To love a virgin "Part 1" (c) 1998 by Killjoy The sun was just beginning to vanish beyond the horizon as the small band of traveling adventurers passed through the Forrest of Nod, rumored home of thieves and highway men. "Keep thee close to me Demeanja, I'll see to your safety." Bregna said with a smile. "I shall come to no harm as long as I am so quick a blade." Demeanja replied as she waved her short sword about. The two laughed for a moment until Ragnar, the groups ranger, quieted them. "These woods be filled with the stuff of nightmares and yet you two jest..." "I be not afraid." Demeanja said, holding her sword aloft. "Nor I." Bregna pulled forth his battle axe, "I welcome a good battle." "Well, then the gods have granted your wish for we are surrounded." Brundcer whispered, his keen elven senses detecting the sound of foot fall in the distance. "I too hear them..." Demeanja replied, her lupine ears moved, scanning her surroundings. "Let them come, for I am ready." Bregna yelled as the group prepared for battle, forming a circle back to back. They did not have to wait long as goblins began to flood into the trail from all sides, screaming out battle cries as they rushed toward the group. "May Modi give me might!" Bregna yelled as he met the first wave, his battle axe ending the lives of several goblins in one swing. "To Hades I send thee!" Ragnar cried as he and Brundcer joined the fight, their blades cleaving into the hoard which assaulted them. "Hatoo phinoty!" Demeanja yelled as she pointed an open hand at the advancing goblins coming down the trail from the other side, letting loose a wave of fire which set them ablaze, rolling in agony as they were consumed. "Your sorcery is always a marvel." Ragnar called to Demeanja as his sword sank into a goblin. "Tis no replacement for cold steel." Brundcer said as he fell another, sending its head rolling across the ground. The battle continued to rage on as wave after wave of goblin foot soldiers swarmed upon the travelers, only to be cut asunder be flashing steel or burned to ashes with but a word and gesture of magic. As the goblins slowly thinned out, one of their archers decided to take a shot at Demeanja to remove the magic element from their ranks and possibly claim a victory in the end. The arrow was not as true as it's user's goal, only nicking Demeanja but, it was enough to cause her to cry out in pain. This was to be the goblin's last failure.... Upon hearing Demeanja cries, Bregna went berserk with rage, charging through the hoard with but one goal in mind, to reach the archer. The giant fighter broke through their ranks like the bow of a boat through a wave, leaving screams of pain and the dying in his wake. The goblin archer froze in fear, never had he seen a man so possessed. It was this hesitation which cost him his life, that moment of fear and indecision that was his undoing for at that moment, Bregna had passed through the last of the goblins and was now upon him. The archer's eyes widened as the vice like grip of Bregna's hand closed about his throat, choking out the air and snapping his neck in the process as his small body was shaken about like a toy in the berserker's fury. Nearly the whole battle field went silent as all turned in horror and awe. Bregna slammed the now dead archer against a tree, pinning his body with one massive hand and tearing off his arm with the other which was thrown aside and the began to disassemble the corpse. It was this site which finally caused the last of the goblins to abandon all hope of victory, not only had their numbers dwindled to barely 10 but, it was painfully obvious they had underestimated their foes with even their overwhelming numbers failing to turn the tide. "Flee!!!" One of them shouted and they all began to run, many dropping their weapons in the hopes of gaining more speed. It was less then a few seconds before none could be seen and the group gathered around Bregna to watch his act of vengeance play out to a close. "Should we try to stop him?" Demeanja questioned while clutching the small wound on her leg. "Nay, tis best to let the blood fever run out on its own." Ragnar replied and moved closer to her, "But, twas your suffering which caused his madness." "Mine?" Demeanja asked. "Yes, that is the archer who's arrow struck you." Ragnar pointed to her leg. "Tis but a light wound?" she replied. They all turned back to look at Bregna who was sitting in a pool of blood and torn flesh, breathing deeply and grunting. "Battle has always sickened me and Bregna's blood fever tis but the battle in its purest form." Demeanja said as she hugged Ragnar for comfort. "Yes but, it is the path we have chosen, the life of a adventurer tis not always a beautiful one." Ragnar replied and returned her embrace, diverting her sight from the carnage before them. "Brundcer, gather up what treasure you can find and let us be on our way, it will be dark soon." Ragnar said over Demeanja's shoulder, "Demeanja, we must tend to your wound." Demeanja and Ragnar walked over to a oak tree where Ragnar torn a strip from his green cloak and tied it tight about Demeanja's leg to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes, Brundcer approached them. "I have gathered what little money the goblins had. It should be enough to pay for tonight's lodgings." He said, holding out a small sack. "Then this slaughter was not without a purpose." Ragnar replied as he handed Brundcer his pack and sword. He lifted Demeanja into his arms and began walking, "Let us be off, the smell of death will bring out the denizens of the woods and I am to tired to battle further." With that, the group of travelers was on the move once more. ====================================================== Well, this is the first part of this series which may or may not become one of my regular stories. The next part will be a lot more yiffy but, I wanted to establish the characters and have a bit of action to boot.