War is FURRY hell (part 2) (c)1997 by KillJoy Mark continued his journey towards the elusive out post which he was so sure lay in this direction, at least that's what he kept telling himself, forcing him onward. "Wish I was back in that village.", he thought as his stomach grumbled, nagging at him for nourishment. The memories of the Mong girl filled his head, almost driving out his hunger. "She was some thing, a guy could do worse...", Mark drew her figure in the air with his hands. As he walked, a noise from up ahead startled him. He froze, ears scanning for sound, searching for the unseen threat. The noise continued to get closer and louder, what ever it was, it wasn't trying to conceal its location. Mark hid behind a tree, knife at the ready. After a few seconds, the brush parted and a old Mong atop a horse wandered through. He was clothed in a green robe and carried a small pack over one shoulder. "That old buzzard must have food on him.", Mark climbs to a high branch and waited for the traveler to pass below before springing down upon him. Mark's assault not only knocked the Mong to the ground but, the horse fell as well, crushing the old man's leg under its weight. The horse cried out and struggled to reclaim its footing, raising and rushing off. The old man was screaming and clenching his leg in agony, blood began to show through his leggings. Mark thought of simply grabbing the pack and running but, he felt a little for the Mong's plight, knowing that he could never make it to a village with his leg like that. Mark move in quickly, pulling the old man's head back and slitting his throat, blood spurted out and the Mong chocked and bubbled, finally falling back and becoming still. This was the first life Mark had ever taken with his bare hands, he'd shot at a few Mong in the distance but, had never seen one die in this manner. He was sickened by his actions but, knew it had to be done at the same time. The military said they would teach him to act before thinking and it was this combat training which had taken over. Mark gathered the pack and turned to look in the direction the horse had run, it had stopped just a little way off and he know his trip would be much easier if he didn't have to walk so much. Mark approached the animal slowly, never taking his eyes off its eyes, which stared back at him. Mark reached out and touched the horse, who stepped away slightly, not knowing what Mark had intended and still scared from the attack. Mark spoke soothing words and pet its soft neck, gain its trust slowly. After a short introduction, mostly Mark talking to himself, expecting the horse to understand, he mounted the beast and turned it around. He had a little trouble motivating her to move as he had never ridden a horse before and only knew what he had seen on television. As the two trotted past the scene of the kill, Mark felt a chill creep up his spine, the army had made him a killing machine and he didn't know how he would cope. "It was a rush.", he admitted to himself, trying to break the pain in his gut. Mark found it hard to think of any thing else are he rode, only the freedom ridding gave broke his guilt, he'd been on his feet for so long. As night fell, Mark hung loose in the saddle, almost falling out because he fell asleep occasionally. "Well, honey, this is where we sleep tonight", he jested as he stroked the horses long mane. He tied her to a tree and laid down next to her. The horse lowered her nose to his face, sniffing at him, her breath blowing out and through his facial fur. Mark scratched her chin and reclined against the tree, preparing to sleep. The woods were hot and muggy that night, so Mark opened his shirt, trying to keep cool. The hot season was nearing and the weather had changed, raining often and making it uncomfortable due to the humidity. Mark had just drifted off when something tickled his belly, the mare had begun sniffing him again and was now nudging at his stomach. She pushed her nose into his loose shirt, opening it more, running her nose across his fur. "I see your not going to let me sleep are you.", Mark whispered. The mare snorted at him and stepped back, raising her tail and letting loose a shower of urine which splashed as it struck the ground. Mark's keen nose picked up the musky odder and snapped him out of his near slumber again. The smell was strong and Mark thought it best if he moved to another spot before returning to sleep. As he began to raise, the mare turned her rear to him, tail still held high. The mare's mound glistened in the moon light, the muscles pulsed a little, almost a winking motion. Mark stood there, puzzled by her actions, "I admit I've never see a horse up close before but, I think she's trying to get my attention." Mark moved closer to her and began to pet her side, the mare whinnied and turned once more, offering her rear to him. "Maybe she's in heat? Who could resist a stud like me?!", Mark flattered himself. The mares mound began pulsing again, "What the hell.", Mark thought as he reached out and touched the moist lips. They were very warm to the touch and the skin was smooth. Mark rubbed her mound, feeling the muscles pushing back at his hand. Mark began to lower his muzzle to her, intent on tasting the juices who musky odder filled his nose but, he stopped, repulsed by what he had been doing. "Now this is getting a little for out of hand.", he thought, turning and leaning against the tree, "What was I thinking?" The mare turned and began nosing at him again, pushing at his groin, stirring the member concealed there. Mark tried to ignore her, figuring she'd either get tired or realize he din't want what she did and stop bothering him. Mark thought wrong and the mare became more insistent, nudging and pushing. Mark had to admit, this was the first female any thing which had been this persistent in sexual advances toward him. "Your not going to stop are you?", Mark questioned. The mare looked deep into his eyes and Mark found his answer. "All right, I'll do it but, I'm not going to enjoy it.", Mark protested as he stood back up. The mare once again turned to offer herself to him. Mark's hand approached the trembling mound once more, his eyes closed slightly as he poked at it with his fingers which slid in easily. Mark found that she was loose enough to take his entire hand, pushing back against his efforts. As mark began to loosen up, he noticed that he was becoming aroused, again slightly disgusted by the idea. He pulled his pants open, allowing his sheath to hang out slightly, the tip of his shaft emerging into the night air. Mark began to stroke himself with his free hand, thrusting involuntarily at his hand. "Boy could I go for that little Mong girl now.", he stated and both arms worked. His arm drove deeper into the mare then before, as he has almost forgotten what he was doing. Her legs braced against him efforts and the walls of her mound pulsated, rubbing against his furry arm. Mark's erection grew and he massaged, working the growing knot with his fingers. Mark finally turned to look at the mound he had been pleasuring, finding himself now immersed up to his elbow. His paused for a moment, thinking about what he was doing, it still bothered him some but, the mare's grunts and whinnies spurred him back into action. Mark's shaft was fully exposed and swollen, small trickle of precum ran from the tip. He could feel the beginning of his orgasm as his body began to lock up, every muscle stiffening. His arm instinctively kept stroking, causing him to discharge his load which sprayed wildly, some of which landed on his equine lovers back legs. Mark was spent, he pulled his arm free and rested against the base of the tree. The mare lowered her head to him, giving his still throbbing member a nuzzle and quick lick. Mark looked deep into her eyes again and asked, "Was it good for you?" -------------------------------------- This one was inspired by a nature program on TLC. I thought I'd try blending furry and zoo together and see what people thought.