her tail flicking from side to side, paws flexing, back slightly arched, all in all a beautiful site, specially when viewed from behind. With no word or warning, Mina sprang into action, leaving a small cloud of dust behind her, as well as one fox, as she sprinted off through the grass after her prey. Jucser tried to raise up onto his hind legs and watch as Mina raced after the gazelle who broke up as they ran till the she-cat was chasing just one of them who zigged and zagged, trying every trick it could to elude the feline which pursued it. In the end, the gazelle lucked out and Mina grew too tired to keep up, being only able to maintain her great speed for a few seconds. She soon slowed and came to a stop, panting heavily as her prey bounded away. "Grrrr... Damn It!" she yelled and lowered her head as Jucser ran to her, taking a little bit to reach her and sit down next to her. "You ok Mina?" He asked innocently. "Ya... I'm just dandy." Mina replied with a tone of sarcasm. Jucser lowered his head and rested it against the cheetah's heaving chest, trying to comfort her. Mina looked down at the fox before her all thoughts of anger or the lost kill melted away, replaced with a soothing feeling of happiness. She soon caught her breath and leaned over to lap Jucser's ear a couple of time. Jucser looked up at her, his greenish eyes sparking in the light. Jucser turned and backed under Mina to sit as he did before, expecting her to lay on him and bathe him once more but, much to his surprise, the she-cat stepped over him and laid down in front of him. She purred softly and bopped his muzzle with a few flick from her long tail before resting her chin on her paws. Once more Jucser's keen valupine senses detected the pungent odder, a bit stronger this time. The little fox half closed his eyes and followed his nose to the source, finding him nose now under Mina's tail. Mina looked back over her shoulder at him with a coy feline smile, the black lines along her face shifting a bit with her grin. Jucser peered back at her over her haunches as his silky-soft, tiny tongue flicked out to taste of her cunny. Mina arched her back and raised her tail high, cooing at the heat of Jucser's tongue which lapped at her sex, "Soooo Softtttt..." she purred. Jucser continued his bathing, more then willingly, slowly working her nether lips until they were damp and loose before slipping his tongue in between them to lick her a bit deeper. Mina responded to all this with whimpers and shivers in addition to her growing purr which became louder with every passing second, her hips slowly beginning to move up and down, almost as if they were being lifted by each lap of the fox's tongue. After Jucser had licked Mina's mound to what seemed was loose and wet enough, as well as having coated his muzzle in her wetness by this time, he stop and raised his nose up under her tail to give her tail hole a quick licking. Mina trembled and raised her rear into the air, almost a little too high for the smaller fox. Jucser finally pulled away from the cheetah's pucker and looked up at her face, looking for a OK to go further. Mina glanced back at him with a dazed look and grinned, obviously enjoying his attention and willing to accept any thing he was willing to give her. Jucser did not hesitate further as he turned and quickly mounted the uplifted hindquarters, his valupine shaft probing at her with short thrusts in search of the muff which his tongue had so skillfully prepared for it. It only took one lucky stab to get his tip in before his hip drove him into the she-cat's tightness, and boy was it tighter then he'd expected, the contracting tunnel about his maleness was almost as tight as some of the females of his own kind. As Jucser thrusted forward to bury his entire length into Mina, he felt his pointed tip push through something and Mina threw her head back with a snarl, giving him the impression he had just taken her maidenhood, having broke her hymen. Jucser yipped as he began his assault on Mina's slit, his little fore paws holding tightly around her hips as he humped, driving deeply and never pulling back more then half way. Mina let out a growl of excitement as the fox drilled her from behind, her feline tail draping over his back and partly wrapping around him as her body tensed. Mina suddenly took in a quick breath and shivered, her sex quivering about Jucser's length as his sheath fur began to grow damp, her love honey dribbling forth as she climaxed. Jucser responded with a long howl as he pumped harder, his growing knot slipping in and out of Mina's orgasmic cunny. With a squeezing of his fore paws and a hard thrust of his hips, Jucser buried his throbbing cock within the she-cat up to it's roots, lodging his fully engorged knot. The little fox tried his best to keep thrusting but, with the size of his knot and the tightening of Mina's muff from her climatic contractions, his movements were very limited. Jucser clung weakly to Mina's hips, his tail wagging in short pulses in time with his once spurts, eyes closed and panting. Mina was in a similar condition, back arched as she lifted her head to look sky ward, tongue hanging out the side of her muzzle as she gasped for breath. Mina was the first to regain her senses, resting her chin on her paws to bathe in the after glow while Jucser tried to relax against her hind quarters, still panting and wiggling his hips slowly, rubbing his swollen shaft around within the tight confines of the she-cat's walls. Jucser let out a weak sigh of contentment and nuzzled Mina's back gently, occasionally lapping her spotted fur. There the two laid, locked in their union, purring and cooing to one another to express their affection. After about 20 minutes, Jucser's swelling had softened enough for him to slip free, which he did after giving a couple more quick thrusts at Mina's slit which had relaxed as his shaft receded, making her whimper and shiver. Jucser clawed around to lay next to Mina, lapping her cheek and chin, the cheetah returning his attention with lapping of her own, their tongues occasionally washing over one another's. Mina let out a sigh and rested her head on her paw closest to Jucser who followed her lead, resting his head on his paw to lay cheek-to-cheek with her. Mina Gave Jucser a glance with a smile before closing her eyes to nap, her tail flicking slightly till it managed to overlap Jucser's and with that, they both drifted off to sleep together. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I apologize for how long it's taking me to write this series but, between work and other things, I don't have the time I need to sit down and write. Getting inspired is another problem. Most of the time when I do get inspired, I'm at work and can't do any thing about it. I'm not sure just how many part I'll do on this series, I was only planning to do one or two more but, I might end up doing a few more after that