My life, my lover 2 (c)1998 by Killjoy "Well honey, I'm just worried about you, that's all." Mary pleaded with her son. "Look mom, I'm ok and there's nothing wrong with me taking Measha with me all the time. Why does it bother you so much?" Frank questioned as he stopped at the door, he was on his way to school and his mother had began nagging him again about taking his plushie with him. "Its just that your almost 17, don't you think your a little old for toys?" Mary knew she wasn't going to win this argument but, she wasn't going to back down either. "Lots of people collect odd stuff and others carry stranger things around with them than Measha. Would it be better if I acted like some of the other weirdos in my school and started smoking and stuff?" Frank had argued this question before and know exactly how to handle it. "Look mom, can we finish this later? I'm going to be late for school." Mary nodded and Frank opened the door, making his way to the garage to get his bike and head to school. He always rode to school because he hated the bus, "The bus is for little kids." he thought as he peddled. The day passed quickly and Frank soon found himself in lunch, his favorite time of the day. It was the only time he could sneak away to the bathroom and talk to Measha. Frank looked under the door of each stall to make sure no one was there, then went into one and closed the door. "Its all clear Measha." he said as he opened his belt pouch and coaxed her out of her hiding place. Measha poked her head out and looked around before climbing out. She crawled onto Frank's leg and he began to stroke her back, she loved to be stroked and he loved to do it. Frank caressed her for a while and then looked at his watch, "5 minutes left, enough time for me to grab a carton of milk and head to my next class." Frank put Measha back into his pouch and left for the cafeteria to get some milk which he drank on his way to his last class of the day, throwing the empty carton in the trash as he walked through the door. As he rode home at the end of the day, he was trying to think of some new things to say to his mom the next time she started up about him and Measha, "Well mom, I sleep with her because it would be a little hard to cum in her mouth if she was in my toy box. Ya, if I could only tell her that, she'd flip out." As he approached the front door, he prepared himself for the questions and arguments he knew were waiting for him. He entered and found his mother sitting in the living room watching television, "Hi mom." he said as he threw his backpack on the floor. "Oh, hello Frank." she said and turned back to the TV, frank was shocked, he expected her to start right back in about their argument from this morning. Frank pulled Measha out from his pouch and put her on his shoulder, "Ummm, how are you feeling mom?" Mary turned back to him, "I'm fine, why?" "Well, I thought you might have wanted to finish our conversation." he almost hit himself for saying that but, it was eating at him how calm she was. "No dear I don't, I've finally realized that your growing up and I shouldn't mother you so much." Frank's jaw dropped at her words. "So...Your ok with it then?" he questioned. "Yes. You just go on and do what ever makes you happy." she smiled at him and turned back to the TV. Frank walked over to her and gave her a big hug, "Thanks mom, I really hated fighting about it all the time." He then opened his backpack and took out his home work, hoping to get it done before dinner. A few days passed without Mary mentioning any thing about Measha to Frank and he still couldn't believe that she had finally accepted it. It was one of those things that seemed to good to be true but, it was true, he was finally free of the arguing and complaining. Frank laid in bed holding Measha on his chest, resting after finishing their nightly session, Measha squirmed a little in his hands and he let her slip free. She crawled down to his stomach and then back up to his chest, dragging her furry belly and tail across his skin. As she reached the left side of his chest, she began licking at his nipple, her pink tongue flashing back and forth across it. Frank knew what she was doing and simply laid still, allowing her to do as she pleased. As she worked, blood slightly filled his nipple, causing it to swell and rise. Measha began to mouth it, her tongue working it around and she would close her mouth around it. Frank simply watched, enjoying her actions while observing with great interest. He could soon feel the ends of her tiny, needle-like teeth brushing across his nipple and then a quick nip. It didn't hurt much, only a slight pinch and that was all there was to it. Measha leaned back, allowing Frank to see the small droplet of blood that was forming. She then moved back to his nipple, licking and sucking, drinking the sweet red liquid which slowly flowed from the tiny wound she had inflicted. It wasn't truly painful, only the initial nip hurt and Frank kind of got off on the sensation. For some reason, Measha did this from time to time, it only lasted for a few minutes and then she would go to sleep. Frank put his hands around the muscle of his chest and squeezed, hoping to push out a little more blood for her. Frank had never figured out why she did this but, it was sort of a pleasurable act so he didn't mind and was willing to do any thing to keep the his little plushie lover happy. Measha soon finished and licked a final droplet from his nipple before curling up under his chin to sleep. Frank patted her and closed his eye, he to was also tired. "What would I ever do without you?" he thought as he pictured her in his mind, remembering all the lonely night that she has been there for him. Life was good, his mother had finally come to terms with him having Measha with him and he know that now, nothing would ever pull them apart. He smiled contently as he drifted off to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------ Well, this story is more what I had in mind for the first one but, I ended the first one more tamely then planned. Hey, let me know what you think of this series (well, not really a series) and if you liked the first one better then the second.