My canine wife (c)1997 by Killjoy "Hey Brian, what's up?" Sam said as he jogged by. Brian turned away from the car he was washing and waved to Sam. Brian returned to washing his car, admiring his reflection in the glossy shine. The bright summer sun was high over head and its rays were warming his thick red and white fur, he sprayed the water hose into the air and let it rain down upon his half naked fox body. "I love the summer, its the best time of the year." he said to himself and looked around, seeing many of his neighbor also enjoying the weather, children playing in the streets and adults working around their yards. As Brian was finishing, Sue ran from behind the house and round the end of the car, coming to a stop beside Brian. "Hi honey." Brian jested as he patted her head. He thought about how his parents had always wanted grand children and how his father had said he'd never have any kids when the only girl in his life was his german shepherd Sue. Brian sprayed the hose next to Sue, who lapped at the stream of cool water which sprang forth from the end. Brain laughed to himself at the irony of they relationship, Sue was the only girl in his life as well as the only creature in the world he truly loved. He'd raised her from a pup and had spent the past few years together. He stood there for a moment, lost in past memories of days gone by. He remembered how he spent last Christmas home alone, only Sue was there for him as the phone lines were down and he couldn't contact his parents who lived several states away. "I can't believe how much she means to me." he thought to himself. Sue turned and looked into his eyes, as if she had heard his thoughts. She let out a low whine and Brian fell to his knees and hugged her, "Well, I don't think this car is going to get any cleaner, lets head in and get some thing to eat." Sue's ears perked up and the two raced to the front door. Sue won as usual and Brian gave her another pat as he opened the door. They both entered the kitchen and Brian filled a bowl with water for Sue before making himself a sandwich, then went to the living room and turned on the television. Sue soon joined him and received half of Brian's sandwich, he'd always spoiled her like that, feeding her from the table and buying stakes just for her. Sue curled up in front of him on the thick dog rug he had bought for her and fell asleep. Brian too was beginning to feel drowsy until the phone rang, he answered it and found his father at the other end. "Hey boy, how's the wife?" Brian hated it when his father asked that because he was joking about Sue. "Real funny dad, Sue's ok, how's mom?" Brian replied. "She's cooking supper and I thought I'd inquire about the progress of our grand kids before sitting down to eat." "Damn it dad, why do you keep doing this, I haven't met the right girl yet and when I do, I'll be sure to call you.", Brian's voice raised in anger. "Ok, ok, we'll talk later." Brian's father said before hanging up. Brian slammed the phone down, "God do I hate it when he does that." Sue raised her head and looked at Brian. He was changing the channels on the television rapidly, his anger was still very obvious. She stood up and placed her head on his lap, still staring up at him. When their eyes met, all of his rage melted away. Brian put down the remote and began rubbing Sue's head. Sue loved the attention and often tried to get Brian to pet her when he was mad, it always seemed to calm him. A few days later...... Brian awoke to the sound of his alarm clock, he reached over and shut it off. As he rolled back over, he found himself nose to nose with Sue. Sue had always slept with him in bed but, normally at the end of the bed. "Sue, what do you think your doing?" Brian asked, receiving a wet lick across his muzzle as an answer. He chuckled to himself as he wrapped his arms around her, "Well, as long as you don't tell any one we sleep like this, I guess its ok." Sue wagged her tail and licked him again. As they laid there, Brian noticed a sweet fragrance, it only took him a moment to realize what it was. Sue was in heat, his keen fox sense of smell had detected it in the past and he wasn't surprised by it this time. "So, that's why your so loving this morning, you think I'm your big stud do you?", he jested as he rubber her head playfully, "Well, I wish I could meet a nice young vixen who was as eager as you." Sue wriggled about in his arms, wrestling with him as they had before. Brian leaned back and kicked off the covers, exposing his nude body to the morning sun which poured in through the windows. As he laid there enjoying the sun, Sue stood up and moved to his waist where she began to nose at his white furred sheath. "Hey! What do you think your doing?", Brian pushed her head away. Sue quickly returned to nosing and licking at his sheath. Brian was going to push her away again but, it felt good to have some one paying attention to him in that way. It had been a long time since he'd been with a woman and even though Sue was just a dog, it was nice to have her doing that. As Sue worked, the tip of Brian's pink shaft slowly poked out from the end of his sheath. Sue quickly began lapping at it, coaxing it further out of the sheath. Brian thrusted a little at her muzzle, enjoying the feeling of her soft tongue against his shaft. As he began to respond, Sue turned her butt to him and held her tail to one side. "Come on Sue, don't stop now, it was just getting good.", Brian said, pushing her butt away in an attempt to get her to return to her activities. Sue turned and began licking at his muzzle again, this time though, Brian licked back. He pulled her to him, making her straddle his body. She laid down on him and continued licking his muzzle and face. "Brian, what are you doing?" he thought to himself, "You know she thinks your just another dogs because you look like one." Even though he argued what was happening in his head, his body continued on the path it had taken. They continued licking each other until Sue felt the tip of his member pushing against her, where upon she stood up. Brian snapped out of his inner conflict to stare up at her, she was now standing over him, staring deeply into his eyes. "Ok, if that's what you want, who am I to argue?", Brian stated and Sue step off him and down onto the floor. There she took a pose with her tail cocked to one side, exposing her mound to him. Brian climbed out of bed and kneeled behind her, he inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet smell of her heat. It wasn't a smell that had ever really excited him before but, it almost seemed to smell different some how now. He leaned forward and gave her a closer examination, her mound was slightly reddened and looked very moist. The end of his muzzle was only a inch from her mound and she felt his hot breath on her sensitive flesh, Sue stiffened her legs, pushing herself back slightly and causing Brian's nose to touch her. At this, Brian's tongue lashed out instinctively, lapping at the juices he found there. He raised a hand to her hips to steady her and continued caressing her lips with his tongue, working over them and eventually parting them. Pushing his tongue into her, he could feel how hot she was, and it excited him more. Brian moved closer, resting his chest on her back, his shaft nearly touching her. He reached back and found her slit with his fingers, guiding his member into place and pushed into the warm moistness that soon surrounded him. She was tight but, not so as to cause either discomfort and as Brian began to work, Sue became wetter and he slid in with less resistance after every thrust. She was so hot around him, and she felt much better then any one he had ever been with before. "Sue honey, why haven't we ever done this before?" Brian said into her ear as he pistoned, working himself deeper and deeper. Sue pushed back against him, forcing as much of him into her as she could. Her mouth hung open as she panted, Brian's arms tight around her waist. He could feel his knot growing and decided that if this was going to happen, he'd rather be laying down. He lifted her in his arms, still deeply engulfed in her and put her on the bed, pulling her with him until they were both on their sides. Sue squirmed a little until Brian began thrusting again, his knot slipping in and out of her. With a powerful push, Brian sank his knot deep into her, locking them together. He could feel her muscle quivering around him and his orgasm began. His shaft pulsed, pumping load after load of hot fox cum into her. Brian held her tightly, using short thrusts to continue to pleasure her, as he found it hard to move within her. A low moan escaped Sue's muzzle as she began to reach her own limits, her muscles contracting around him. Brian was in pure ecstasy, his eyes closed tightly as he continued to send his fiery seed deep within her. His lips contorted, baring his teeth as a half moan, half growl rumbled forth. As his body began to relax, his hold on Sue loosened but, she made no attempt to move, she had no intention of leaving this wonderful sensation she had found. As they laid there, Brian's shaft continued to twitch and dance within her, his balls rapidly emptying. Brian regained his strength and leaned over her, licking her muzzle. Sue turned her head and repaid his attentions. The two continued there embrace for what seemed like an eternity until Brian's knot began to soften, although he wasn't interested in pulling free. "Well dad, you wanted grand kids, I hope you don't mind if they walk on all fours.", Brian laughed to himself as he hugged Sue tightly again. ---------------------------------------------------------- This story is a late Christmas gift to a friend of mine. I hope he likes it as well as all those who read it. I personally like doing furry/non-furry stories as not many writers address the fact that if the furries exist, where are all the non-furries. My worlds include both with the exception that they are treated in much the same way as we treat them.