My life, my lover (c)1998 by Killjoy "I'm worried about Frank, its just not normal for a boy his age to carry around a stuffed toy all the time." Mary looked around the kitchen, making sure they were alone, "I got it for him on his 15th birth day as sort of a gag gift but, I never thought it would have lead to this." "It does seem like a humorous thing and I still don't see what's wrong with the way he's taken to it." Jenny questioned. "Well, its the way he's clung to it, he sleeps with it, carries it around all the time on his shoulder and never goes any where with out it." Mary explained, "I mean how many 16 year old boys do you know that do that? And the worse part about it is when I ask him about it, he just tells me that he loves her and won't be parted with her." "Her? He thinks it's a her?" Jenny gasped. "Yes! He calls her Measha and he talks to her." Mary shook her head "I tried to take it away once and he tackled me and pulled it away, if only you'd seen his face Jenny. He looked as if he would have hit me if I hadn't let go." Jenny started to speak but, stopped short as Frank opened the door and stepped in. "Hello mother, hello Jenny." he said as he removed his shoes and made his way into the living room, Mary and Jenny traded glances before they both got up and headed into the living room after him. Frank was reclining on the couch, stroking Measha with one hand and changing channels with the other. Mary and Jenny found seats across the room from him and watched him closely, occasionally looking at one another. Frank tilted his head and began to rub against Measha with his cheek until he noticed the two staring at him. He gave them a disgusted look and turned back to the television. Mary waved to Jenny and the two returned to the kitchen "See what I mean." Mary whispered, Jenny nodded and looked back at the living room. They whispered back and forth for a while, then Mary walked Jenny to the door, "I wish you luck." Jenny said as she left. Mary nodded and wished her a safe trip back to her house and waved as she backed her car into the street and pulled away. Mary returned to the living room and sat in the chair next to Frank, trying to maintain her attention on the television and not look at him. After watching an hour of cartoons, Mary when into the kitchen and began to prepare dinner. As she was finishing setting the table, Franks father came home from work "Hey honey..." he inhaled deeply, "Boy does that small good." He gave her a quick hug and headed into the living room, "Hey squirt, how's Measha?" he messed Frank's hair before sitting down in his recliner. Mary called them to dinner and sat down to eat, Frank sat in his seat, Measha laying across his shoulder. "Honey, don't you think you should leave Measha in the living room while you eat?" Mary asked politely. "Why?" he responded while piling food onto his plate. "Well..." she looked to her husband for support, "Son, maybe your mom's right, you might drop her on your plate and get her all dirty." Mary hated it when he humored Frank like that. "Don't worry dad, I won't drop her." Frank replied as her rubber his cheek across her back. They finished dinner with out speaking another word, although Mary occasionally glance at her husband, still wishing he would help her more in ridding her son of his toy. John, her husband, always argued it was just a phase he was going through and that he'd grow out of it soon. After dinner they returned to the living room where John and Mary watched the news and Frank did his home work. At eight, Frank put his books away and prepared for bed, brushing his teeth and throwing his clothes into the hamper. Mary quietly approached his room, hoping to observe him with out him noticing. Her stealthy approach allowed her to see Frank laying in bed with Measha on his bare chest, he rubbed her back and forth across his chest and stomach. Mary stepped into the room, "Lights out honey." She pulled the covers up around his neck and kissed his forehead. She turned out the lights as she left and stopped just outside the door, after a few moments of silence, she could faintly hear Frank talking. She couldn't quite make out what he was saying but, could tell he was talking. She finally looked into his room and just as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Frank noticed her and pulled the covers back up over him. "What were you doing sweetie?" she asked, watching him tug at the sheets that covered him. "Nothing mom, just trying to get comfortable." Mary turned and walked to the living room to join John with the TV. After making sure his mom was gone, Frank threw back the covers once more and pull his underwear down slightly, exposing his semi erect member. "Ok Measha, where were we?" he teased as he stroked Measha's back. Her head turned to look at him and then turned to his member, her small legs twitched and slowly pulled her to it. Upon reaching it, she raised her head and a small, pink tongue lashed out across it's head. Frank slowly stroked her back as she worked her soft, felt like tongue around his now hardening shaft. Measha crawled around and onto his member, her tiny limbs grasping around it. Frank reached down and took hold of her sides, her tongue still lapping at him. He began to slowly stroke himself with her body, her tail draped down across his balls, its soft fur dragging back and forth against them with every stroke. With every pass, Measha's tongue slid along him. The two worked for a while, Frank moving her and Measha licking. This went on until Frank began to fell his muscles tightening, where upon he pulled Measha off his member and positioned her on his stomach in front of the head. Measha's tongue disappeared and her small mouth opened, she moved closer and covered the end as much as she can, preparing to receive the upcoming load. Frank didn't disappoint her as he continued stroking and his face contorted, his legs bucked and his back arched. Measha's body trembled as her waiting mouth was filled with the rich treat she so loved. After a few short pulses, Frank began to stroke once more, hoping to milk every last drop into his plushie lover. In the end, Measha returned to licking the head, cleaning off the last remnants of his juices and a final spurt that suddenly leaked out. Frank put his hands behind his head and allowed her to complete her task, watching as the pink tongue flicked around the head of his slowly softening member. Upon completion, Measha turned to face him and Frank pulled her onto his chest where he caressed and stroked her. After both were calm once again, Frank readjusted his underwear and pulled the sheets back up around his neck. Measha's small head poked out from under the covers and Frank kissed the end of her nose. He put both hands on her and held her against his chest, "Mom, if only you could understand what Measha meant to me, you'd stop asking why I carry her around every where with me. She's mine and I'll never let her go." ---------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure exactly what promoted this story but, I can list a couple things that might have contributed to it. I just got back from watching "American werewolf in London" and I'm watching a special on vampires. I have Sosha (my beanie baby skunk) laying across my shoulder as usual while I watch TV and work. You figure it out (no, the age and other descriptions in this story are not depictions of me, I'm much older). Also, I've never done a plushie story and thought "why not?" AND, if your wondering why I never mentioned what Measha looked like, its because this way, those of you who are plushphiles can imagine she was what ever type on plushie your interested in.