My life, my lover 3 (c)1998 by Killjoy BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Frank smacked the snooze button on the alarm clock and rolled over and drifted back to sleep. Measha slowly crawled around to the side of his head and began to lick the inside of his ear, she loved teasing him like that. Frank laughed a little but, didn't wake up so Measha moved to the second stage of her wake up method. She crawled along his side under the covers and then up onto his stomach. Once there, she nosed her way into his underwear and began licking his member. It wasn't long before Frank's hand instinctively moved down and started stroking her back. He soon awoke drowsily and threw back the covers, smiling as he saw Measha's furry tail sticking out for his underwear. He gave her rear a soft pat and then pulled her out. Frank kissed the end of her nose and placed her on his pillow while he got dressed, Measha watched him for a while and then curled up to doze. As Frank finished dressing, he noticed her and quietly snuck over to the bed. He gentle caressed her, stroking her back and then cupped her in his hands. He lifted her to him and kissed her again, Measha opened her eyes and yawned. Frank placed her on his shoulder and made his way to the kitchen for breakfast, his mother had a bowl of cereal waiting for him. Frank ate his breakfast and then gathered his books together, throwing them into his backpack. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then to his room to get his belt pouch in which he placed Measha. His mother met him at the door, handing him lunch money and kissing him goodbye. Frank grabbed his bike from the garage and headed to school. During social studies, Frank began to daydream about Measha. He imagined how nice it would be if his parents knew Measha was alive and he could play with her while they were watching, he'd always hated it when he had to wait till he went to bed to be with her. Frank rubbed his belt pouch as he dreamed, not noticing that the teacher had stopped talking and the whole class was staring at him. "Frank, Frank Howards, wake up!" the teachers shrill voice snapped him out of his day dream. "George Washington." Frank blurted out, all the class laughed until the teach got them back under control. "So Frank, is history that boring for you or is it that you already know it all?" his teacher asked sarcastically as she walked towards him. "No, its not boring its just..." Frank searched his mind for an excuse. "Well, then you must know it all then. Ok mister expert, what year did Columbus cross over to America?" she eyed his angrily. "Ummm, 1492." he replied, history wasn't his strong point but, he had managed to remember that old rhyme. "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." He stated, hoping to add to her anger. His teacher simply turn and walked back to the front of the class, shaking her head for a second and then resuming the lesion. At the end of the day, Frank was unlocking the chain that held his bike when Jennifer ran up behind him, "Hey Frank, that was funny when you stumped old lady Townson like that." Frank turned to look at the young red-headed girl behind him, "Umm, thanks." He then turned back to finish removing his chain. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" Jennifer asked as she walked around him. "Spending some time with an old friend." He answered and patted his belt pouch. "Oh, OK.. Well, I'll see you later then." Jennifer responded weakly and headed to the bus. "Boy I wish she'd stop bugging me, she like the little sister I never wanted." Frank laughed to himself. Frank mounted his bike and headed him, remembering the days events as he traveled. "I'm home.." Frank called out as he opened the front door, getting no response. "Hmmm, wonder where mom is...Oh, here's a note." Frank picked up a piece of paper from the kitchen table, "Frank, I've gone shopping, will be home soon. Love mom." he read as he walked to his bedroom. "Well Measha, maybe we won't have to wait till bed time." He stated as he opened his belt pouch, removing the small plushie and placing her on his shoulder. Frank kicked off his shoes and then his pants before laying down onto his bed. He placed Measha on his chest and looked into her eyes, Measha moved a little closer and licked his lips, know what he had in mind. Frank kissed her nose and pulled back his underwear to reveal him shaft to the warm sun light which shown through the window. Measha turned to crawl down to his stomach but, was intercepted along the way. Frank took hold of her and lifted her tail, rubbing along the base with his thumb, "If only we could." he whispered and then let her go. Measha turned her head to look at him for a moment and them continued down his body until she reached the bottom of his stomach. Once there, she began to lick the head of his member, her small pink tongue working over it, leaving the slight shine of moisture in the sun light. Frank stroked her soft fur as she worked, enjoying both her actions and the feeling of her fur against him. Measha dipped her tongue through frank's tiny slit as to taste the inside of his prick, the sudden intrusion making him flinch. Measha looked back at him and began flicking her tail from side to side, tickling Frank's belly while she turned back to continue licking. She was definitely having the desired affect as Frank's muscles tensed and he trusted up against her instinctively. "Oh, you know what I like..." he moaned as he stroked her back, running his fingers through her silky fur. Frank reached down with his other hand, taking hold of his swollen shaft and began stroking as Measha continued to lick. Their combined efforts quickly brought Frank to orgasm which exploded for most unexpectedly, With Measha managing to catch most of the load in her mouth but, some spilled forth, getting on both her and Frank. Frank stroked a bit more and then rubbed Measha's back as she proceeded to clean up the spillage. "She sure loves that stuff..." He thought to himself as he caressed his plushie lover. When she finished, Measha turned around and crawled up onto Frakn's chest where the two locked eyes for a moment. Frank smiled and wiped a bit of cum from her chin which she then licked from his finger, "Measha, how could I ever live without you?" Frank lifted Measha and kissed her lightly on the nose, placing her back on his chest and pulling the blanket over the two of them. --------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure what got me doing this story, I was laying on the couch and thought of the tongue in the ear bit and then had to go write. Well, I guess this is starting to be a regular series so, look forward to the future adventures in love with Frank and Measha, maybe.