Lion Around (c) 1998 by Killjoy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *WARNING* This story contains sexual content and a short scene with violence, thus making it really cool. *WARNING* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marie sniffed the air and crouched down in the tall grass, her tail flicking form side to side as she looked out over the fields. Her mouth began to water as she spotted a small gazelle quietly grazing on the grass of the field, totally relaxed in the noon days sun. Marie crept along silently through the grass towards the gazelle, her golden-tan fur blending with the grass to conceal her. Marie lifted her head slightly, her whispers twitching as she tests the breeze. She is in luck as the wind if blowing against her, carrying her prey's scent to her while blowing her's away. Marie continued to move, keeping low to the ground and never taking her eyes off the gazelle. She approached the gazelle from behind and could not believe how close she was getting, she would normally have been noticed by now. Marie lifted her head and looked at the gazelle who was cheerfully nibbling grass, and then leapt into the air, bringing her full weight down upon it. The gazelle let out a cry as she was knocked off her feet and found herself pinned to the ground with a lioness' fangs about her throat. "NO...PLEASE DON"T KILL ME!!!" the gazelle chocks out a plea as Marie tightened her grip, cutting off the gazelle's oxygen. "Marie..." a voice boomed from behind the two. Marie let loose of the gazelle's throat and looks behind her, finding Lynar standing over her, his thick mane rippling in the breeze. "Lynar? I didn't notice your approach." Marie said as she started to get up, almost forgetting about the gazelle beneath her. She turned and growled into the gazelle's ear, "Don't move." and the gazelle nodded fearfully as she panted to catch her breath. "Why did you bring down some thing so small?" Lynar asked as he sat down next to Marie, nuzzling her neck. "Well, I don't see you doing any hunting..." she replied and nuzzled him back, rubbing her muzzle through his mane. The gazelle turned her head to look but, a paw on her neck forced it back down, "I said stay still!" Marie snarled. Marie looked back up at Lynar who was giving her a odd smile, "What?" she asked. Lynar lowered his immense head down and looked the gazelle in the eyes, seeing how scared she was. "Do you want to live?" he coyly questioned. "Oh Lynar, not again...." Marie whined as she realized what he was getting at. Lynar grinned at Marie and returned to staring at the gazelle, "Well, do you?" "Y-y-yes s-sir..." She stammered in response, "I d-do want to live." Lynar smiles and took a step to the side, using his muzzle to lift Marie's belly till she was standing, his nose then lowering to sniff at the gazelle's rear. The gazelle looked back at him, trembling as she tried to guess at what he had in mind. Lynar laid down and put his huge paw on the gazelle's rear, giving it a squeeze as he nosed at her tail, lifting it so he could sniff her mound. The gazelle began to whimper and then shook as she felt a raspy tongue washing over her sex, parting the lips as it worked. Marie continued to hold the gazelle down with her paws but, turned her head to avoid looking at either of them. "I still don't see what you get out of doing that to the prey..." she mumbled. Lynar ignored her and lapped at the gazelle's cunny, savoring the taste and purring. After a few moments he began to rub his finger against her now moist mound, then pushing it in. The gazelle let out a weak grunt as her lips were parted by the lion's large digit, her mound penetrated by the clawed finger which now probed about within her. Lynar's finger rubbed around within the gazelle for a moment and then was pulled free and licked clean, Lynar rolled over and looked at her face again. "We'll let you go BUT, the next time you see must come to me and allow me to have you. After that, your debt to me will be paid. Deal?" he purred. The gazelle looked back at him in surprise, "You wish to mate me?" "Yes, I could eat you if you wish..." he playfully replied. "NO! That's ok, I'll accept your deal." the gazelle replied. Marie took her paws of the gazelle and stepped away, turning her back to the whole thing. The gazelle got up and hurriedly brushed herself off, then paused as Lynar had moved to stand close to her. He put a paw on one of her breasts and squeezed, "Now remember, you must come to me next time I see you or we will hunt you down and not be as gentle." The gazelle nodded and then ran off, not wanting to be around in case Lynar changed his mind. "Why do you let all our food go like that?" Marie said angrily, her tail flicking about. "Oh honey, I don't let them all go. And besides, they come back..." Lynar responded and stepped close to her, rubbing her shoulder to calm her. "I know they come back. That's part of your DEAL." she said and stepped away from his grasp. "Come on Marie, lighten up. I just like playing with my food, that's all." Lynar replied and reached out to her. "Well, I just wish you'd spend a little more time playing with me instead of your little whores." she said with a grin. Lynar stepped closer to Marie and hugged her, "Would now be a good time?" Marie smiled and said "A good as time as any.", returning his hug and slapping his leg with her tail. Marie rested her head against Lynar's furry chest, which was easy as he was taller then she was. He tilted his head and kissed the top her head, his mane hanging down and tickling her nose. Lynar gave her another hug and then lifted her into his arms, carrying her to a more secluded area in the tall grass. He set her down on her back gently and kneeled before her, carefully parting her legs and then nuzzling the fur around her mound. Marie let out a moan as his tongue began to wash over her sex, its rough surface stroking the fur with each pass. Lynar held her hips in his huge paws as he lapped at her, his tongue parting her lips and tasting her juices which soon began to flow forth as she panted and sighed. He nosed at her muff and then crawled onto her, his feline lips clamping down around one of her nipples as he began to nurse. Marie moaned as his paw squeezed her other breast, a finger circling the nipple which soon filled and became harder. Lynar began to purr and nip Marie's nipple, causing her to moan in pleasure. Lynar gave her another strong suck and then began to rub his sheath against her mound, the pink tip of his shaft slowly peeking out. As he rubbed, Lynar's sheath became wet with her juices and his growing shaft begins to part her lips, making him start to thrust more then rub. Marie paused in her moaning and pushed Lynar off her, lying there and staring at him blankly. "What? What's wrong?" he questioned as he sat down and looked her over. "Nothing... I just don't want to do it that way." she replied and rolled over with a grin, lifting her rear into the air for him, her tail flicking across her back to allow him a clear view. Lynar flashed her a wicked grin and took hold of her rear with both paws as he lowered his head to take a good, long sniff. Lynar then moved closer and began to rub the tip of his now erect shaft between Marie's vagina lips, wetting it with her juices and his own pre cum. Marie purred softly as Lynar pushed forward, slowly penetrating her, inch by wondrous inch until his furry sheath was firmly pressed against her. Lynar began to thrust slowly at first, softly bumping his hips into Marie's rear with each stroke and then he sped up, pulling her hips to him to mirror his actions. Marie let out a moaning purr as Lynar continued to slam against her, his full 7 inches driving into her, the tiny barbs along its length lightly tugging at the walls of her mound as he worked. Lynar leaned over Marie's back, wrapping his arms around her waist and lightly biting a hold of the nape of her neck, holding her tightly as he continued to piston into her wet sex. Marie began to moan louder, the slight pain of Lynar's fangs on her neck and his hot breath steaming over her were sending her over the edge. Lynar noticed the walls of Marie's mound begin to quiver about his shaft and then clench down, wrapping tightly about it and she climaxed, her sex becoming sopping wet as her juices began to flow forth. This proved Lynar's undoing as he too peeked, letting go of Marie's neck and giving a deafening roar, his seed bursting out into her cunny, filling her womb with it's thick warmth. Marie began to buck her hips back against Lynar, continuing to stimulate her overly stimulated mound. Lynar slowly rested his weight on Marie's back, forcing her to lay down with him on top of her, his member still twitching deep within her. The two laid in the ground, panting for air and enjoying the warmth of one another's touch, Lynar rubbing his cheek against Marie's back who reached back and squeezed his rear. Marie took a deep breath and sighed, "Looks like your needed..." Lynar looked down at her and then around his surroundings, finding a couple female springbok standing in the distance, staring eagerly at him. "Oh, my fan club..." Lynar purred and licked Marie's ear, "They can wait, I'm with you now..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was written for two reasons, I had the basic idea rolling around in my head but, with non-morph animals. The second reason was Kitoth from yiffnet asked me to do a yiffy lion story and I had some spare time to work on it. I hope every one enjoys it, of course I won't know if you do so, I'll just have to guess at it.